This old man was wearing a Tang suit, he was more than sixty years old, with a kind eyebrow, but everyone who knew his identity knew that this was just a disguise!

"Master Lu! Wu Yue is here!"

A middle-aged man walked to the old man and said softly!

This person is actually the one who dominates the underground city of Luocheng, Lu Zhenglong!

And the middle-aged man who talked to him was also a real big shot!

His name is Xu Chuan, who belongs to Lu Zhenglong, the number one confidant!

"Let him come over!"


After a while, Wu Yue walked in respectfully!

"Master Lu!"

"sit down!"


Wu Yue cautiously sat down opposite Lu Zhenglong, and immediately poured a cup of tea for Lu Zhenglong!

"Master Lu, thank you for your help!"


"Haha, if it wasn't for you to stop Jiang Fan before, then today, it was not Ma Sihai who fell from the stairs, but me!"

Wu Yue, look scared!

After reading the news, he knew that Jiang Fan was definitely the one who started it! This method is exactly the same as last time in Monopoly!

Ma Sihai, but the loan shark in Los Angeles!

Actually, being so confused was killed by Jiang Fan!

At that time, if he continued to shoot, he would end up like Ma Sihai!

Lu Zhenglong did not speak, but nodded in satisfaction!

"Master Lu, you're really insightful, but how did you know that Jiang Fan has such a great ability?"

Lu Zhenglong glanced at Wu Yue and shook his head!

Xu Chuan smiled slightly!

"This person is not as simple as you think!"

"Instead of a person, a family of billions worth of bankruptcy, reduced to a beggar-like existence, will be abandoning himself!"

"Even if you change your mood and struggle again, you can't do it in a short time!"

"But look at Jiang Fan, he has clearly survived the most difficult moment now! He is on the way to rise!"

"In such a short time, you can adjust your mentality to this point. This kind of mentality is simply unprecedented!"

"Furthermore, looking at his style of acting, he is so domineering, obviously, he has a great support! Such a person, do you think you offend?"

Wu Yue sweats like rain!

"Mr. Xu reminded me! I was so stupid at the time!"

"Don't blame you! How can ordinary people think of it?"

"The Jiang family was very popular back then, but now, I don't know how many people want to experience the pleasure of insulting the No. 1 young man in Los Angeles!"

"However, these people might not have imagined that they are just stepping stones for the re-emergence of the Jiang family!"

Xu Chuan has a sneer on his face!

"What Mr. Xu said!"

Wu Yue, nodded again and again!

"But, who would Jiang Fan's backing be?"

"It is said that at a reception, the eldest lady of the Qiu family and the heir of the Xia family were jealous for him. It seems that Jiang Fan's patron may be one of these two!"

Xu Chuan said!

"No! More than these two!"

Lu Zhenglong suddenly spoke!

"Jiang Fan's strength is extremely strong. It is said that he also helped Niu Xinghe defeat the Siamese masters. In this case, there must be a martial arts family behind him! This is his real success!"

Xu Chuan and Wu Yue, their eyes brightened at the same time!

"Master Lu Yingming!"

Lu Zhenglong nodded slightly with a hint of complacency on his face!

He, but the famous old rivers and lakes, no matter how deep Jiang Fan hides, don't want to hide it from him!

"Then Lord Lu, do we need to show him appropriately?"

"No! The Zhou family is so powerful that we can't afford to sin! Remind the subordinates that he just doesn't sin!"


Jiang Fan knew nothing about these three self-righteous idiots, he was rushing back to Lan Ying at this moment!

However, just after turning the street corner, he saw that at the school gate, Pangtai and his gang were stuck in there!

Jiang Fan is speechless!

Especially this kind of perseverance, even if you go to move bricks, you can definitely move out of the future! Why do you have to be a gangster?

I was wondering whether to have a showdown with Pangtai and the others, at this moment, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"On the land of America more than two hundred years ago, there lived a happy family. The children of this family had a great dream since they were young, that is, to cut down the cherry tree in front of the house!"

"Ding! Please give me an exciting spicy duck neck for the peanut stew who worked hard to chop the tree in my childhood!"

Peanut stew?


For the people of the mold country, he is the national dress, but for the Indians, he is indeed a tyrant!

It is from him that the Indians have been slaughtered for decades, almost dying of their race!

For this kind of livestock, Jiang Fan would not have any kindness!

As soon as the bicycle turned, Jiang Fan went straight to Zhou Heiya!

"Boss, ten spicy duck necks! Yes, super spicy! Spicy enough to burst hemorrhoids!"


The shop owner looked dumbfounded!

"Brother, what kind of guest, why do you make such a perverted request?"

"It's what a pervert wants!"

"Don't worry, brother! I promise to be spicy enough for him, and I doubt life!"

Soon, a portion of the spicy duck's neck was so spicy that Jiang Fan could sneeze the spicy duck neck, and the package was completed!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! It's about to enter-1743 AD!"


Jiang Fan appeared again, already, came to a dense plantation!

It is very wide, with corn, potatoes and other crops, and a little farther away, there is a large herd of cattle!

It's just that the workers are all scrawny black slaves!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, this era is exactly the time to raise slaves!

And farther away, there is a large-scale housing complex!

Seeing Jiang Fan who suddenly appeared, a group of black slaves were obviously startled!

"This, who is this?"

"That's weird? Black hair, yellow skin, is it an Indian?"

"It's not like! Indians don't wear such clothes!"

"Yes! Look at that fabric, it's more delicate than the master wears!"

A group of black slaves were talking quietly!

"Are peanuts stewed at home?"

Jiang Fan smiled and asked kindly!

"Ah! Are you looking for the master? He, he is out! But the master is at home!"

A black slave said, pointing at the house in the distance!

It was this so-called young master who was looking for!

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan smiled kindly, and suddenly he took out more than a dozen roast chickens and handed them to a group of black slaves!

This was when he was too edible, just in case, he put it in his backpack!

"This, is this roast chicken?"

"Oh my God! It smells so good!"

"I, I have only seen this thing at the master's table!"

A group of black slaves looked at the roast chicken eagerly, with anticipation in their eyes! However, no one dared to reach out for it!

"Take it to eat! What's wrong with you?"

"Dear Sir, I, we are slaves, no, the right to eat meat, this, such a good thing, we are not worthy of eating!"

One of the black slaves finally shrank and said!

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

This **** country!

"Eat with confidence! If something goes wrong, I will carry it for you!"

Jiang Fan is in full swing!

A group of black slaves trembled all over!

What a strong momentum, compared with him, the master is simply a pile of shit!

A group of black slaves hesitated, finally, took the roast chicken and started eating!

"Oh my God! I have never eaten such a delicious thing!"

"This, is this meat? It's too fragrant!"

"I can't imagine! Oh... I'm so happy!"

"Thanks to this esteemed gentleman! are our savior!"

A group of black slaves were moved and burst into tears while eating!

Only at this moment!

"A bunch of bastards! You, actually, dare to eat chicken!"

Especially PUBG Mobile!

Laozi sells your dog's head in a pot!

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