Someone even hid a piece of paper in this Old Testament of Sander!

There are obvious torn marks on the edges of the paper, and there are no creases on the paper. It is obvious that the person who hid the paper was not deliberate, but temporary.

Jiang Fan recalled the record book placed on the table at the door when he first entered here.

The materials of the two are very similar.

However, this piece of paper has been yellowed and brittle, and it has obviously been hidden in this book for more than ten years, even decades.

Jiang Fan skipped this thought and looked at the content on the paper.

There are only two sets of numbers above.



Other than that, there are no more words.

Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

Since the other party hid this piece of paper, and it was still hidden in the Old Testament of Shard, which the believers of the light would never read, obviously it was to avoid all the believers of the light, but such a move was actually only because of these few figures. ?

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Fan put the paper away, then restored everything to its original condition, and strode towards the door.

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, Fern immediately greeted him:

"It's really hard work to purify so many evil things under the crown!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"It's all within my part, it's not hard work."

His eyes moved:

"Fern, how long have you been a custodian here?"

Fern was startled and thought for a while:

"It should be about thirty years."

"Thirty years... really hard work."

Fern looked serious:

"Mianxia is serious, as a believer in my lord, it's nothing!"

"Okay, well said!"

Jiang Fan nodded repeatedly, but then he seemed to think of something:

"But it's such a big place, are you alone? I think a lot of things inside are in dust, haven't they been cleaned?"

Fern looked ashamed:

"Under the crown, I'm the only one here, and the things inside are all unclean evil things. Although my faith is pious, but the grace of God is relatively thin, I dare not clean it."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Then it hasn't been cleaned in thirty years? No wonder the dust is so thick."

Fern became more ashamed.

Jiang Fan looked at the record book on the table:

"By the way, you are here most of the time, are you okay? How about the custodians before you? Have you been promoted? You can't be treated badly for heroes like you."

A look of gratitude appeared on Fern's face:

"Thank you for the next note, but unfortunately, my predecessor, Old John, is already in the arms of my lord."

A surprised look appeared on Jiang Fan's face:

"Have returned to my lord's embrace? Your strength has reached the fourteenth level, presumably old John should not be bad, how could..."

Fern explained:

"I don't know the details. I was just a small trainee judge at the beginning. I only know that Old John seemed to be deceived by some evil thing here, and was later purified by the former chief referee. So he took over. After this position, I haven't cleaned it much..."

Jiang Fan was startled:


"Yes, and it's not just Old John. After I heard that Old John was deceived, he also secretly controlled many believers through evil things, so many people were implicated afterwards."

"Where are those people?"

"This...I don't know about it. It is said that they were all sent to the Holy City later."

A gloom flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes, but his face was full of compassion:

"What a shame, what is the full name of this old John? I'm going to pray for him in a moment."

"Mianxia is so kind!"

Fern looked excited:

"I remember his name... called, um, John, John Barnes! Yes, that's the name!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Okay, I remember, but old John was cleansed by the former chief referee himself after all. If I pray with great fanfare, I'm afraid it will cause misunderstandings, so..."

Fern nodded repeatedly:

"I understand, I won't talk about it!"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly and put his hand on Fern's head:

"Praise my lord, and may Brother Fern be favored by God every day."

As he spoke, a pure light and divine power had been instilled into Fern's body.

For a while, Fern only felt refreshed, and thanked him again and again with excitement.

Several people left the warehouse, Fern also wanted to prepare a dormitory for Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan shook his head, found a reason at will and left the court.

Several people came to the front, Jiang Fan looked at Adelaide:

"Check that John Barnes and see what happened that year."

First of all, we can be sure that it is absolutely impossible for people outside the court to enter the warehouse, so the person who hides the paper must be from the court!

And in the warehouse, there are all evil things that normal light believers will never turn over. The things are hidden here to avoid the inspection of the Light Council!

Secondly, hiding this piece of paper is definitely not to hide the secrets completely, but to pass on the secrets!

And looking at the torn marks on the paper, it was obvious that the incident happened suddenly.

And since the incident happened suddenly, how could the other party come here to hide things?

There is only one explanation, that is, the person himself is in the warehouse!

Who would be in this warehouse with no retreat when the incident happened suddenly?

There is only one answer, custodian!

Paper has a history of several decades, and it will never be hidden by Fern, and since it is not him, it can only be his predecessor-Old John!

There are indeed problems with some evil things in the warehouse, but even if Old John is really bewitched, there is no need for the chief referee at the time to take it personally!

In other words, the real reason for his death was not to be bewitched by evil things at all, but it was very likely that it had something to do with this piece of paper!

Old John hid this piece of paper just to give it to others, but that person never showed up. Combined with what Fern said before, many people were implicated after Old John was deceived by evil things, so can it be understood as , The people who Old John wants to pass on are among those people? So after so many years, this piece of paper is still hidden there.

If the guess is true, then these two sets of numbers are absolutely extremely important!

Adelaide was taken aback when he heard Jiang Fan's words:

"My lord, is there anything wrong with that old John?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth:

"The problem is big! When you are investigating, don't disturb others. Please report to me whenever you have any problems."


Adelaide solemnly agreed.

"in addition……"

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, then suddenly said:

"Try to find the records of those who went in and out of the warehouse during Old John's time."


Adelaide nodded:

"My lord, are you leaving now?"

"Well, take care."

"My lord, so are you."

Watching Jiang Fan leave, Adelaide called out immediately.

After a while, several judges suddenly appeared behind him:

"My lord, what's your order?"

Adelaide spoke proudly:

"Mianxia destroyed a lot of evil things. It's really hard. But those things are not destroyed. You guys, find out all the records related to the warehouse over the years, and call a few more people to compare them one by one. Don't leave it. What's wrong, otherwise, Lord Barkley will come back and we won't have a good relationship."

"My lord, those records are quite a lot..."

A judge said tentatively.

Adelaide frowned:

"Hurry up then? Before Lord Barkley comes back, you must do it! I don't want to leave a mess for the Lord!"


"By the way, there are records and things like that. After you find them out, let me check them out. The chief referee and several chief judges are not there. I have to handle this personally!"


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