God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2084: Begin to solve! Destiny!

Everyone was stunned!

Sal Apollo almost peeed his pants in shock!

It's so cruel!

He just raised his hand and killed Zomali and Ge Laoliu!

This guy is simply a murderer!

Even Archimedes are all dumbfounded!

That's ten blades!

How can Jiang Fan kill like a chicken!

In just such a short time, four have been killed!

Balegang was furious!

Killing these ten blades in front of him is simply a rebellion!

"Jiang Fan! You shameless bastard!!"

"I know I know."

Jiang Fan nodded repeatedly, and at the same time looked at Sal Apollo:

"Stay here, don't run, okay?"


Sal Apollo's tears came down.


Did I run away?

He doesn't have Aizen's ability to open space doors with a wave of his hand, he needs time to cast spells!

But Jiang Fan kept Nilu behind. This little thing looks stupid, but it is hard to guarantee that it was not deliberately pretended!

In case you get a knife in the back, no!

With Nellie's ability, there is no need to cut from behind!

What's more, even if she is really stupid, as long as these guys stop herself a little bit, relying on Jiang Fan's speed, she will be able to rush back in an instant!

By the time I am still dead!

Now what else can I do besides admitting my fate!

Oh shit!

Obviously I am a pervert!

But now I was actually scared by a more abnormal one!

What is the reason of heaven!

Sal Apollo was full of grievances, shocked and frightened.

Jiang Fan was very satisfied with his performance. He patted Nilu on the head, and he suddenly rose up!

Balegang's face was blue, and he also soared!

The virtual circle was originally a dark and desolate desert, and the sky above was a simulation barrier constructed with great efforts by blue dyeing flowers.

Almost instantly, Jiang Fan and two of them penetrated the sky barrier and came to the Xuye Palace!

This place is also desolate, full of messy stone pillars. Some of the stone pillars have a diameter of more than 100 meters, but they can't see their previous use!

Balegang fell on a stone pillar and looked at Jiang Fan coldly:

"Let's talk about it, what do you want to do!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I said, I want to kill Aizen!"

Balegun's eyes are dark and prey:

"With the bow and arrow you just saw, the moment I saw it, I felt death coming. If you really want to kill Lan Ran, you can kill him before!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, a slight self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Balegang is right. If it is normal, these two things may indeed kill Airan, but this is a job transfer task!

A job transfer task that has to let yourself be put to death!

Jiang Fan knows the urinary nature of the system very well. You can use props within the rules for job transfer tasks, but if you want to easily pass the level with this kind of spike props, it is absolutely impossible!

He could even think that once that arrow is shot, either Aizen will have a life-saving item and let the arrow go to waste, or it will let Aizen evolve wildly and push himself into a desperate situation!

"You won't understand, this thing can't kill Aizen."

"Can't kill?"

Balegun looked shocked.

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Okay, hurry up!"

Balegang took a deep look at Jiang Fan:

"Boy, although I don't understand what you mean, once I return, you will only have a dead end!"

"I see!"

"No, you don't understand! Even if you go back then and want to use those two weapons, you will not escape the blow before my death!"

Jiang Fan laughed:

"How about I make a bet with you?"

Balegun frowned:

"What are you betting on?"

"Bet you don't even have a chance to shoot!"

Balegang was taken aback for a moment, then his face became more and more gloomy, and he took a deep breath:

"Okay, very good! Boy, you completely irritated me!"

He suddenly raised his hand, and a golden double-edged great axe appeared in his hand!

Byelegun threw the double-edged great axe heavily on the ground:

"Rotten! Emperor Skull!!"


The stone pillar at his feet was more than a hundred meters high and over fifty meters in diameter burst into pieces in an instant!

However, before these tens of thousands of tons of rubble collapsed into the sky, a terrifying spiritual pressure like a barren ocean had already exploded frantically!

The rubble in the sky turned out to be like the halo of Saturn for an instant, encircling the psychic-covered Baylor Hill in total weightlessness!

With such a sight, even Jiang Fan showed a hint of surprise.

"Twenty-one? No, it has almost reached the twenty-second level. It deserves to be the twentieth edge that is said to be the most incomprehensible. It's really amazing..."


As the psychic energy gradually dissipated, Bairegon finally revealed his true face after returning to the sword!

What appeared in front of Jiang Fan at this moment was a scary skeleton wearing a golden crown, draped in a purple cloak, and burning with rotten flames all over!

However, although only a skeleton, his posture is amazingly stalwart, with an imperial aura that overlooks all living beings!

In his right hand, he is holding a terrifying black giant axe that is more than two meters long and full of killing aura!

This is exactly the form of Bairegang's return to the blade, Emperor Skull!

Jiang Fan smiled.

The smile became more and more prosperous.

Bailorgang's hollow eye sockets stared at Jiang Fan:

"what are you laughing at?"

Jiang Fan moved his arms vigorously:

"You'll know right away! Now that you have finished your job, let me start to explode too!"

Jiang Fan suddenly blinked at Balegang:

"Okay, you are the first person in this world to see my appearance!"

"Hajime! Destiny!!"


Jiang Fan's energy around his body suddenly skyrocketed!

On the other hand, Bairegang's eyes widened in disbelief!

First solution? !

The beginning of death? !

Jiang Fan obviously used the virtual flash in the first place!

But then he admitted that he was a human being!

But now, can he turn to death? !

This, this kid...

As the energy smoke dissipated, Jiang Fan in black scales had suddenly appeared!

And in his right hand, there is already an extra two-meter long, blood-red, domineering long sword!

This one is Jiang Fan’s Zanpaku Knife, destiny!

Balegang's face is full of incredible!

But then, he sneered:

"It's really beyond my expectation that you can turn into death, but just like this, you expect to defeat me?"

"Of course I didn't expect it. This is the weakest of all my augmentation capabilities. It's just a small trick, a real improvement..."

Jiang Fan took a deep breath:

"Now it's just beginning!"


In an instant, Jiang Fan has completed the complete form of three heads and eight arms!

As the breath rose wildly, it had reached the limit where the current state could no longer continue!

Just like the Night Demon in the past, Jiang Fan at this moment just relies on his current appearance, no longer needs to break through the shackles, or even charge up to detonate, it is enough to be tough with the 20th level!

However, Bairegang still has a sneer on his face:

"that's all?"

Jiang Fan didn't speak, but a golden light suddenly burst out of his whole body!

Lotus Phenomenon!


Jiang Fan's breath broke through the shackles in one fell swoop, and has completely reached the 20th level!

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