This thing is surprisingly the Yata Mirror (fake) he obtained in the world of the King of Fighters when he was in the third rank mission!

Yata Mirror (Imitation): This is an imitation of Yata Mirror, one of the three artifacts of the King of Fighters World!

Item level: Gold level+

Attribute: Re-engraved!

Re-engraving: When the host uses this item, it can record any gold-level strong image, and the recorded image will have 80% of the body's combat power!

Note: This item can record up to three strong players, but only one image strong can be summoned at the same time! When all three times are used, this item will completely disappear!


With a flash of light, a phantom suddenly floated out of Zomali's body and was directly sucked into the mirror!

And Jiang Fan took the Yata Mirror away, raising his hand and blasting out with a sword spirit!

The fiftieth blade Neutra, who has almost 20 levels of strength, can't hold Jiang Fan's sword aura, let alone Zomali, who has only the limit of 19th level!

Seeing the sword hit like a stream of light, Zomali didn't even have the qualifications to resist, so he could only wait to die!

However, seeing the sword aura was about to obliterate him, at this moment, a black aura suddenly appeared in front of Zomali, suddenly blocking the sword aura that Jiang Fan shot!

The invincible sword qi was surrounded by the black qi, and it disappeared completely!

It was Skeleton the Great, Balegang!

"Jiang Fan, you are too presumptuous!"

Balegan spoke coldly.

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Keep the useful ones, kill the useless ones, respected King Skeleton, isn't this also your specialty?"

When Balegang was still the king of the virtual circle, in order to subdue the emptiness in the virtual circle, the methods were much harsher!

Even the thirtieth blade Helibel was chased by his men!

Balegun nodded unexpectedly:

"Yes, but the difference between you and me is that I have enough strength!"

At this moment, Balegang finally let go of his breath!


As soon as Balegang let go of his breath, the Xu Ye Palace, which covers an area of ​​unknown geometry, suddenly trembled!

At the same time, the ground and walls of the main hall were densely covered with cracks, and even the gravel on the ground began to slowly float!

And in the surging of his breath, a dark skull phantom was faintly formed behind his back!

Just releasing the breath, Balegan almost destroyed the entire hall!

The Archimedes were almost out of control, their legs softened, and they knelt to the ground suddenly!

so horrible!

This is the strength of Skeleton King!

He has reached this level without ever returning to the edge!

Above the entire hall, the only thing that is not affected, except for Nilu, who has a look of fear, is Jiang Fan!

What is even more unexpected is that seeing Bairegon's strength so terrifying, Jiang Fan not only did not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, he looked happy and even laughed wildly!

"Hahaha! Good! Great! Just before returning to the blade, I actually reached the twentieth level! I didn't mistake you!"

Balegun's eyes twitched!

Jiang Fan's performance is too strange!

Even when Neutra was killed just now, this human being did not show Vastod's spiritual pressure, which shows that he has not reached this level at all!

But if you don't reach that point, facing yourself, no matter how strong it is!

How could he still laugh at this time?

And Jiang Fan was not only laughing, but even roaring suddenly, and he took the initiative to rush to Bairegang!

Balegun frowned, and suddenly raised his hand:

"Rotten flame!"


In front of Jiang Fan's eyes, a black flame flower suddenly bloomed!

This move is a starting move by Bailergang. Once the flowers are in full bloom, the layered petals will be like a whirlwind, completely covering the enemy!

And once the enemy is wrapped, the decadent power contained in the flame will erode everything in it!

Even the bursting energy of the enemy will be annihilated!

In the end, the enemy has to be trapped alive!

If you want to break this trick, you must either stay away from it at the beginning, or use your energy quickly to neutralize the flames of decay!

But if you choose the latter, Balegun's next attack will only make any opponent exhausted!

However, unexpectedly, Jiang Fan had no choice at all. At the moment this decadent flame appeared, he suddenly raised his hand and squeezed the death flower!

At this moment, even Balegang was stunned!

And Jiang Fan had already retreated suddenly, staring at the decaying flame in his hand!

The moment his right hand held the decayed flame, the flesh of his palm had already begun to decay and disappear, and in the blink of an eye, only the white and miserable bones were left!

And the bones are rapidly weathering into dust!

At the same time, Jiang Fan actually felt that his vitality was also losing at an unusually terrifying speed!

"Okay, this decadent power is really powerful!"

Jiang Fan laughed, and cut off his right hand with his backhand!

Balegun was completely blindfolded!

Is this guy a lunatic?

However, the next moment, his pupils shrank!

Jiang Fan's severed hand surrounded by the power of decay hadn't waited for it to land, and his severed wrist had already "poofed", and he stretched out a new right hand!

The ancestor tyrant lineage-cell control!

[Cell Control]: The host will master the power of the cell, and can quickly recover from any injuries including limbs, or make it reorganized according to the host's intentions!

For the current Jiang Fan, as long as he has sufficient energy and rebirth from a severed limb, it is not an injury at all!

The others were also stunned!

If it is replaced by Daxu, such an injury can only be healed by returning to the blade!

However, Jiang Fan, a human being, can actually regenerate so quickly!

Gently moving his new right hand, Jiang Fan was already looking greedily at Balegang:

"Go to the edge! Only in this state, you are not my opponent!"

Balegang was stunned, and suddenly laughed in a low voice:

"Are you kidding? It's up to you?"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth rose, and suddenly he raised his hand!

At this moment, a bow and an arrow appeared in front of him at the same time!

Universe bow!

Shaking Arrow!

Jiang Fan gently stroked the shaking arrow, slowly speaking:

"As long as you return to the blade, I don't need these two weapons!"

The moment these two things appeared, Balegan felt that his hair was erect!

He took a deep look at Jiang Fan, then suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the dome!

A big hole was corroded immediately above the dome of the main hall!

Balegang flew slowly:

"Go back here, and my power will destroy the entire Void Night Palace, come up, I will accompany you to fight a good fight!"

Jiang Fan nodded, put down Nilu, and at the same time looked at Archimedes:

"Three corpses of the Yachukas class, after being eaten, will benefit your evolution a lot!"


All of them were taken aback!

There was only the corpse of Neutra on the ground!

But the next moment!


Jiang Fan teleported to Zomali and exploded his head with a punch!

Balegan was furious:

"Jiang Fan!!!"

But Jiang Fan kept in shape, carrying Zomali's body, and suddenly rushed to the dead Grimjoo, and broke his neck with one foot!

Then he threw the two corpses to Neutra's side, clapped his hands and smiled:


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