God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2051: The last order before four revolutions!

It seemed that Jiang Fan was so frank, and Nangong Jinghai was slightly startled.

But he immediately smiled gently:

"Why would Mr. Jiang doubt me?"

"Because a person once shot me, and the other person's hand is wearing your unique jade finger!"

Nangong Jinghai pondered for a moment:

"It's just that?"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly changed:

"Senior, these ten fingers can never be copied by ordinary people. Isn't that enough? Could it be that Senior has never seen his fingers fail?"

Nangong Jinghai seemed startled, and then suddenly laughed:

"Mr. Jiang, if you and I meet you, I will know what's going on."

He paused, then said:

"But if this is the case, then I do have a reason to be suspected. If this is the case, you and I will check it out separately."

Jiang Fan frowned:

"Do you want to check the sky too?"

"Of course, the things in the hands of the hidden worldly giants are extremely important, and they are now out of the ordinary. If the other two are also taken away by the heavens, I don’t know how much trouble will be caused. As a result, unless the empty space is reborn, no one will be reborn. Take it!"

Jiang Fan's face changed:

"Do you know that Suspension?"

Nangong Jinghai smiled gently:

"Mr. Jiang, I have lived for so many years, so I should know something that others don't know, right?"


Looking at the hung up call, Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Nangong Jinghai..."

This person is really weird, what he said before, but if he hears it by another person, he is afraid that his emotions will change.

But this person's breathing was steady from beginning to end.

How could he be so peaceful if he weren't the one asked by heaven.

But if he is said to be the person asked by God, isn't he revealing his identity?

In other words, I didn't try anything out.

Tianding has ten extremes, and it is really harder to deal with one by one!

Even Lin Buhui, who was dumbfounded, didn't seem to be so innocent.

Jiang Fan thought about it silently, and suddenly smiled:

"Also, the nine parties dominate this line, so let Nangong Jinghai check it out. I have more than this clue!"

He washed, and finally walked out of the room.

At this moment Dylan had been waiting at the door, seeing Jiang Fan coming out, he suddenly bowed slightly:

"My lord, there is someone from the temple."

"Sanctuary? Haven't these guys been beaten enough? Why are they here again?"

Jiang Fan was startled.

"This time it's not the bishops, but just a few small characters. The leader is Danny, who seems to be the nephew of Bishop Demps."


Jiang Fan suddenly laughed:

"Come for trouble?"

"No, I'm here to apologize. I'm at the restaurant."

"Calculate his acquaintance, let's go, and eat together."

Jiang Fan said that he had walked towards the restaurant.

As he walked into the restaurant, Jiang Fan suddenly saw Danny whose face was bruised and swollen.

This product was deliberately bid with Jiang Fan when it was auctioned yesterday, but Jiang Fan was slapped in the face firmly. According to his identity, he could be cured by any magician, and it was kept like this. Obviously it was made for Jiang Fan. Look poor.

Coppola was with Danny at the moment.

Jiang Fan could ignore Danny, but Coppola still didn't dare to neglect.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Danny shuddered, then immediately piled up a smiling face, and bowed respectfully to Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't know that it was you yesterday, how offended it was."

"I don't know? Forget it, what are you doing here?"

Last night, Danny obviously recognized Jiang Fan, and then he bid maliciously, but it didn't matter.

Jiang Fan waved his hand and sat down directly at the dining table.

Danny took a look at Jiang Fan carefully, and saw that his complexion was good, then he smiled:

"My uncle knew about this and scolded me severely and asked me to come and apologize to Mr. Jiang early in the morning."

In fact, the matter was not as simple as what he said. After Demps knew about it, he directly beat him up!

Yesterday, the news that Jiang Fan and the Pope had dinner together made everyone in the Illuminati Council shocked. Such an honor, let alone a bishop, has never had the Big Three!

Although it is not clear how the Pope would favor Jiang Fan so much, everyone knows that Jiang Fan is definitely going to rise!

Except for the Big Three, people no longer think about how to trouble Jiang Fan, but how to praise him!

When Demps told the incident, Danny was also shocked, and immediately came over early in the morning to plead guilty.

As he spoke, he waved his hand hurriedly.

The priests of the temple who followed him immediately put a few boxes on the dining table.

Danny opened it in the same way, and it was full of valuable antiques.

"Mr. Jiang, please look at the face of my uncle, and please take it with me."

Jiang Fan glanced at it and nodded:

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back."


Danny didn't leave, but stopped talking.

Jiang Fan glanced at him:

"What else?"

Danny looked pleased:

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang will be baptized tomorrow. It was a busy day yesterday. I haven't got a good taste of the scenery of the city of seven hills, right? I grew up here. Why should I be a tour guide for Mr. Jiang and go around?"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and suddenly smiled and looked at Coppola:

"You didn't even say you want to take me out."

Coppola was also smiling:

"I'm not stupid after all."

When Danny heard the conversation between the two, his shoulders visibly trembled.

And the next moment, Jiang Fan had already coldly spoken to him:

"Mr. Danny, it's fake to go out and turn around. Are you afraid that I will stay here and give others a chance to please me?"

The news of having dinner with the Pope came out last night. The Illuminati Council wanted to please Jiang Fan’s people, fearing that there would be a long queue!

Today, there is definitely an endless stream of people who come to give gifts and make relationships!

It's fake that Danny wants to take Jiang Fan out, and it's real to stagger the other talents to please!

And really accompanied Jiang Fan to travel through the city of the seven hills, will definitely draw in the relationship, then if Jiang Fan wants to form his own power, the first thing he thinks of is afraid of himself, such a good thing, how can Uncle Demps's nephew be willing to fall into it On others' heads!

It's a pity not to mention Jiang Fan, even Coppola can see his purpose!

Danny's face pale in fright:

"Mr. Jiang, I, I..."

"Don't be clever in front of me in the future!"

Jiang Fan spoke coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Danny said, bowed quickly and was about to run away.

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"But it doesn't make sense to stay here, let's go, go out and go around!"


Danny was stunned!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Coppola:

"Keep all the gifts here, don't do it for nothing."


Coppola chuckled.


Time soon arrived in the afternoon, Jiang Fan was sitting in Danny's car, but his brows became deeper and deeper.

He was all making Danny walk around the holy city this morning.

In fact, it was fake when he came out. He just thought that the man who was chased by God should have arrived, and he didn't want to harm the Nicholas family.

It's just that the time has obviously exceeded the estimate, but the person from Tianwen has no shadow at all!

"This group of guys... should have guessed my purpose, but if you don't try to test it, you really can't bear it!"

Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and those who knew God wondered if they would not come.

But this is also good news. The Yu family is chasing Tianwen's affairs all over the world. It is estimated that it has spread throughout China. With the addition of Nangong Jinghai, Tianwen is equivalent to completely exposing and continuing to attack him. In fact, it has been It makes no sense.

In other words, he can finally return to China!

Jiang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

The last order is here!

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