God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2060: Turn four turns! Subsidiary task!



"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the rebel colonel officer and successfully earning 500 karma points!"

As the system prompt sounded, all the rebels had been wiped out by Jiang Fan!

Mark and Tamar looked dull.

Too fierce, too fierce!

This takeaway is invincible!

If he did, it would be a breeze to regain the Metal Slug!


The rebels can be completely emptied directly!

"Jiang Fan! Are you interested in joining our Resistance Army?"

"We are well paid, and there are also female secretaries who have changed jobs!"

"You can do something with the secretary, nothing to do... ahem!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"I'm just a takeaway, I'm not interested in other jobs!"

"That's a shame."

The two looked a pity.

"Well, if you have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway again, two people, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand.

With a white light shed, he has disappeared!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 186645 causality points!"

180,000 causal points, great!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the gratitude of Mark and Tamar-the universal magazine!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the gratitude of Mark and Tamar-Metal Slug SV-001!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 20!"

As the system prompt sounded, Jiang Fan's personal attribute level has been directly changed from 19 to 20!

It’s just that I’ve never had a job transfer mission, I just have a rank, but I don’t have the corresponding strength!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 20!"

"Ding! System reminder: When the host completes the fourth job transfer task, he will win an epic lottery!"

"Ding! System reminder: When the host completes the fourth job transfer task, the exclusive world function will be activated!"

"Ding! Attention, the host, the fourth job transfer mission has begun!"

finally come!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and stared at the prompt window in front of him!

"Ding! This mission-enter the world of "X-Men"! Kill the king of mutants, Apocalypse, En Shabanur! Get the job-changing item-the soul of the king!"

"From now on, you will have forty-eight hours of preparation time!"

"If the preparation time is over and the world is still not opened, the difficulty of the mission will rise by one level every more than one hour!"

"If you haven't entered the world within 72 hours, you will be deemed to have given up your qualification as a'Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms'!"

"Apocalypse! It really is you!"

An excited smile was raised at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth.

In the deduction, the probability of facing the apocalypse is the highest!

As for this BOSS, he has already figured out how to deal with it. As long as he kills Professor X first, Apocalypse is not a concern!

What's more, the puppet worm in his hand can be used to control Qin Ge Lei and make a hidden blow to Apocalypse!

come on!

Jiang Fan is full of fighting spirit!

But at this moment!


In the space, a small electric current suddenly sounded.


"Ding! The system prompts! As the host knew the information about the fourth transfer task in advance, the task has changed!"

Task change? !

Jiang Fan's face changed directly!

"Ding! The fourth job transfer task is re-released!"

"Ding! Selecting the mission world..."

"Ding! The choice is over!"

"Ding! This mission-enter the world of "Reaper"! Kill the rebellious Gotei 13th team fifth division captain, the king of the virtual circle, Ai Ran Soyousuke! Get the transfer item-the soul of greed!"


Jiang Fan suddenly shouted angrily!

Although it is possible for Aizen to appear in the previous deduction, it is the least likely!

According to the world view, Ai Ran's strength is definitely the strongest among the four ranks!

But this is not over yet!

"Ding! Given that the host has detected the transfer information in advance, the auxiliary task is being generated..."

There are subsidiary tasks?

Jiang Fan's eyes widened.

And the next moment!

"Ding! A subsidiary mission is generated! Kill the Ten Blades of the Virtual Circle!"

"Ding! System reminder! If there are ten blades beheaded by the **** of death in advance, the reward for transfer will be reduced by 10% for each death!"

"If all the ten blades are killed by the **** of death, the job transfer reward will disappear!"

"You can simply obliterate Lao Tzu!!"

Jiang Fan is completely angry!

An Airan is scary enough, if you add ten blades, this trip is simply a life of nine deaths!

You must know that among the ten blades, whether it is Ulchiola or Skeleton Great, they are definitely too strong to exist!

And this time the battlefield must be during the virtual circle battle, the original purpose of those gods of death is to cut the emptiness!

In other words, if you want to kill Ten Blades, your opponent will not only have Ten Blades, but also Death!

There's even that guy who forced Kurosaki Ichigo!

It can be said that the task difficulty of the first three turns may not be as great this time!

"System! Fuck you! Four turns of information, didn't you take the initiative to tell me?"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

However, the sound of the system is extremely cold, which is quite different from before!

"Ding! The system has already reminded you that if you know the information of the fourth revolution in advance, it is likely to cause causal changes and uncontrollable factors!"

Jiang Fan looked stagnant:

"Did you make a mistake? I just got a job transfer task in the world I have experienced, such a spam message!"

"Ding! To get is to get, the host's analytical ability is extremely powerful, such a piece of information can already deduct a lot of things, and there should be no interfering factors in the transfer task!"

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched:

"You are so cruel!"

"Ding! Anger is useless, please concentrate on dealing with the fourth job transfer task!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath.

The system is right. Now that it’s done, it’s useless to think about it, Aizen...

Jiang Fan took a deep breath again, closed his eyes, and finally calmed down.

In the first three revolutions, which one is not a dying for life?

This time, I may not have lost!

The matter is human, and if it is a virtual world war, it is not without the possibility of planning.

What's more, even if there is an accident, he still has something to do!

Jiang Fan's breathing became slower and slower, but after a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes!

"System! Every time you change jobs, your emotions seem to be different?"

"Ding! The grade of the job transfer task is set to the highest level, and there is no slight difference. During the job transfer, the system will automatically deprive any emotions!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Understood, then you can take a good look!"

Jiang Fan said, already looking at the two rewards this time.

【Universal Magazine】: This magazine is suitable for any firearm.

Remarks: Insert the magazine into the gun, you can switch to any mode such as heavy machine gun, rocket launcher, shotgun, fire gun, grenade, individual laser gun, etc. according to the host's wishes.

If it was before the tenth level, or even before the fifteenth level, this thing was good, but now it is not very useful.

[Metal Slug SV-001]: Offensive vehicle!

Grade: Silver

Level requirement: 5

Destructive power: strong

Weapon load: heavy artillery, heavy machine gun!

Special attributes: the moment the chariot is summoned, the chariot cannot be destroyed!

Remarks: This is the essence of the entire world of metal warheads, with powerful firepower and extremely high mobility!

It's nothing more... Huh?

Can't be destroyed at the moment of summoning?

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