He had just spoken, but when meeting Jiang Fan's eyes that were as light as still water, he seemed to have been drenched in a bucket of ice water, and his voice changed abruptly!

"Human! You should know who I am and let me go immediately!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Yes, but you have to answer me a question first!"

"Joke! I am a great **** lord, what qualifications do you have..."


Jiang Fan drew a big mouth to Mostima's face with his backhand!

"Can this qualification work?"

"You damn..."

Mostima was furious!

However, Jiang Fan greeted him with another slap in the face!


Mostima took two sturdy blows on his face, and finally knew what made people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

He stared at Jiang Fan fiercely:

"What do you want to ask?"

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand!

In an instant, the air around the two suddenly appeared ripples, and the space started to be torn apart!

Jiang Fan was actually using his meticulous ability to tear apart the void and disrupt this world!

In this chaotic place, not to mention the sound, even the picture, breath and the like can't be noticed by people outside!

Adelaide and Dylan only saw the light and shadow flickering in the positions of Jiang Fan and Mostima, and it was only after a while that they returned to normal!

Mostima looked at Jiang Fan coldly:

"I told you everything you want to know, and then, let me go!"

Jiang Fan nodded:


As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly slapped Mostima's head with a palm!


Mostima trembled all over!

He looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"you you……"

Before he finished speaking, starting from the top of his head, his entire body turned into pieces of flying ashes!

This time, he could never come back to life again.

Dylan and Adelaide looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded.

Neither of them dreamed that Jiang Fan would kill Mostima so easily!

The other party is the Seven Lords of Hell!

Not to mention anything else, just the historical secrets he knows are invaluable!

What's more, the opponent is still a demon!

Although the body was obliterated, the only remaining blood of the Demon God is also a treasure that is hard to find!

However, Jiang Fan didn't have a trace of nostalgia, so he killed him without hesitation!

For Jiang Fan, a miser, this kind of thing is incredible!

What did Jiang Fan ask?

Both of them looked at Jiang Fan, only to find that his face was as usual, even with a slight smile, but his eyes seemed to float with lightning and thunder!

"That's it... the Big Three... hehe."

Jiang Fan muttered, his smile was full of mockery.

"My lord...someone seems to be coming over there."

Adelaide tentatively spoke.

Just now Samael's will, and Jiang Fan's move, caused too much momentum, and the nearby masters have all rushed over to find out.


Jiang Fan nodded, his expression returned to normal in an instant.

He raised his hand, and the true energy had already wrapped Adelaide and Dylan. Then, a breeze flashed, and the three of them had disappeared without a trace!

Wind Teleport!

It's just that compared to the teleportation of the Grandmaster-level, Jiang Fan's teleportation at this moment can not only lead people to move, but the range has expanded to hundreds of kilometers!

In addition to adjusting the direction, after only a dozen teleports, he came to the court in Britain!

The whole process, less than a minute!

And this distance has reached almost three thousand kilometers!

Adelaide and Dylan were stunned!

Such an ability, how can it be done by a twentieth level?

Even the average twenty-third level, I'm afraid it can't do this level!

The more you follow Jiang Fan, the more you can feel Jiang Fan's horror.

The place where several people appeared was on a highway, and Adelaide pointed to the east:

"My lord, the trial office is a dozen miles away."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Go over."


At this moment, the night is low, the highway is empty, and a few people are wandering at will, which is unspeakable.

"Adelaide, tell me, are there any good things confiscated by the trial house over the years?"

Jiang Fan asked as he walked toward the trial house.

Adelaide thought for a while, but was a little embarrassed:

"My lord, the things confiscated in the trial are all cultist stuff. Unless these things were captured personally, we are not qualified to inspect them except for those who are responsible for sorting them out. According to the rules, there are no good things. It's hard to tell."

While talking, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Fan feverishly.


How did the adults do it?

Jiang Fan shook his head regretfully.

But it doesn't matter, there is some time anyway.

Contrary to what was expected, the location of the trial house facing the front door was a huge church, and the coldness and cruelty of the trial of infidels could not be seen at all.

"My lord, this is the San Siro Cathedral. It is used for pilgrimages by believers. The rest is the place of the court."

Adelaide explained, and walked back with Jiang Fan and the other two.

Behind the church, the first thing that catches the eye is a few long corridors, and at the end of the corridor is a small seven-story building.

The walls of this small building are mottled, covered with creepers, morning glory and other vines, and it is full of a dilapidated atmosphere. No one can think of it. This is the center of the court!

As soon as they entered the small building, there were already more than a dozen judges wearing white robes out of thin air.

Adelaide frowned:

"it's me!"

The leading judge saw that it was Adelaide, and suddenly bowed slightly:

"Master Adelaide."


Adelaide nodded, and brought Jiang Fan and two of them to enter, but at this moment, the judge's face sank and he looked at Jiang Fan and two of them suddenly!

"Outsiders stop!"


Adelaide was furious:

"Blind your dog's eyes! You dare to stop this one!"

The judge looked cold:

"Master Adelaide, no matter who he is, rules are rules!"


Adelaide takes one step abruptly!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan smiled softly:

"He's right, rules are rules!"

The voice just fell!


Behind Jiang Fan, a burst of holy light burst out!

The light was so intense that it turned the night into daylight in an instant!

The entire trial room seemed to be lit up like a silver-white sun, even if it was dozens of miles away, it could be seen clearly!

The dozen or so judges were all stunned, looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, floating in the air, hands wide open:

"Praise my lord, God's grace is like a sea."

In an instant, two beautiful wings of light suddenly bloomed behind him!


More than a dozen judges all knelt to the ground trembling, looking at Jiang Fan frantically!

"Under the crown! It is under the crown of the saints!!"

"Mianxia! Mianxia!"

"Uuuuu... Mianxia actually came to the trial office!"

"I'm so excited! So excited!"

"All come out! The saint's crown is here!!"

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