God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2061: Opponent simulation!

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, put away the two props, and left the system space directly.

There are still forty-eight hours before the deadline for the transfer. This time must not be wasted.

Walking out of the hotel, Jiang Fan took out his cell phone and called Coppola.

"Mr. Jiang?"

"Get me a copy of the original comic of "Reaper"."


"Do it now!"

"Yes, I'll get someone to find it right away!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan had already soared into the sky and went straight to Nicholas Manor!

Half an hour later, Jiang Fan had already arrived at Coppola's study, and it was filled with all the materials related to "Reaper".

Jiang Fan asked everyone to leave, but he flipped through his eyes quickly.

Not knowing how long it took, Jiang Fan finally closed the book and rubbed his face vigorously.

At this moment, his face is no longer expressionless, only the indifference of a machine is left!

"First of all, time."

"The system pursues fair job transfer, so since I want to kill Ten Blades, it is impossible for me to fall into a deadlock in the first place."

"So time, it must be before the battle between Ten Blade and Kurosaki Ichigo and others!"

"This node is most likely that they have just reached the virtual circle."

"Next is the battlefield."

"According to the original work, the battlefield is divided into two sections. The first three blades follow Aizen to the present world. If I stay and kill Ulchiola and others, I will be trapped in the virtual circle and wait until Neli Cocoon reopens the channel. For a while, accidents are likely to happen in this world."

"Are you going to make a choice?"

"...No, the original work is just a reference. With the addition of an uncertain factor like me, the direction may not be the same in the later stage. Or, what if I dominate the battlefield?"

"Speaking of which, that item might be of great use..."

"Next is the opponent."

Jiang Fan drew three circles on the white paper with a pen.

"Opponents, there are three parties."

"Void, Reaper, Masked Legion."

"The latter two have the same goals, but they can be used a little... But the more people there are, the more variables, will the system really allow this to happen?"

"What's more, Kurosaki Ichigo's strength may not be... I'm afraid there will be an accident!"

"Finally, Aizen..."

Jiang Fan's eyes were getting colder and colder.

at this time!


The door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Jiang Fan frowned:

"What's up?"

Dylan's voice resounded outside the door:

"My lord, here comes the Pope."


Jiang Fan looked out the window, only to realize that the moon was already in the sky.

He walked out of the study, and Mike at the end of the corridor greeted him immediately:

"Mr. Jiang, according to what I said before, I will take you to the Holy City to rest, and you can directly participate in the baptism ceremony tomorrow morning."

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Not tonight, I will be there tomorrow morning."

Mike was taken aback.

"Mr. Jiang, Your Majesty the Pope..."

Jiang Fan's tone became colder:

"Say, I'm not going anywhere tonight!"


Mike panicked.

If Jiang Fan doesn't go to the holy city tonight, what will be the face of the entire Guangming Council if something changes tomorrow morning, which delays the baptism!

But just watching Jiang Fanrong add himself, how can he move!

"Mr. Jiang, your majesty will baptize you personally. This has never happened since your majesty took control of the parliament. Such a grand event, please..."

Jiang Fan glanced at him coldly, and couldn't say anything behind him.

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold and shocking. He had a hunch that he was afraid that the pope would come, and he might not be able to please Jiang Fan!

"Yes, I understand."

Mike spoke softly.

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Come pick me up tomorrow, it won't be delayed."


Jiang Fan waved his hand, and Mike left quickly.

Dylan frowned:

"My lord, you are so firm in your refusal. If it arouses the pope's unhappiness, I am afraid it will be troublesome in the future!"

"never mind."

Jiang Fan said coldly:

"If you can't think of a countermeasure tonight, how can there be any future!"

Dylan was taken aback.

And Jiang Fan has reentered the study.

"System! Enable opponent simulation function!"

The opponent simulation function is a reward for the task after the third revolution. Before that, Jiang Fan had never used it!

Opponent simulation function: After activation, an independent space will be automatically generated. In this space, the host can generate all opponents (including the real world) encountered so far by spending a varying number of causal points!

The system will restore it with varying degrees of completeness based on the host's memory! The host itself can also adjust the opponent's various values ​​at will.

In this independent space, the host has the effect of avoiding death, no matter what kind of injury it receives, once it leaves the space, it will automatically recover! The props and other items used during this period will also be returned after leaving!


As Jiang Fan's voice fell, a dark door suddenly appeared in front of him.

Jiang Fan stepped in, and he had already arrived at a place similar to the system space, but it was pitch black and there was no light at all!

"Ding! Ask the host to choose a scene!"

"Hills! Daytime!"


A wave-like pattern suddenly appeared around, and the scene around Jiang Fan had turned into a hill with sparse trees and an extremely empty hill!

"Ding! Please choose the opponent character!"

"Aizan Soyousuke!"

"Ding! The host has not had an intersection with this character, it cannot be automatically generated!"

"It's okay, take Kurosaki Ichigo as a template and build on your own!"

"Ding! The construction is complete! Please select the values ​​for the host!"

"Based on me, adding the virtual flash ability, the energy is increased to level 21, the character is based on the storm Gonitz, adding the illusion creation ability, adding the transformation enhancement ability, adding..."

"Ding! Joining is complete! The character's current comprehensive ability rating-22!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly:

"On this basis, various attributes have increased by 30%!"

"Ding! Character generation is complete!"

"Ding! System prompt! After the character appears, 2000 causal points will be consumed every minute!"


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath:

"come on!"


Along with the flash of the system, a man in black with a long knife slung on his waist appeared opposite Jiang Fan.

The man looked at Jiang Fan coldly:

"Ant! Are you ready for death?"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked:


In the next moment, he was covered with golden light, and his breath was even more explosive, rising to the sky!


On a remote island.

The Lonely Master slowly opened his eyes.

It's just that in those eyes, the brilliance that was once has completely disappeared, instead it is full of insidiousness and cunning.

He is no longer the Master of the Lonely Peak, but was born on the basis of his body weight, the ancestor Qingyang!


Slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

The ancestor Qingyang moved his hands and feet slightly.

And along with his activities, the body that was severely injured before started to heal with an extremely terrifying speed!

It was almost just a breathing time. Not only was the whole body intact as before, even the white hair began to disappear, and the flesh and blood gradually filled, and finally turned into a mature man who was not in his thirties!


Old Ancestor Qingyang let out a deep, weird smile.

"It feels... so wonderful!"

"Although it is still insufficient, it is enough to give full play to the old man's 30% real strength!"

"With 30% strength, I have been able to do a lot of things!"

While talking, the ancestor Qingyang's eyes had already looked towards the direction of the city of seven hills!

With a gloomy smile at the corner of his mouth, he was about to step forward, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something, and suddenly raised his head and looked into the air!

There was a ripple in the space, and then, a man walked out of thin air!

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