On the way back, Jiang Fan was not in a hurry, and directly recruited the iron-blooded spacecraft, while starting to count the gains in the trial house.

Except for a bunch of messy things, the biggest gain this time is causality.

After four turns, in addition to increasing his own costs, Jiang Fan still has more than four million causal points left.

However, for fifteen subordinates to build gold-level portals, one recharged one hundred thousand, and it cost nearly two million.

Then they gave each of these people five silver-level portals, which was 750,000, plus 20,000 for each portal, and 1.5 million were burned out.

Counting just the cost of the portal, it cost almost 3.5 million!

I only have more than 600,000 left.

This time, nearly one million were collected in the trial house, and the total number of causal points was 1.6 million.

If it was in the past, this is of course a huge sum of money!

But now, let alone opening the exclusive world, the remaining triple domains are not enough!

"Just wipe that Helena on the neck when you get home!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

But when he thought of China's situation, he suddenly frowned.

Although it has been determined that Tianwen will not shoot himself again, there are exceptions to everything, what if?

Even though he has the strength of the 23rd level to kill at this moment, in front of Tianzun, there is almost no difference between the 19th level and the 23rd level!

After thinking about it, Jiang Fan suddenly changed the end setting of the spacecraft.

Dylan beside him was startled:

"My lord, shall we not go back to China?"

"Go back! Go to Korea to do something first, and test the wind direction of China by the way."

Jiang Fan directly sent a message to Uncle Zhong, and then dialed a number.

The bell rang for seven or eight times before being picked up, and an angry voice suddenly sounded on the opposite side:

"Axi! I don't know I—"

Jiang Fan said coldly:

"Li Zailie!"

The voice on the other side suddenly stopped, and then directly turned into panic:

"Jiang, Jiang, Jiang Fan?!"

This voice is the prince of Goryeo's March chaebol, Li Zaiyeol!

"It's me, why, interrupting you to sleep?"

"No, no! Hehe, Mr. Jiang, why do you think of contacting me?"

"Did you not say last time that you have an evil **** in Goryeo?"

"Ah! Are you here to kill him?"

Li Zailie's voice was excited!

"Well, I'll be there in half an hour."

"Great! I'll pick you up at the airport!"

"No, give me an address, I'll find you."

"Good good!"


Half an hour later, Jiang Fan took Dylan directly to Hancheng International Hotel.

Here are all foreign tourists, the flow of people is huge, and the identities are complicated. Even if people are aware of the meeting in this kind of place, it is difficult to track down. Li Zailie arranged a good place.

The two took the elevator straight to the seventeenth floor, and then directly knocked on the door of 1416's room.

The door of the room was immediately opened, and immediately afterwards, an excited Li Zailie appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang! Come in and sit down, come in and sit down!"

Except for Li Zailie, his follower Ban Song Zaichong was also there when he was in the strange auction.

Jiang Fan entered the room and sat on the sofa at will:

"Where is the evil god?"

Li Zailie didn't expect Jiang Fan to go so straight to the subject, and immediately looked at Song Zaichong.

Song Zaichong's face became stiff, and he suddenly smiled and said:

"Mr. Jiang, where is the immortal god, we haven't found out yet..."

Dylan's face sank:

"Are you playing adults?"

"No, no! We definitely didn't mean that!"

Song Zaichong hurriedly shook his head:

"Mr. Jiang, you also know the level of our Goryeo masters. It's really... the only master in Goryeo, who was slapped by you last time. So are we..."

Jiang Fan frowned:

"It goes without saying that these explanations are useful."

"Yes yes yes, although we haven't found out where the immortal **** is, we have found the address of the headquarters of the immortal god. If the evil **** has a hiding place, it must be there!"

"Very good! Lead the way!"

Jiang Fan stood up as he said.

Both Li Zailie were stunned:

"This, in such a hurry?"


Jiang Fan was about to go out, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Oh oh oh oh oh! ! !

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up suddenly!

According to the rules of the system, the first world after the transfer is almost equivalent to the reward world!

"This is Arcadia, broadcast on the emergency channel!"

"There is no infection here, we provide safety, food and shelter..."

"This is Arcadia, broadcast on the emergency channel!"

"There is no infection here, we provide safety, food and shelter..."


Isn't this a reminder of Resident Evil 4?

"Ding! Please give Alice a pot fried chicken!"

What? !

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

You even specified the use of waste oil. Isn't it hard for me?

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Li Zailie:

"Do you know where there is waste oil?"


A hundred question marks on Li Zailie's head!

"Damn! I guess you don't even know!"

Jiang Fan opened the window, leaped forward, and said in his mouth:

"Take a rest tonight, come back tomorrow!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already flew up abruptly and went straight to the distance!

There are many fried chicken shops in Korea. Jiang Fan found a street casually around. There are more than a dozen fried chicken shops here. The fragrance is strong, and many shops are lined up at the door!

But at this moment, a young man was yelling at the door of a store.

As soon as Jiang Fan fell, he heard the young man yelling at the door:

"Uncle, your fried chicken isn't clean, isn't it? I had a stomachache just after eating yesterday!"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense, my house is more than ten years old. It must be your own problem!"

The boss frowned and said loudly.

"How could it be my own problem? I only ate your fried chicken yesterday!"

The young people fight for reasons.

There were a few people who were in the queue. When they heard the young man's words, they whispered a bit, and then they walked away.

"Hey, hey, don't go! My fried chicken is absolutely fine!"

The boss said that he would stop the guests, but the young man grabbed the boss:

"Hey, don't go!"


The boss's face sank, and he slammed the young man with a punch.

But at this moment!


A big hand suddenly grabbed the boss's fist!

Suddenly, Jiang Fan rushed over!

The boss's face changed:

"Boy, don't mind your nostalgia!"

Jiang Fan shook his head quickly:

"I'm not here to make trouble, I'm here to buy fried chicken!"

"Oh? It turned out to be a guest!"

The boss smiled suddenly.


Jiang Fan nodded repeatedly.

The boss doesn’t care about the guests who left:

"How much do you want to buy, sir?"

"The key to buying more and less depends on the quality of your home."

"Guests can rest assured, the quality of my home is absolutely..."

"That's not important, boss, is your household cooking oil?"

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