God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 212: What the **** is you

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, a lazy voice suddenly sounded in the distance!

"Pangtai, why did you choose such a bad place!"

I saw that a man in his twenties with an arrogant face was looking here with a little disgust!

"Young Master Wu? You are here!"

Pang Tai and others stood up respectfully and greeted the man!

However, when Jiang Fan saw this person, he simply bowed his head!

Sure enough, it was Wu Sicheng, an idiot!

Pang Tai carefully wiped the stool with a napkin!

Wu Sicheng, then sat down with a look of disgust!

However, seeing the shiny table, he frowned directly!

"Invite me to come, have you finished teaching Jiang Fan?"

"No, that, that **** Jiang Fan is too cunning, we have not blocked him!"

Pang Tai looked embarrassed!

Wu Sicheng's expression turned gloomy!

"A bunch of trash! No one can stop it!"

"Wu Shao, don't be angry! Don't worry, tomorrow, we will definitely teach you a good lesson to him!"

"Yeah! That **** is cunning and cunning. After you catch him, don't ask, give me a slap in the face!"


A group of people, immediately, promised loudly!

"Who is this guy?"

Wu Sicheng pointed at Jiang Fan!

"Young Master Wu! This is a little brother we newly met! Very skilled! Beating more than a dozen people is the same as playing! Thanks to him today, otherwise, we will be miserable by Ding Yong's men!"


Wu Sicheng's eyes lit up!

So good? It would be nice to stay by your side!

"Look up!"

Wu Sicheng showed a kind smile to Jiang Fan!

"Is this... not so good?"

Jiang Fan asked tentatively!

"What nonsense! If there is nothing wrong, in the future, you will follow Ben Shao——Fuck! Why are you!"

Wu Sicheng almost didn't freak out!

Especially the **** Jiang Fan, who has been threatening to beat him up just now, is actually right in front of his own eyes!

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Young Master Wu, don't come here unharmed!"

"You! You bastard!"

Wu Sicheng suddenly turned his head to look at Pang Tai, raising his hand to slap in the face!

"Damn! A bunch of stupid pigs! They said they couldn't block Jiang Fan? Are you blind? He is Jiang Fan!"


Pang Tai and a group of gangsters were all dumbfounded!

This Nima plot is too exciting!

The person I've always wanted to arrest, turns out to be by my side!

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't give it to me yet!"

Wu Sicheng roared!

However, Pangtai and others, but no one did it!

Du, looking at Jiang Fan with a complex complexion!

"Are you stupid? Go!"

"Wu, Wu Shao, we..."

Wu Sicheng's expression sank!

"You guys were bought by Jiang Fan?"

"No! We don't! Young Master Wu, he, he just saved us! How can we attack him? This is, gracious revenge!"

Wu Sicheng slapped Pang Tai with his backhand!

"Damn! You will be revenge? If I hadn't spoken, you would have been scrapped by Ding Yong!"

"Now, I will give you two paths, either, I will abolish Jiang Fan, or I will abolish you!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Pang Tai looked at Wu Sicheng and Jiang Fan, and finally picked up a wine bottle!

The corner of Wu Sicheng's mouth curled up, and he looked at Jiang Fan triumphantly!

"Jiang Fan, hehe! Today, I see what you do!"

He just finished speaking, suddenly!



I saw that Pang Tai unexpectedly smashed the wine bottle on his head!

The bottle shattered, and the stroked Ponte was full of blood!

Everyone was stunned!

Wu Sicheng looked at Pang Tai in shock!

"Pangtai, are you crazy? I asked you to fight Jiang Fan, what are you doing when you fight yourself?"

"I'm sorry, Wu Shao, I can't do it! This time, I will treat it as me and return your favor!"

As soon as Pang Tai's voice fell, the remaining dozen gangsters picked up the bottle at the same time, and smashed them in their heads!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of bursting wine bottles sounded!

All the **** are full of blood!

"Young Master Wu, Renqing, we are over!"

"Today, no one can move, our brother, Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan was shocked!

For the first time, someone was so righteous for themselves!

He only felt that a warm current surged in his heart!

"You, you..."

Wu Si gritted his teeth! Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Jiang Fan! You are lucky today! You, wait for me!"

"Hahaha! Wait? What can I wait? Come now!"

Jiang Fan laughed! Stride towards Wu Sicheng!

"You, what do you want to do?"

Wu Sicheng backed back again and again in fright!

"This, this is a college town! I tell you, I am a scholar! You, if you have the ability, just be reasonable! Don't do it!"

"Go to your sister's scholar!"

Jiang Fan raised his hand and prepared to draw Wu Sicheng, but at this moment!

"Damn! So you are here!"

Jiang Fan looked back and saw that at the door of Lan Ying, a big man who was beaten up by himself, was looking at himself with excitement!

And beside him, there is another man with a cold face and a tall stature!

"Crap! It's Ding Yong!"

"Jiang Fan! Run! He is the eldest brother of Beicheng District!"

"Yes, run quickly! We will help you stop him!"

Pang Tai and others were suddenly anxious!

They are now dizzy with the wine bottle smashed, and they can only barely stand beside Jiang Fan!

"Don't worry, no one can move us today!"

Jiang Fan, smile confidently!

However, seeing Ding Yong's appearance clearly, he was taken aback!

This person is so familiar!

But Wu Sicheng looked excited!

"Ding Yong! Hurry up, come on, give me an end to him!"

"Young Master Wu?"

Ding Yong was stunned, but when he heard Wu Sicheng let him abolish Jiang Fan, he suddenly felt relieved!

It turned out that Wu Sicheng was not with them, so it would be easier!

"Brother Yong! It's him! If it wasn't for this kid to protect, Pangtai and his team would have been abandoned by us!"

The big man next to Ding Yong whispered!

Ding Yong nodded and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Boy, it's you, dare to stand up for them?"

Strange, why is this kid so familiar?

"Ah! I remember! You are the one, downstairs in my house, with a group of people, and the guy who joined Yue Jianshan and Huo!"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked excited!

That night, Yue Jianshan followed him, and as a result, he was hacked by a group of chaotic knives, and he and Yun Xiaoru were watching the excitement upstairs with relish!

Ding Yong was taken aback for a moment, his memories from before came like a tide!

He suddenly pointed to Jiang Fan, his face was full of resentment!

"You are, Jiang Fan!"

"Hey? Do you know me?"

"Nonsense! Damn, if it wasn't for you, the brothers of Lao Tzu could waste so much that night?"

"Give it to me! Hack him to death!"

Ding's courage is almost exploding!

How excited I was playing that night!

However, I realized afterwards that I had hit the wrong person at all!

Because of this, Yang Qi made an embarrassment, and Yang Qi took revenge on himself!

And all this is because of Jiang Fan!

Seeing a group of big guys rushing forward, Pang Tai and others, their faces were ashes!

Jiang Fan, however, did not panic!

Shake your right hand!

The folding stool is already in hand!

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