Jiang Fan didn't know that Archimedes was full of nasty thoughts, and he abducted Nilu to his side, but he had planned it a long time ago.

This former thirtieth blade is extremely rare at Vastod's level, and among the current ten blades, only the top four are at this level!

There are so many benefits to bring her on!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"My name is Jiang Fan, and I am your best friend."

"best friend?"

Nilu tilted her head and looked at Jiang Fan, with a dazed face, but she immediately laughed:

"Then you play with me! Let's play hide and seek!"

"Of course, but I know a more fun place!"

"Huh? Where?"

"Xuye Palace!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the two weird virtual bodies around Nilu trembled, and they completely reacted!

The two abruptly stood in front of Nilu, all staring at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Who the **** are you! Neutra's lackey!"


Jiang Fan's smile was full of contempt:

"You have misunderstood, such a small role is not worthy of being a dog for me!"


The two looked at Jiang Fan incredulously.

The reason why Nilu became like this is because he was conspired by the fiftieth blade Neutra and the 80th blade Thrall Apollo.

The two of them were originally Nilu's subordinate officials, but Neutra had removed the virtual masks alive, and they had degenerated into what they are now.

So for Neutra, they absolutely hate it!

The classes in the virtual circle are distinct, and the inferior will never dare to be disrespectful to the superior. In other words, Jiang Fan's ability to say this is enough to prove that he is not from Neutra!

However, this guy is too arrogant!

Don Dochaka, whose head was as big as a fight, spoke first:

"Well, to be able to say this is enough to prove that you have nothing to do with Neutra, but no matter what you want to do, we don't want to go to the Palace of the Night, please leave!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I am not discussing with you."

My expression changed:

"Do you want to do it?"


Jiang Fan shook his head:

"That's not necessary. Every bit of my physical strength is precious now. It is really superfluous to waste it in this kind of place. What's more, Nilu will definitely go with me!"

"Hahahaha! What are you kidding?"

The two imaginary laughed.

However, a golden card appeared in Jiang Fan's hand!

This is exactly the reward given by his wife Dugu Jialuo when he delivered food to Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty!

[Women's Friends]: Jiang Fan is really a warm man!

Remarks: Using this item, any woman will trust you unconditionally!

"Use! Target-Nilu!"


A flash of light!

next moment!

"Brother Jiang Fan!"

Nilu suddenly pushed away Dondochaka and Pei Xie, jumped directly into Jiang Fan's arms, and wrapped his arms around his neck!

Several people were stunned!

Archimedes is completely imaginary!

Damn it!

Worthy of being a big brother!

When he moved his lips, he actually abducted this little loli!

What kind of trick is this?


Dondochaka and Paxie were directly panicked!

"Nillu! What are you doing! Come back soon!"

"do not want!"

Nilu clung to Jiang Fan's neck tightly:

"I want to be with Brother Jiang Fan!"


The two were stunned!

What the **** did this human being!

"Nilu! He is definitely not a good person! Come back soon!"

"You are not allowed to slander Brother Jiang Fan! He is my closest person!"

"What am I—"

The two imaginary faces were dumbfounded, and then glared at Jiang Fan at the same time:

"What the **** did you do to her!"

"I didn't do anything."

Jiang Fan looked innocent, but then he smiled:

"Nilu, shall I take you to the Xuye Palace?"

"Okay, okay! As long as you can be with Brother Jiang Fan, you can go anywhere!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Jiang Fan said that he had sprinted back on Archimedes' shoulders.

Archimedes was full of admiration at this moment, and without a word, he took Jiang Fan to the Xuye Palace.

Dondochaka and Pecher are completely panicked!

The two guys hurried to catch up:

"Jiang Fan! Are you going to kill Nilu?"

"Xu Ye Gong is Lan Ran's lair!"

"Our mortal enemy Neutra is also there!"

"If he sees Nilu, he will definitely kill her!"

Jiang Fan lowered his head and looked at the two men with panic faces:

"Don't ask me. Why do you want to take Nilu to the Xuye Palace, knowing that there is a lot of danger there?"

The two were taken aback:


"Simple, kill Thrall Apollo, kill Neutra, and even kill Aizen, to avenge your master!"

Archimedes shivered!

The whole emptiness almost didn't fall into the sand!

What's the special thing you say is that it's fine to kill Neutra, but you still want to kill Aizen?


That's the king of the virtual circle!

An incomprehensible existence!

Is this guy crazy?

Dondochaka and Pecher were also stunned.

After a long time:

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This is really the funniest joke I've ever heard!"

"Are you a human? It's so funny!"

"Okay, okay, thank you for making us happy, since you are joking, it doesn't matter!"

"Hmm, let Nilu play with you for a while!"

The two guys whose brains were obviously not good enough laughed, and their hostility to Jiang Fan disappeared!

Even Archimedes was relieved.

Ha ha!

It turned out to be a joke!

It scares me to death!

Let me just say, no one would be stupid enough to kill Aizen!

Or, according to the instructions of the eldest brother, a day trip outside the Xu Ye Palace is not bad, at least after going back, you can brag, saying that you have entered the Xu Ye Palace!

Jiang Fan didn't explain, just playing rock-paper-scissors with Nilu smiling.

Don't know how long it took, Archimedes suddenly stopped.

Just in front of his footsteps, a red line formed by a phantom appeared unexpectedly.

This red line does not have any attack power, but countless Daxu has already proved it with their lives. After the red line, it is the forbidden area of ​​the entire virtual circle!

"Brother, we are here."

Archimedes stopped at the edge of the red line and said solemnly.

Jiang Fan raised his head, but frowned slightly:

"This... is the Xuye Palace?"

Unlike the comics, the Xuye Palace in the comics is just a huge palace, but now behind the red line, the one on the edge of the horizon is a city!

A huge, pure white city!

Although the city does not have a wall, there are many buildings. In the center of the city, there is a palace straight into the sky!

That is Xuye Palace!

"finally reached…"

Jiang Fan slowly stood up from Archimedes's shoulders:

"go in!"


Archimedes was completely stunned:

"I, don't we just look at the periphery?"

Dondochaka and Pexie also looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

Jiang Fan chuckled:

"Did I say it?"

All of them are blindfolded!


Jiang Fan never said it!

This, this guy, actually really wants to enter the Xu Ye Palace!

However, being stared by Jiang Fan's eyes, Archimedes stepped out involuntarily!


As he crossed the red line with one foot and stepped into the range of the virtual night palace, in an instant, more than a dozen tyrannical and abnormal auras had suddenly risen!

At this moment, there was only one thought left in the minds of Archimedes—

That's it!

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