"In the future, the earth, which has entered the era of great unification, will usher in a crazy coup."

"It took a man named Donald Modern for several years to seize control of most of the world in just 170 hours."

"The world is at stake, but the regular army still has a chance!"

"A weapon that has assembled the world's most cutting-edge technology is about to appear. As long as the samples and data are regained, it will be enough to turn the tide of war!"

"And this kind of weapon is called-a metal warhead!"

"Ding! Please give a piece of money to inspire fighting spirit for Mark and Tamar who are in deep siege!"

Damn it? !

World of Metal Slug!

Jiang Fan was taken aback.

"Ding! Accept this task, you have 30 minutes of preparation time, or you can choose to enter the reincarnation of the world at any time!"

The metal slug is the metal slug. Even Super Mario has been there. There is nothing strange in this world.

The most important thing now is to go to another world before entering the world of Metal Slug!

Jiang Fan previously guessed that the rank four mission was related to temperament, and based on the actual strength comparison, as well as the development of the world and the possibility of helpers, he ruled out a large number of worlds, and finally set the goal in five worlds.

Among the five worlds, the most likely targets to kill are—

"Lord of the Rings" Sauron!

"X-Men" Apocalypse!

"Shen Bing Xuan Qi" Xuan Tian Evil Emperor!

"One Piece" Warring States Marshal or White Beard!

"Reaper" Ai Ran Soyousuke!

These six people correspond to six temperaments-cruelty, ambition, ruthlessness, loyalty, mind, and greed!

As for the most likely one-punch world, he was completely ruled out in the first round!

With the existence of his own disciple Saitama, it is impossible for the system to put itself there anyway!

And this is already the limit he has analyzed based on the few clues available, and it is absolutely impossible to go further, and these five worlds are only 50% certain!

"My current strength has reached a bottleneck, and I continue to obtain promotion items, but the effect is also limited."

"Since there is no way to go further... no matter which world it is, then things should always be useful!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and rushed out of the car and headed straight for Chinatown!

Danny in the car was dumbfounded, but before he could stay, Jiang Fan had completely disappeared from the horizon!

Quickly find a restaurant, Jiang Fan directly opened the way for money:

"One is deep fried, and then another spicy fried belly, fast!"

Seeing the stack of banknotes that Jiang Fan dropped, the boss was directly excited!

In less than 20 minutes, the deep-fried Zhiyue and Spicy Sauteed Belly have all been packaged!

Jiang Fan stuffed the two takeaways into his backpack and went straight into the bathroom!

Immediately afterwards, he directly took out the heart teleportation card!


"Target world-Legend of the Sword and Fairy, ten days after the last meal delivery!"

"Ding! Time positioning..."

"Ding! Location is positioning..."

"Ding! Positioning succeeded! Reincarnation of Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!"

Following Jiang Fan's selection of time nodes and characters, the next moment, a white light flashed, and he had disappeared without a trace!


Jiang Fan appeared again, already in a dense forest.

At this moment, the moonlight is dim, and the dense forest is even more misty, full of a humid and rancid smell.

Jiang Fan rubbed his nose and suddenly rose into the air.

Following him flying more than a hundred meters, he finally saw the sights nearby.

Here is a dense forest near the swamp, where the two intersect, there are also large tracts of tombs scattered around.

And in a very remote place, there is a faintly lit town.

Jiang Fan flipped his wrist and took out the compass.

However, this time, Jiang Fan did not pre-position, but activated the first function of this item: selection!

Choice: When the host enters the world, he can choose one of the options including causality, experience, props, skills, descent, equipment, and special items, and the compass will give you the exact method!

Tip: This feature can be used by the host every time a level is increased, but the items obtained must not exceed the legendary level!


In an instant, there was a sudden flash of light on the compass, and then directly in front of Jiang Fan, a roulette phantom appeared!

The phantom is divided into four options, namely equipment, props, skills, and special items.

This feature was tried by Jiang Fan in Dragon Ball World as early as in Dragon Ball World. The world is different and the choices given are different. For example, Dragon Ball World has no equipment, but the blood is given, but the Fairy Sword World is just the opposite.

Jiang Fan chose the item item without hesitation.

In an instant, countless item names were wiped down like a torrential rain!

Jiang Fan stared at the page, and then suddenly dropped a point in it!


The projection suddenly brightened, and then the picture turned into a chubby little bug.

Host current option: Puppet Worm

How to obtain:

1Choose to trade with Elder Shi, or kill him.

2Choose to trade with Saint Baimiao, or kill him.

3 Choose to trick Anu.


Jiang Fan was a little confused.

Good guy, almost everything is either dealt with or killed. Only the column of Anu is a trick!

However, it is not difficult to obtain the puppet insects, which made Jiang Fan breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, think about it, there are many fairy sword items, not to mention the top spirit orbs, even the resurrection items, let alone the low-grade puppet worms, compared with those things, this puppet worm is really not too good. thing!

"Anu...the undeveloped little girl, forget it."

"Holy Aunt, this old lady is afraid that it will be difficult to deal with. Although the risk is proportional to the return, the battle is imminent, which is not appropriate."

"The strength of the remaining people is too low, even if the puppet bug is exposed, it will be bad if it is not useful..."

"Elder Shi! It's you!"

Jiang Fan smiled, the needle on the north arrow turned abruptly, pointing straight to the south!

"Still to the south? Is it just starting out?"

Jiang Fan's expression moved, but then he gave a gloomy smile:

"That's just right, let you go up and up!"

Putting away the compass, as a gust of wind blows, Jiang Fan is nowhere to be seen!

At this moment, in the small town dozens of miles away from Jiang Fan.

In an inn, a few men with kerchiefs wrapped around their heads, earrings, and hips with knives gathered in a room.

And the one headed by these people is a one-eyed old man.

The old man wore a red robe, white temples and white beards. Although he was wearing an eye patch, his face was extremely solemn, full of the majesty of a superior.

What's even more shocking is that the old man's aura is very fierce, just like a steel knife out of its sheath.

The men dressed up as Heimiao are obviously masters, but in front of this old man, they were suppressed by the momentum and couldn't raise their heads!

This old man is exactly Jiang Fan's target person, and he is also the elder of the moon worshipper, and the elder Shi!

A subordinate opens:

"Elder, according to the steps, we will be able to leave Miao territory tomorrow."


Elder Shi nodded, and at the same time spoke in a deep voice:

"Any news from the princess?"

Another subordinate takes a step forward:

"Elder, there was a report from the subordinates before. Our team looking for the princess found the princess's traces near Yuhang, but none of them were spared when they met a master."


Elder Shi frowned:

"Do you know who did it?"

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