God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 208: I just broke my waist

Ma Sihai is dumbfounded!

Look dazed!

"You, you..."

"Want me to punch?"

Jiang Fan, look at Ma Sihai again!

Ma Sihai panicked!

In his eyes, there is all fear!

"No, no, I..."


Jiang Fan directly broke Ma Sihai's leg!


Ma Sihai's scream almost penetrated the sky in an instant!

All the **** were trembling with fright, but they didn't dare to look here!

"Woo...I was wrong! Let me go! Let me go! Gooo..."

Ma Sihai's painful tears and nose all flowed down!

However, Jiang Fan didn't show any mercy at all in his eyes!

"You, also said, let my student shed your flames?"

"No, no, don't..."

Ma Sihai's scared face turned blue!

But, the next moment!


Jiang Fan severely stepped on Ma Sihai's crotch!

Ma Sihai's eyes widened suddenly, and then his neck crooked!

A group of gangsters, sweating like rain for a moment!

too frightening!

Too cruel!

Simply inhumane!

Jiang Fan shook his neck lazily, and then suddenly kicked out Ma Sihai, who didn't know his life or death!


Ma Sihai flew upside down, smashed the French window behind him with one head, and fell directly from the fourth floor!


All the gangsters swallowed and spit! Everyone is scared, their faces are purple!

"You, all from upstairs, give it to me, jump down!"


Everyone was stunned!

"Damn! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

A **** suddenly jumped up, lifted his knife and slashed at Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan just dismissed it with a smile!

Turn back and throw a whip leg!


Half of his body is almost folded in half! The whole person was blasted out the window directly by the force of this kick!



The screams of the gangsters and the sound of falling to the ground completely shocked the courage of this group of people!

"no, do not want!"

"Run! Run!"

"Help! I don't want to die!"

"It's terrible! He is not a human being, he is a monster!"

A group of people rushed towards the door one after another!



The **** who rushed to the door first, was directly kicked back!

Surprisingly, Benguei!

"Guess Ben! Are you crazy? Get out of the way!"

"Get out! Otherwise, that lunatic will kill you too!"

A group of bullies, their eyes are red!

"Mr. Jiang didn't agree, you guys, can't go!"

Ban Guai said, very respectful, and bowed deeply to Jiang Fan!


A group of gangsters, look at Banchai, and then at Jiang Fan, only despair is left in their eyes!


Brother Long, kneel down to Jiang Fan first!

"Mr. Jiang, yes, sorry! Please, please, let us go!"

The rest of the gangsters took a look, and suddenly fell to their knees! One after another, kowtow begging!

"We, we are innocent!"

"All of this is Ma Sihai's idea!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We, we are just eating a meal!"

"Please! Let us go! We are just a bunch of craps!"

Bastards, all the heads are smashed! But Jiang Fan still had a plain face!

"Jump, or I will help you jump!"

The thugs are completely desperate!

There is no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the earth!

at last!

"Brothers! It's a death anyway! Fight!"

Brother Long looked savage and rushed towards Jiang Fan first!

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!



Downstairs of the Four Seas Company, the hurried crowd suddenly saw a strange scene!

Countless gangsters, almost as if fleeing, one by one, one after another, one after another, jumped down from the fourth floor!

It's like, behind them, there is an invisible urging demon!

It seems that whoever wants to jump a step late has only one dead end!

"Boom boom!"

The sound of the human body falling to the ground kept ringing!

However, what is shocking is that these broken bones and muscles are actually not screaming!

But here, a cry of excitement!

"Hahaha! I'm not dead! I'm still alive!"

A **** **** roared with excitement!

"Great! Great! It's just a broken waist!"

A bastard, crawling on the ground with his hands with difficulty, tears in his eyes!

"Fortunately! I just broke two legs!"

"What's that, I just broke one!"

All the bastards, regardless of the blood, vent their joy!

Passers-by are stunned!


Looking at this group of gangsters with a dull look!

Could it be that the stock market crashed again?

And upstairs, Jiang Fan, with a playful look, watching Ban Guai!

Banzai’s forehead is full of cold sweat!

The legs, even more so, shake like chaff!

It's so cruel!

This man, absolutely, is a devil!

Just now, he saw with his own eyes how Jiang Fan broke up Brother Long alive!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, please, please, forgive me..."

"Spare you? You revealed my identity to Ma Sihai, why did I spare you?"

"I, I am willing to be loyal to you forever!"

"What's the use of trash I want you?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Yes, I am a trash, but I am a disciple of Bayu, the king of Siam Muay Thai!"

"I have a lot of fellow students, and their strength is above me!"

"As long as you are willing to forgive me, they will be your help in the future!"

Jiang Fan's complexion moved slightly!

Finally nodded!

"Okay! I will spare you for the time being!"

"Many, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

For a moment, Ban Guai felt that almost all of his body was weakened!

"During this time, you go and follow Niu Xinghe first!"



Of the three classes!

The math teacher is in class with a look of horror!

Today's Class 3 is really weird!

Everyone listened to his lectures seriously!


Hong Lei raised his hand!


The math teacher knelt in shock!

"Don't! Don't hit me! Me, I'm leaving now!"


Hong Lei looked gloomy!

"I didn't understand the permutation and combination you just mentioned, so I'll say it again!"


Mathematics teacher, look dumbfounded!

But at this moment!

The phone in Hong Lei's pocket suddenly vibrated, and a news message popped up directly on it!

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the Los Angeles News!"

"At ten o'clock this morning, a company located on Kangxing Road, Tai'an District, had a shocking tragedy!"

"The company has a total of forty-six employees who have jumped from the company building!"

"Next, let's take a look at the scene!"

Hong Lei just looked at the scene and never looked away again!

Other students, out of curiosity, you also surrounded you!

"Fuck! Are these people crazy?"

"Nima! What's the situation?"

"What happened? How do you feel, what are they hiding?"

"Huh? That logo, isn't the Four Seas Company?"

Four Seas Company?

Fang Ting was taken aback!

Then, immediately, take out the phone!

"Teacher, it must be, teacher!"

Looking at the scene, Fang Ting burst into tears for an instant!

At this moment, in a tea room, an old man is also smiling, watching the news!

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