God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2112: The genius is home!

Jiang Fan was stunned:

"You were intercepted?"


Theodore began to tell with a gloomy expression.

After Theodore and Oleg bid farewell to Jiang Fan, they originally thought that Heinrich was behind them, and the credit for bringing back the corpse of the Knight Commander of the Knights of Glory and Gabriel was enough to take over Disfano’s The upper member is vacant!


It was the hapless Necromancer Disfano!

That long ago, as early as the Bermuda Islands, was designed by Jiang Fan, using the Dragon Group, Solomon’s Key, and the Council of Light to kill them, and even the phylactery was taken by Jiang Fan to supplement Curtis, the Dark Council Disfano led by one party!

In the dark council, the intrigue is especially fierce!

The only one who is too lazy to fight, the entire Dark Council is one person, and that is the Dark Speaker!

Although according to the legend, this speaker is simply a waste of the pope, but let alone him, on the entire planet, apart from the dead for many years, let alone surpassing the pope, there is no one who dares to challenge him!

Of course, one of the hapless Hell's Seven Monarchs, Mostima counted as one, and everyone saw what happened.

And this speaker, who has been called the most "incompetent" in history, seems to have been completely deprived of fighting spirit by the pope, and he will be fine at all!

So naturally, the thirteen seats of the upper parliamentarians were all divided up by the three vice-chairpersons!

Among them, Heinrich is the most powerful and occupies a full five seats, while Lucas and the last deputy speaker occupy four seats each!

Among the five seats held by Heinrich, one of the upper-ranking members is the hapless Necromancer Disfano!

After Disfano's death, Lucas and the other deputy speaker couldn't help but wanted to occupy the vacancy.

And Heinrich naturally wanted to keep the fruit in his hand, but facing the two vicious dogs facing each other, it was not so easy to keep this seat.

That's why Heinrich arranged for Oleg to take Theodore to attack Rick. As long as the Holy Grail is brought back, such credit is enough to push Theodore up!

He even arranged for another unlucky one, Tobias, the high-ranking member of Parliament, to pick up the two of them in the past!


The hapless Dark Mage Tobias who was killed by Gabriel and finally made Jiang Fan cheaper is also Heinrich's!

However, the dead ghost died. Although Heinrich who received the news was extremely angry, fortunately, Oleg and Theodore both survived this time and brought back Gabriel’s body. Once again, these two seats will not be a problem for them!

In other words, the loss is not too big!

So Heinrich also specially arranged someone to respond!

But if you are unlucky, drinking cold water will make your teeth stuffy!

As soon as Theodore and Oleg arrived at the headquarters of the Dark Council, Harold the Dark Mage under Lucas came out!

Although this guy is not a high-ranking councillor, he is a real domain-level expert!

The person Heinrich sent to respond has only a nineteenth limit, and he is not his opponent at all!

So this fruit was robbed directly!

What's more terrible is that after learning that Tobias had died, Lucas took advantage of the sudden incident and actually took Tobias's seat!

So the current situation is that Lucas has six seats for upper parliamentarians, while Heinrich's men actually only have three upper parliamentarians!

Speaking of which, they were all pitted by Jiang Fan!

Of course Heinrich wouldn't let it go, and he directly formed an alliance with another deputy speaker.

In order to consolidate his position, Lucas simply planned this attack on the baptism of the Council of Light.

After listening to Jiang Fan, he was furious!

Good guys!

Lao Tzu has always been robbing fruit, but now some people dare to take the credit of Lao Tzu's hands.

"Don't worry, this is not over!"

Jiang Fan's face was gloomy:

"But why are you here?"

"If Lucas wants to attack, he needs to know the intelligence of the city of seven hills, and I, I..."

Jiang Fan understood that Theodore was born in the Council of Light, and his status was not low at the beginning, but he was the judge in the Court of Light, second only to the presiding judge!

Have the right to enter the holy city at any time!

In order to ensure the success of this plan, Lucas needs Theodore who knows the situation in the Holy City best!

However, after using it, Theodore is naturally no longer useful to him, and keeping Theodore is also a trouble. Who knows if Heinrich will revisit the old things after he comes back?

So when he retreated, Lucas didn't care about him at all in his plan!

"Heinrich just let you be brought out like this?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly.

Theodore shook his head:

"Lucas is now the most powerful. Although Heinrich can keep me, if he does that, it is easy for Lucas to be labelled as uncooperative and passively opposing the Council of Light. He used to Saved me, I don't want to embarrass him."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"The grace of dripping water, the fountain of retribution, not to mention the grace of saving lives. Although his motivation to save you was not pure at the beginning, he did it. You did it right!"

Theodore was taken aback, and there was an expression of excitement in his eyes.

In the dark council, there are no consciences, they are all shameless than anyone else, so he has never had any friends.

Jiang Fan's ability to say this gave him a kind of unspeakable peace of mind. At the very least, he didn't follow the wrong person!

And Jiang Fan asked while choosing clothes:

"Another thing, this time, has the Harold who took the credit for you come?"

Theodore's eyes narrowed:

"Come! Just follow Lucas!"

"Are they all retreating now?"

"It shouldn't have been. The Council of Light is chasing you too hard. Except for Lucas, no one else can get away so easily!"

"very good!"

Jiang Fan chose a casual outfit and threw it to Theodore:

"Go and change it, and then follow me to kill him!"


Theodore opened his mouth suddenly!

"My lord, he, he, he is a domain level..."

"I care about him!"

Jiang Fanyin's compassionate opening:

"Those who dare to cheat me, even the sanctuary is useless!"

Theodore trembled all over!

The eyes are full of excitement!

I just took refuge in Jiang Fan just now, but for his own sake, Jiang Fan dares to stand firm with a strong man like Harold!

Don't let your subordinates get the slightest irritation, this is the real boss!

Go to your uncle's dark council, the choice of heaven is my home!

Theodore's excited nose was sour, and for the first time he felt a sense of security that he really got backing.

Jiang Fan patted him on the shoulder:

"Don't froze, go quickly!"


Soon, Theodore had changed his clothes.

After Jiang Fan checked out, the two were about to leave the mall, but at this moment!

"grown ups!"

Theodore suddenly changed his face, tugged Jiang Fan's clothes corner, and pointed at a pattern on the elevator railing.

Jiang Fan looked over and saw that it was a wave pattern drawn with a marker pen, with several numbers crookedly written on it, which looked like a child's graffiti.

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