As Jiang Fan said, he slowly moved his right arm.

A group of Da Xu all laughed!

"Hey hey, does this kid seem to want to do something with us?"

"Tsk tusk, it's naive!"

"He must treat us as actors in costumes, right?"

"Humans are the most ignorant animals!"

A group of big imaginary laughed.

And Jiang Fan finally finished moving his arm, and immediately afterwards, he suddenly took a deep breath.


Suddenly, Jiang Fan suddenly appeared on his body, like the sound of some kind of lock being broken!



Jiang Fan suddenly roared, and his right fist broke through the sound barrier in an instant, with a deafening explosion, like a star falling, heavily bombarding the void in front of him!


In an instant, in all the unbelievable eyes, the void in front of Jiang Fan suddenly collapsed, and there was a current rushing in the same place, a space hole the size of a basketball!

Shattered Void! !

Jiang Fan's punch actually shattered a small piece of void in the void!

Even through this hole, one can vaguely see the blurry city on the opposite side!

Jiang Fan's punch not only smashed the void, but also almost opened the portal of the void to the world!

This is the shattered void that can only be reached after the twentieth level, reaching the heaven and human realm, and even needing to master some subtle tricks!

Obviously before the fourth round, his strength should have been solidified, but after the opponent's simulation, Jiang Fan's strength seemed to have improved again!

All Da Xu all stared at Jiang Fan blankly, his body even more as if he had been petrified, completely stiff in place.

As long as you reach the lowest level of Kilian Daxu, you can pass the secret method, cross the space barriers, and reach the present world!

However, that is through the secret method!

But this human being, what did he do?

He just used brute force to hit a void channel!

And seeing that his face is not flushed or breathless, he obviously didn't use his full strength at all!


I actually want to eat him!

How could such a monster appear in the virtual circle!

Who can come and explain!

Almost all Daxu is going crazy!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction:

"Sure enough, as expected, different from the real world, the three-dimensional barriers between the virtual world, the human world, and the corpse soul world are not as strong as imagined."

"The first good news is finally here, so next..."

Jiang Fan suddenly took out the compass:

"Positioning, Kuchiki Rukia!"


The north arrow swayed for a while, never pointing out the exact direction.

However, Jiang Fan smiled:

"Very good, it seems that they have not yet come to the virtual circle, it is a perfect start!"

For Jiang Fan, the later Death will appear, the better!

If they do not come, it means that there are fewer variables!

The more likely it is to kill Ten Blades by yourself!

Putting away the compass satisfactorily, Jiang Fan looked up, but suddenly saw a group of Da Xu surrounding him.

Jiang Fan frowned suddenly:

"Huh? You guys..."


"He looked over! Looked over!!"


"Can't see me, can't see me!"

The leading Akukas-class Daxu knelt with a "plop"!

"Big brother! I, we just passed by, passed by!"


"You are busy with you, we have to go home to do our homework!"


Jiang Fan glanced at them coldly, and then pointed at the leader Yachukas:

"You stay, the rest, get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

In the blink of an eye, a group of vain and scattered all completely!

That Yachukas was about to cry:

"Big Brother, I, I..."

"what's your name?"

"Ah, Archimedes."

"Do you know where the Xuye Palace is?"


"Very well, from now on, you will be my mount, take me to the Xuye Palace!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had fallen on Archimedes's shoulders and sat down.

Not bad, such a big guy, it's just perfect to be a mount!

Archimedes pleaded:

"Brother, it's not that I didn't take you there, and without the permission of the Xuye Palace, our kind of non-staff personnel would be killed once they entered!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Don't be afraid, I'll keep you okay! Or, I will kill you now and get another mount?"

Archimedes shivered:

"Brother, sit down, I'll set off right away!"

Although Archimedes is sturdy, his speed is not slow. To be precise, it is not slow. It is almost as if the Husky is at the meal point and rushing to the food bowl. The speed is almost about to take off.

Anyone with a personal nuclear bomb sitting on his shoulders, I'm afraid I can't wait to throw it out sooner, the better!

Jiang Fan was not idle either, and while recovering the slight discomfort in his right arm, he counted up his props.

Turn Four is different from any previous one. Once you enter the Void Night Palace, there is probably no time to rest, only endless battles, so it is as strong as Jiang Fan, and it didn't even consume this little physical strength to hurry!

Seeing Archimedes turning around a broken wall, at this moment Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"Turn left!"

"Huh? Brother, Xu Ye Palace is not in that direction..."

"I know, I'm going to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

Although he didn't have much contact with Jiang Fan, Archimedes discovered that Jiang Fan didn't seem to be a cruel guy, and he was a little bolder.

"A... little girl!"

The thief wave that Jiang Fan laughed.


Archimedes smiled knowingly and immediately turned left.

After running out for hundreds of miles in a row, two weird imaginaries suddenly appeared in the distance.

One of the heads is as big as a fight, while the other is skinny, and the two guys are dancing and dancing, seeming to be teasing something.

Archimedes ran closer, only to realize that the two virtuals were making a little girl happy.

The little girl was wearing a tattered green robe and a vain mask on her head, but the mask was actually cracked.

And it was her face that had the same scar as the mask.

It's just that this little girl is too cute, the hideous scars on her face, but out of thin air made her a little more charming.

"Hey! Get out of my grandfather!"

Archimedes roared directly!

However, Jiang Fan slapped his head:

"Speak down, I'm here to find her!"

Archimedes remembered what Jiang Fan had just said, and he was taken aback:

"Big brother, she is what you are looking for? This little thing doesn't seem to be of much use!"

"Hehe, then you are wrong, she is a big killer!"

As Jiang Fan said, the whole person had already risen into the air, and suddenly landed on the opposite side of the little girl!

"Nilu, how are you!"

Jiang Fan smiled brilliantly.

The two Xus around the little girl trembled and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief.

But the little girl Nilu was curious:

"Who are you? How do you know Nilu's name?"

This little girl lost her memory after being conspired, the 30th blade, the highest Vastod-class Daxu, Nellie!

Archimedes didn't know why, but he respected Jiang Fan——

Talent! The eldest brother went around such a big circle, unexpectedly came to abduct Loli!

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