God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 216: This shy look is perfect

Everyone was stunned!

Who is this again?

I saw that a brawny man with a dozen gangsters came over with an arrogant expression!

This person is actually, Brother Tiger!

Brother Tao almost burst into tears for an instant!

"Brother Tiger! Brother Tiger, save me!"

"Relax! There is Lao Tzu here, see who dares to move you!"

Brother Tiger looks arrogant!

Brother Tao seemed to have taken a reassurance pill and immediately laughed triumphantly!

"You're done! Here, they are all Brother Tiger's brothers! Not to mention that you are in your 20s, or more than 200, which is not easy!"

"Dare to let Lao Tzu eat mice! See who eats them now!"


Brother Tiger looked proud and pointed at Pang Tai!

"Boy, dare to let Lao Tzu's men eat mice? I don't know this place-damn!"

Brother Tiger suddenly saw Jiang Fan behind Pang Tai, his bladder loosened, and he almost didn't urinate!

Then, apart from anything else, I point to Brother Tao!

"People let you eat mice, you **** don't want to eat them!"


Brother Tao is dumbfounded!

"Ah, Lao Mu! Give it to Lao Tzu!"

Brother Hu saw that Brother Tao was at a loss, he simply strode forward, picked up the dead mouse and stuffed it into Brother Tao's mouth!

"Nima's! You idiot! Hurry up and feed it to Lao Tzu!"

Brother Tiger has a hideous look, that looks like dealing with killing his father and enemy!

Brother Tao is struggling desperately, and his desire to die is gone!


Brother Tiger was directly pumped up with a big mouth!

"Dare you not be obedient? If you don't eat today, I will kill you!"

Brother Tao shivered and started to eat with tears in his eyes!


A group of people who eat melons are all vomiting!

I rub it, too spicy eyes!

"Remember! In the future, who dares to make trouble here, that is, this end!"

Brother Hu looked at Jiang Fan with satisfaction, and finally wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and waved his hand!

"Go, go!"

In less than five seconds, a group of thugs ran away and disappeared!

Pang Tai and others were completely stunned!

What's the situation?

He ran so far, forcing his subordinates to finish eating the mice, and then they ran away?

It’s kind of hilarious!

Bai Xia saw everything clearly!

Brother Fan, unexpectedly, so powerful?

It seems that even if everyone says that the Jiang family is finished, Brother Fan will eventually rise up!

I am definitely with the right person!

Jiang Fan winked at Bai Xia, and immediately left without a trace!

Believe that in the future, there will never be a blind jerk, come over to find trouble!

However, Bai Xia and Cheng An, but their first team, have the opportunity to teach them some methods of self-defense!

At this moment, it was time for school, Jiang Fan simply opened the ordering software and began to take orders!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone rang suddenly, but strangely, there was no caller ID on it!

"Mr. Jiang, it's me!"

Upon hearing this sound, Jiang Fan was startled!


This person is actually the first time Yang Qi has found a killer to deal with him!

"Mr. Jiang, it is said that someone has to deal with you! You have recently, please be careful!"

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan smiled: "This news, just take it as it is, you can pay back my favor!"

"Don't be kidding me! I'm a professional killer! Even if I don't notify you, with your strength, it's okay!"

Last time, when Jiang Fan dealt with him, he had already seen Jiang Fan's terrifying strength! Full of confidence in Jiang Fan!

"Now, it's just that there is this rumors in the circle, I also know it accidentally! I will let you know if there is news!"

"Okay! Then trouble you!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan frowned!

Why is someone trying to kill himself again?

Wu Sicheng?

That idiot should not be so impulsive!

Forget it, it doesn't matter who it is! Whoever dares to come, let whoever die!

After school in the afternoon, Jiang Fan went directly to the crew of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!

Seeing Jiang Fan's arrival, a group of crew members were immediately excited!

After all, watching Jiang Fan acting is simply a kind of enjoyment!

Su Lingyu's eyes showed even more expectation!

Because tonight, she and Jiang Fan had a match, which was a bit ambiguous, rivaling the scene!

"Master! Are you tired after coming so busy? Let's drink some water first!"

Before Su Lingyu had waited, Li Tianlin had already handed Jiang Fan a bottle of mineral water with a look of diligence!

Jiang Fan finished drinking in one breath and nodded in satisfaction!

This kid is not bad, he is a man of work!

And Du Yuming, with a look of admiration at this time, began to explain Jiang Fan's actions for a while!


Su Lingyu glared at Li Tianlin bitterly, and tightly squeezed the mineral water in his hand!

"Miss, would you like to drink water? I'll help you unscrew it!"

Yu Rui said, I must help!

"No need to!"

Su Lingyu snapped off the bottle cap with a "pop"!

Yu Rui was stunned!

Su Lingyu is so weak! When did you have so much strength?

It took a few minutes to put on makeup, and Jiang Fan immediately regained the image of that lonely and arrogant master!

"so hot!"

"Every time I look at it, my heart is surging!"

"Just look like a takeaway star, this movie is not popular, it's impossible to tolerate it!"

"Yes! My heart, no, it's going to be melted!"

A group of fans of the crew are almost full of little stars!

"Bamboo forest facing each other! The first scene, the first scene! Start!"

Following Zhang Wentao's order, the crew immediately started!

Su Lingyu is wearing a uniform, riding a horse, looking anxious, walking through the bamboo forest!

"Swish swish!"

Three long arrows were shot out suddenly!

Su Lingyu drove the horse to rush from left to right, but with an arrow, he shot the horse!

"Hey Lü Lü!"

The steed wailed!

Fell suddenly!


Su Lingyu suddenly stood up!

Tap your toes lightly on the bamboo pole and land firmly on the ground!

"Hongling! You can't run away!"

"Kill you! There is no general in the Kuching dynasty! The Central Plains will be in my clan's pocket!"

"You accept your fate!"

"Suffer to death!"

Several masters in foreign costumes rushed forward one after another!

"Huh! The mere barbarians also want to covet my Central Plains? I don't know how to live or die!"


Su Lingyu's long sword came out of its sheath and greeted it without fear!

However, the strength of several alien races is beyond imagination!

Seeing, she was about to be hit by the opponent's long knife!


A figure appeared in front of Su Lingyu like lightning!

At the same time, a domineering voice sounded!

"Borrow the sword for a use!"

Su Lingyu hadn't reacted yet, the long sword had disappeared from his hand!

next moment!


Several rounds of full moon lit up in the sky!

That is, the cold light of the long sword!

"Boom boom boom!"

A few aliens stared in disbelief!

Then, fell to the ground and killed!

Until then, Jiang Fan, dressed in white, showed his figure!

Jiang Fan tilted his head slightly!

"General, are you okay?"

So... handsome!

Su Lingyu only felt her heart beating violently involuntarily!

"Also, okay! Thank you!"

Jiang Fan turned around, took a step forward, and handed the long sword to Su Lingyu!

"Long sword beauty, forever, I haven't seen such a beautiful scenery for a long time!"

Su Lingyu was at a loss by Jiang Fan's gaze! His face is red like an apple!

She, unexpectedly, is out of play!


Zhang Wentao suddenly called to stop!

Damn it!

Su Lingyu suddenly sober!

That's it! The Su Lingyu I just passed by, today, unexpectedly, planted!


"Miss Su! It's perfect! You deserve to be an international actress! Your shy look, oh my God! It's perfect! That's the look in your eyes!"

Zhang Wentao was overwhelmed with excitement!


Su Lingyu was stunned!

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