When he saw this man, Harold suddenly felt his hairs stand up!

This is exactly the instinctive reaction of a creature facing a natural enemy!

With a wave of his hand almost subconsciously, he took out a jet black staff!

Immediately afterwards, he didn't even have time to consider what would happen to the fluctuations that exuded dark magic, and backhand blessed a full 13 layers of dark shields!

After doing all this, he noticed that beside the man who appeared suddenly, there was actually another person who had restored his original appearance, Theodore!

However, like all the stuff of the Dark Council, his first reaction when he saw his companion was not delighted, he actually put on two layers of shields on his backhand!

It was only then that Harold was relieved.

He looked at Theodore cautiously:

"Theodore, you escaped? Who is this person?"

Jiang Fan looked at him up and down, and looked at Theodore:

"He is Haroldan... Harold?"

Theodore spoke respectfully:

"Yes, my lord!"

Jiang Fan nodded and smiled at Harold:

"I heard you robbed me of the credit?"

Harold was stunned, and quickly realized that he and Theodore only took credit for one thing, Gabriel's corpse!

"Ha! Theodore, you are so brave. You have found a backer and want to retaliate against me? You really are..."

Harold sneered, but he didn't finish speaking, but the more he looked at Jiang Fan, the more familiar he became:

"No, you, you are... you are Jiang Fan?!"

Harold suddenly reacted, his face full of disbelief!

Theodore actually mixed up with the saint Jiang Fan!

what happened?

Could it be Theodore has returned to the Council of Light?

Or is there another identity for this Jiang Fan?

Regardless of the type, they actually appeared in front of them, which meant only one thing!

I am in danger!

Harold wanted to retreat, but Jiang Fan was on the opposite side!

Saint Jiang Fan!

If he can kill him and bring back his body, then in the dark council, in the future, he will definitely become the existence second only to the three vice-chairmen!

Even before the opening, he can become a deputy speaker, or even speaker!

This irresistible temptation made him make the worst decision of his life!

"No matter what you are going to do, Jiang Fan, you really shouldn't show up before my eyes!"

Harold smiled grinningly, and the staff suddenly raised!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan is actually like a ghost, and he has already arrived in front of him!

So fast!

Harold's pupils shrank!

But before he could do anything further, Jiang Fan had already raised his hand abruptly and grabbed him by the neck!

"court death!"

Harold's eyes were fierce!

A black light flashed on the staff, and a black light as thin as a hair suddenly shot at Jiang Fan's heart!

Dark spell-the light of chaos!

At the same time, he sneered even more, he had a full fifteen layers of dark shields at the moment!

Even if Jiang Fan is in the twenty-second level, he hastily shot, it is absolutely impossible to break the shield!

On the contrary, it was his own strike, which seemed simple, but one of the most vicious dark spells, the light of chaos!

Blasted by this magic, there will be four curses of weakness, poisoning, absence, and paralysis at the same time!

All combat power will be lost in an instant!

Capturing Jiang Fan alive is more rewarding than bringing back his corpse!

Harold's thoughts passed in a flash, the next moment!


The light of chaos had already hit Jiang Fan fiercely!

However, as soon as it touched Jiang Fan's skin, Wu Guang suddenly exploded!

And Jiang Fan's big hand has already clasped Harold's neck!


With a crisp sound, the fifteen-layer dark magic shield was like paper, it was crushed by Jiang Fan in an instant, and his big hand had clasped Harold's neck firmly!


Harold's eyes widened in disbelief!

Jiang Fan lifted his left hand and threw a big mouth!


A crisp sound!


Harold tilted his head and fainted directly!

Theodore looked stunned!

Harold, the twenty-second level, just stopped cooking like this?

too strong!

The adults are so terrifying to this extent!

"Let's go, find a place to clean him up slowly!"

Jiang Fan raised his hand to call out a storm, and quickly left with Theodore.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the masters of the Illumination Council chased them, but they obviously didn't find anything, so they quickly dispersed after reporting.

A few minutes later, Jiang Fan and his group had arrived on a small island in the sea.

It is only a dozen miles away from the dock, and according to Jiang Fan's eyesight, it is enough to see the scene there.

He threw Harold to the ground, Jiang Fan kicked him and then looked at Theodore:

"I gave him acupuncture. Within half an hour, he can't do anything but call it. Enjoy it."


Theodore smiled grinningly.

Jiang Fan lay down on the ground and immediately fell asleep.

The transfer task was already extremely difficult, and he was exhausted. Although the physical injury had been healed a long time ago, the mental exhaustion could not be eliminated, and now he can't hold on anymore.

As soon as Harold woke up, he saw Theodore with a cruel face!

"Theodore! I'm a high-ranking member! You colluded with the Council of Light, are you going to rebel?"

Harold roared suddenly!

However, it was Theodore who greeted him with a relentless slap in the face!


Harold screamed, and now he was horrified to find that not only he could not move, but his magic was imprisoned!

The clever Harold immediately persuaded:

"Hehe, Lord Theodore, is there any misunderstanding between us?"

"Misunderstanding? No, no, no, no, honourable Councillor Harold, how can we have any misunderstanding?"

Theodore gave a sullen smile, suddenly raised his fist, and hit Harold violently!

Harold was screaming horribly, but as he kept screaming, another voice appeared!


At this time, Harold realized that Jiang Fan had actually fallen asleep not far from him!

The louder he calls, the more sweet Jiang Fan sleeps!


Is this guy a pervert?

Actually like to fall asleep listening to screams!

Theodore was totally cool today.

After half an hour of punching and kicking, he almost didn't send poor Harold to the spring!

And with the arrival of half an hour, Harold finally broke through the imprisonment of acupuncture!

"Theodore! You—"

Harold wiped the tears and nose on his face, and he was about to fight back!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan finally yawned lazily and woke up.

Harold froze!

He actually put his hands down honestly, and lay down on the ground again!

This kind of strength is so strong, and he likes to listen to the pervert of falling asleep screaming, how can he afford it!

"My lord, are you awake?"

Seeing that Harold was about to do something, Theodore suddenly panicked, but he didn't expect that Jiang Fan would yawn and Harold would be honest!

Sure enough, an adult is still mighty!


Jiang Fan stretched out, only to feel his exhaustion swept away!

Theodore was very sensible:

"My lord, I'm done cool, do you want to come also cool?"

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