
The gangster who rushed to Jiang Fan first was kicked upside down by Jiang Fan's folding stool!

After smashing more than ten tables in a row, it flew out more than 20 meters before it stopped!

All the bullies were stunned!

Stopped, looked at Jiang Fan blankly!


Everyone swallowed and spit!


Is this guy a monster in human skin?

Wu Sicheng's eyes widened unbelievably!

Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, so strong?

"Aren't you going to hack me? Come on!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

However, in the eyes of Ding Yong and Wu Sicheng, they always felt that Jiang Fan had a bloodthirsty smell on his face!

Just now!

In the distance, the call of a police car suddenly sounded!

It turned out that at the beginning, there were people who called the police!

"Boy! You wait for me!"

Ding Yong let out a low growl and led a group of people, and left immediately!

Wu Sicheng gave Jiang Fan a vicious look, and ran away dingy!

The police car stopped nearby, and soon a few policemen came over!

Beyond Jiang Fan's expectation, the leader was actually Wang Xinxin!

"Hey? Why are you?"

Wang Xinxin was also taken aback when he saw Jiang Fan!

"Officer Wang? It's like this. I ate with my friends and met a few stinky hooligans!"

Wang Xinxin instructed the two police officers around him to find out about Pang Tai and others, and then gave Jiang Fan a white look!


Jiang Fan immediately followed Wang Xinxin to the side!

The little policewoman looked at Jiang Fan carefully with her big eyes!

"How can you get mixed up with that group of gangsters?"

"This, chance encounter!"

"Come on! Are you not a teacher?"

"Yes, but I'm also a takeaway!"

Jiang Fan turned his eyes and hurriedly changed the subject!

"Your complexion doesn't seem to be very good! Also, have you all taken police officers? Have you been promoted?"

"Thanks to you! The credit for helping me catch those habitual offenders is on my body! The leader is very satisfied, and I specially asked me to bring new people!"


Wang Xinxin's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Do you know Kung Fu?"

"Understand! What's wrong?"

"You go to the police with me tonight, I don't need to trouble you!"

Jiang Fan is now!

"Sister! We didn't do anything by ourselves!"

"Then I don't care! If you don't agree, I will take you all back to the police station!"

"Damn! It's shameless!"

"Yeah! What can you do?"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Xinxin for a long time!

The little policewoman was not afraid at all. Instead, she stared at Jiang Fan without blinking with her big bright eyes!

In the eyes, it seems, there is still water flowing!

"Your sister! I'm afraid of you!"

Jiang Fan was all hairy when Wang Xinxin looked at it!

"Hey! Then get in the car!"

The little policewoman said and waved to the two police officers! Domineering!

"Receive the team!"

The police car drove back to the police station, and Wang Xinxin took Jiang Fan directly into a private car!

Then, step on the accelerator and head straight to the south!

"You, don't you think I'm handsome, what do you want to do to me?"


Wang Xinxin has a smirk on her face!

"Yeah! You call it! You call it!"

Damn it!

This little girl is really hard to deal with!

"Go ahead, what do you want to do?"

Wang Xinxin's face became serious!

"Do you know about the April 12 tragedy?"

"The murder of twelve children?"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Yeah! The murderer of that case was found, but I was afraid of violating the grass, so it has not been announced!"

"However, just a few days ago, our bureau received a notice that the murderer had arrived in Los Angeles!"

"Moreover, according to my informant, I have seen someone who looks like the murderer near Chang'an Avenue!"

"Tonight, you stay with me for a night nearby. If the murderer shows up, let's subdue him together!"

Wang Xinxin looks a little nervous, but also a little excited!

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan agreed without hesitation!

Wang Xinxin was startled!

"I, I acted arbitrarily! Maybe I will be punished! But there is no reward for you!"

"The reward doesn't matter! This kind of bastard, never let him live!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a flash of murder!

What a domineering look!

Wang Xinxin's heart was shocked!

This amiable takeaway is definitely not just a little kung fu!

The car will soon come to Chang'an Avenue!

As soon as Wang Xinxin stopped the car at the intersection, he began to observe!

Jiang Fan gave a wry smile!

"Great detective! You are so stubborn, don't want to catch the murderer for the rest of your life!"

"Then what do you say?"

"Give me the picture of the wanted criminal!"

Wang Xinxin immediately took out a black and white photo!

Jiang Fan took a look, and immediately muttered in his heart!

"System! Locate this person!"

"Ding! The causal point needed for reality positioning is far more expensive than ten thousand world positioning according to the search conditions! Does the host continue?"

"carry on!"

"Ding! This positioning will cost 437 causal points. Is it positioning?"


Jiang Fan was stunned!

Need so much?


In an instant, before Jiang Fan's eyes, a light blue dotted line suddenly appeared, and at the end of the dotted line, it was the goal!

Jiang Fan was iron and blue and opened the door!

"Come with me!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan was full of depression, and Wang Xinxin couldn't help but keep up with Jiang Fan!

The two of them came to a residential building soon!

Jiang Fan went directly to the fifth floor, and then rang the doorbell of one of them!

After a while, an old man with uneasy legs opened the door of the room!

"You guys, who are you looking for?"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth raised slightly!

"Look for...you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan suddenly punched out!


The hard solid wood door suddenly exploded!

The old man let out a miserable cry, but was punched by Jiang Fan, vomiting blood and flying out!

Wang Xinxin was dumbfounded!

There is only one thought in my mind!


Jiang Fan is a serial killer, right?

It's too cruel, even the old man will not let it go!

And Jiang Fan, at this moment, has strode into the room!

The old man, while vomiting blood, looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

"You, are you crazy? What do you want to do?"

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of mockery!

"Simple, just kill you!"

"No, no, help!"

The old man howled desperately!

However, Jiang Fan had already sneered coldly and was about to make a move!

at this time!

"Stop! Don't move! Otherwise, I will shoot!"

Surprisingly, Wang Xinxin!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Police Officer Wang, he is the murderer!"

"Hu, nonsense! He is obviously an old man! It is different from the picture!"

"Yes! Me, how could I be a murderer! Officer, hurry up, help me!"

The old man looked desperate, and he vomited another mouthful of blood!

"Old man, don't be afraid! I'll come to rescue you right away!"

As Wang Xinxin said, she pointed her pistol at Jiang Fan, and then slowly approached the old man!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Don't go there! This **** is lying to you!"

"You are a liar! I think you are the murderer!"

"Don't be stupid, okay? The punch I just now, let alone an old man, even a piece of granite, will definitely be crushed! He just vomited two mouthfuls of blood, normal old people, would have such a strong body ?"

"Stop bragging! Now, get out of the way!"

At this moment, Wang Xinxin has come to the old man!

"Old man, don't be afraid, I will call for support now, and I will take you to the hospital immediately!"

However, Wang Xinxin hadn't finished speaking, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the old man!

Suddenly stood up and grabbed Wang Xinxin's throat!

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