Jiang Fan looked at Theodore:

"Your code word?"

"Yes, the above means, it should be safe here, at eight o'clock in the evening, retreat by water."

Jiang Fan looked shocked:

"With regard to the virtue of the Dark Council, will they organize a retreat?"

Theodore flushed a little:

"According to the internal system, it does exist, but..."

What kind of organization is the Dark Council?

According to the original words of Dracula, the most noble speaker in the history of the Dark Council hundreds of years ago-

"God! I never dreamed that one day I would be able to sit in the seat of the Dark Speaker!"

"You actually want me, the great Prince Dracula, to manage such a **** that even the Chinese language can't describe?"

"Do you know that for so many years, we have killed more unlucky ghosts in our own hands than by the Light Council!"

"The most wicked thing I have done in my life is to kill thousands of people, but compared to those dirty, nasty, nasty guys who are more disgusting than sewer maggots, I'm so **** Pure as a young girl!"

"No! I will never be this speaker, great blood, dignity is more precious than life!"

Later, this one became the speaker because a group of high-ranking members of the parliament raped him and the wife of another deputy speaker at a banquet.

It is conceivable, what kind of stuff is the Dark Council!

And Theodore stammered and was ashamed, telling the so-called organizational retreat what is going on.

"Simply put, no one in the council can believe anyone, this mark is actually for fools."

"Once someone actually goes to the dock at eight o'clock, it is definitely not an accomplice of our council who will greet him, but the judge of the Illumination Council."

Theodore lowered his head and whispered.

Jiang Fan suddenly realized, looking at Theodore incredulously:

"Is this a trap for a gangster?"

"Yes, sir, in order to make it easier for you to retreat, you definitely need someone to contain the firepower. As long as all the members of the Bright Council run to the pier, then the guards in other places will naturally relax, and others will have the opportunity to run away... "

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide.


Sure enough, it's a dead dao friend, but not a poor daoist!

If you send all your hands to the Dark Council for further study, wouldn't everyone be talented and speak nicely...

"Ahem, in any case, in the Dark Council, what we must guard against is not the enemy, but our own! Your lord, let's get out of here first. This kind of pattern was originally for our own people. The painting is here to prove that this place is apart from me. There are others, and it says that this place is safe, that proves absolutely unsafe! Maybe the people hiding here have been betrayed..."

Theodore's voice just fell!


There was a loud noise on the fourth floor of the mall!

Immediately afterwards, the two diagonally opposite, the glass wall of a women's clothing store suddenly exploded, and a young man covered in black smoke rushed out in an embarrassing manner!

And behind him, it was the two luminous council masters with indifferent expressions!

Theodore shook his head:

"I'm still young. I should run away when I see this pattern. How can this kid dare to hide here?"

As soon as his voice fell, Jiang Fan felt more bright aura rushing toward him.

Obviously, Theodore was right. The hapless guy on the fourth floor was cheated!

Feeling the aura of battle here, the surrounding Bright Council masters will naturally all rush over, and the search in other places will naturally be weak, so of course the others will easily run away!

It's so amazing to pit teammates to this point!

Jiang Fan was deeply shocked, as if opening the door to a new world.

At this moment, the guy on the fourth floor had suddenly turned into a bunch of bats, rushing towards the dome frantically!

This guy is actually a vampire!

It's a pity that he has just turned into a bat, and one of the masters of the Council of Light has raised his hand to cast a holy light!

next moment!


The unlucky vampire didn't even have time to make a scream, and it turned into a fly ash!

Jiang Fan gave Theodor a painful look.

It's really hard for him to survive so long in a place like the Dark Council.

The two left the mall, and a large number of parliament masters had already rushed in.

I have to say that although the people who pit themselves are shameless, the effect is really good!

Jiang Fan shook his head and looked at Theodore:

"Is there anything Harold has used or touched?"

If you want to find Harold, the compass is the best choice, but Jiang Fan has never seen this guy, let alone the image, and at the same time has no strong thoughts, so he can't locate it at all.

Theodore thought for a while, touched the space ring in his hand, and there was an extra wine glass in his hand:

"My lord, this is the wine glass he used. I bought one of his men to get it."

Jiang Fan was surprised:

"What do you want this thing for?"

"Um, originally I thought, use this thing to find a cursed master to cheat him, after all, this **** has robbed me..."

Good guys!

Sure enough, those who are near the ink are black!

Jiang Fan took the cup and smelled it, then suddenly closed his eyes and took a deep breath!

Super sensitive sense of smell!

At this moment, the surrounding perfume smell, tobacco smell, leather, clothing, **** smell, drinks... countless smells all penetrated into Jiang Fan's nose!

Jiang Fan slowly opened his eyes:

"Not here, continue to look for another place!"


To the west of the City of Seven Hills, there is a stretch of low mountains where the city cemetery is built.

And this kind of place, of course, is the focus of the Guangming Council!

Led by Thomas, the presiding judge of the court, combed the place back and forth three times, and the talents of the Illumination Council completely retreated.

In fact, both parties know that places such as cemeteries will inevitably be investigated, and people from the Dark Council will never come here.

And Thomas just acted to prove that he was trying his best to search for infidels.

Night fell soon.

In the cemetery, a tombstone suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, a skinny palm pierced the soil and suddenly stretched out!

The palm of the hand was hard, and the whole body was quickly brought out.

This person is the dark mage who was next to Lucas this morning and reported to him the movement of Mostima under the Pantheon!

And his name is Harold!


Harold gasped hard.

The Dark Council and the Light Council have fought for hundreds of years, and the understanding of the two sides is naturally well-known, especially for masters like Harold, who always have some secret methods. It is not difficult to escape the detection of the Light Council.

It's just that, after all, this is the base camp of the Council of Light, he didn't dare to use magic at all, let alone emit a little dark magic wave.

"Hey hey! A bunch of idiots! Want to catch the great high-ranking councillor Harold, you are far away!"

Harold gave a triumphant chuckle, patted the dirt on his clothes, and was about to escape in the dark.

It's just that as soon as he moved, his whole person suddenly froze in place!

Opposite him, unexpectedly did not know when, there was a smiling man!

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