A dozen judges were incoherent with excitement!

The trial has always been a forward attacking infidels. Regardless of the higher ranks, the beliefs of the judges and judges of the lower ranks are especially pious!

Seeing Jiang Fan, the saint in person, was extremely excited!

Even one of the judges fainted with a "hiccup" because of excessive excitement, rolled his eyes!

Dylan was stunned!

Hey guys, today I am a fan who has really seen adults!

The identity of the saint faces the believers, and the identity of the takeaway star faces the public. If Jiang Fan wants to set up a religion, he can pull the team up with just a little effort!

And as the voices of these judges sounded, the entire courthouse was literally jumping!

Many believers rushed out without even wearing their pants!

"Saints! Are the saints crowned?"

"Oh my God! This dazzling light!"

"Uuuuuu! Mianxia! Mianxia bless me!"

"I'm so excited! I actually saw the saint's crown!"

"John! John! Wake up!"

"Sleep you are paralyzed! Get up and hi!"

"My lord! Someone fainted excitedly again!"


Seeing that the situation was in chaos, Jiang Fan simply exuded his spiritual power, constantly calming a group of judges, and at the same time reciting the holy scripture aloud.

For a time, all the believers followed and chanted with tears in their eyes!

Jiang Fan was a little helpless. He originally came to pick the fruit, but it turned into spreading the gospel!

After reciting the sutra for ten minutes, Jiang Fan finally slowly retracted the holy light.

And the mood of a group of believers finally stabilized a little.

Jiang Fan encouraged a few more words, and these believers reluctantly left.

Until then, an old man with a rickety figure came up in awe:

"Hello, I am Fern, the custodian of the courthouse."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Barkley should have told you?"

"Yes, Lord Barkley said that some of the evil items of cultists we have sealed are extremely harmful, and we need to borrow your holy power to destroy them one by one, and let me lead the way."


This is a good start!

Jiang Fan looked holy:

"Yes, those things are extremely harmful, you can't keep them, let's pass them now."


Under Fern's leadership, Jiang Fan and his group crossed the small building and came to a large hall at the back.

As soon as he entered the hall, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

In the innermost part of the main hall is a sculpture of the God of Light, and under the sculpture is a holy table. On the holy table is a transparent glass cover. Inside, there is actually a phalanx!

An extremely pure light and divine power, at this moment, is constantly gurgling out from the finger bones!

This is definitely a good thing!

Noting Jiang Fan's look, Fern suddenly spoke respectfully:

"Under the crown, this is the finger bone of St. Thomas among the twelve disciples of the God of Light. The evil things in the Judgment House have always been suppressed by it."

Twelve disciples of Guangming God!

No one knows the specific strength of these people, but only looking at this phalanx after so many years, it can continue to emit such a quality of light and supernatural power, you know that it is definitely a treasure!

If this is sold...

"Well, good, good, good, good..."

Jiang Fan's fingers were about to move, but if he really got this thing out at this time, then he might not be able to do it as a saint himself.

Isn't it cost-effective?

Jiang Fan forcibly turned his head and followed Fern to the side of the hall.

Fern pressed a certain position on the wall, and a hidden door suddenly appeared.

Behind the secret door is a downward staircase, which is large enough to hold four people in parallel, leading to an unknown place.

Everyone picked up the level and almost came to a position several tens of meters from the ground, their eyes brightened!

What appeared in front of everyone was an extremely wide hall.

The hall is about a thousand square meters, and there is only a desk at the entrance, which is full of countless display cabinets.

And almost one thing is sealed in every display cabinet!

As far as I can see, these sealed things, including crystal balls, skulls, blood-stained fangs, etc., are conventional, and you can see that they are cult stuff.

There are also things that are often seen in movies such as music boxes, dolls, and gramophones, which are easy to be possessed by evil spirits.

The court not only punishes infidels, but also takes action if it encounters things like being parasitized by evil spirits, so it is not surprising to have these things.

But just as the so-called era is developing and technology is advancing, Jiang Fan actually discovered an outstanding existence among a bunch of objects——

A Nokia mobile phone!

Jiang Fan is a little confused:

"This thing is also an evil thing?"

He is now a little doubtful whether the contents in it are just being used up!

Unexpectedly, after hearing the question, Fern nodded solemnly:

"Under the crown, don't underestimate this thing. Twenty years ago, there was a terrible murder in Citi, killing more than 200 people one after another! And the culprit is this mobile phone!"

Dylan's expression moved:

"I seem to have heard that, it seems that all the deceased died while answering the phone."


Fern nodded:

"We went back to the source and found this phone."

"The origin of the incident was a school bullying. A boy named Bob was bullied at the school. Later, he happened to encounter a dark mage who taught him a spell that could summon a different world evil spirit. "

"Bob followed the method of the Dark Mage, and at the expense of his soul, cast a spell on this phone, allowing the evil spirits to exist in the phone."

"From then on, as long as you use this phone to call the other party, once the other party picks up, the soul will be swallowed by evil spirits."

"In this way, Bob not only killed the students who had bullied him, but also his family members."

"At that time, it was only Lord Barkley, the presiding judge, who was in charge of handling this matter."

"But Lord Barkley was not as strong as it is now, and he can't completely wipe out the evil spirit inside, so he just sealed it up."

"Later, he probably forgot about it himself, so this phone has been left here."

Fern said, sighing involuntarily.

The faces of Dylan and the others were not pretty.

Needless to say, Bob’s end, the end of the deal with the evil spirits must be swallowed by the evil spirits in the end, but who would have thought that the cause of all this was campus bullying?

Jiang Fan looked at the mobile phone for a while, but suddenly the appearance of the group of bear children in Class Three appeared in his mind.

If this Bob is his own student, I am afraid the ending will be completely different.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan rubbed his hands vigorously. He didn't come to sigh!

It's here to make a fortune!

Jiang Fan strode to the endless display cabinet, and put his hand on a skull!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 50 karma points for selling this item!"

Ha ha ha ha ~ ~

Sure enough, you came right!

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