God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 217: Wild boar let go of that beauty

"Miss Su, hold on!"

Zhang Wentao clenched his fists in excitement!

Today's scene is definitely another pinnacle of Su Lingyu's acting skills!

However, when filming with Mr. Jiang, such a situation is absolutely normal!

I believe that as the shooting progresses, the future scenes will be more exciting!

Thanks to Mr. Jiang, I, Zhang Wentao, this time, is bound to snow the shame of the "king of bad movies"!

"Everyone, everyone is in great shape tonight! We need to keep up! Tonight, let's try to take a few more shots!"

Zhang Wentao excitedly waved to the crew!


A group of crew members seem to be more excited than Zhang Wentao!

Is there anything more exciting than watching Takeaway Star and Su Lingyu play against each other?

It’s fine to shoot for one night!

However, unlike the excitement of the crew, the other group's teeth are about to be broken!

Da'an Street!

Jiang Fan's downstairs!

Ding Yong, with a group of gangsters, holding machetes, was staring at the intersection fiercely!

Jiang Fan! You bastard! The last time I killed the wrong person, I dared to protect Pang Tai again this time, it was just looking for death!

I won't abandon you today, and swear not to be a man!

Ding Yong has a cruel expression!

"Brother Yong! Don't worry, this time, from the front street to the corridor, they are our brothers! Even if Jiang Fan is a centipede, this time, he will definitely not be able to run away!"

"Good job! As long as you see Jiang Fan, don't ask more, just chop!"


All gangsters have a hideous look!

Soon, it's one o'clock in the morning!

Since there is still a scene tomorrow morning, Zhang Wentao had no choice but to announce the end of work!

As for Jiang Fan, because of the scene tomorrow morning, he was the protagonist, so he had to follow the crew back to the hotel!

Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu still had Yu Rui, and soon they were upstairs!

"Cough! Yu Rui, I'm a little hungry!"

"Huh? Miss, what do you want to eat?"


Su Lingyu smiled, and then suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Shui, are you hungry? I will ask Yu Rui to bring you a copy too!"


Yu Rui, annoyed!

Last time, she was at the gate of Jiang Fan, and she was embarrassed!

"Well, I want to eat pot-and-wrapped meat!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"I see you like a pot of meat!"

Yu Rui almost died of anger!

"Yu Rui, then go and see if there is any!"


Yu Ruimeng!

Couldn't the lady be...

"Go! I'm almost starving to death!"


Yu Rui helplessly gave Jiang Fan a bitter look!

"Takeaway Star! I'm out, if something goes wrong with Miss, I can't spare you!"

"Well, I still want to eat barbecue!"

"your sister!"

"Okay Yu Rui, then you can stop by and see if there is any!"

Su Lingyu almost treats Yu Rui as an errand runner!

Yu Rui was dying and slammed his fist at Jiang Fan who was grinning!

Seeing Yu Rui leaving, Su Lingyu suddenly blurted out!

"Mr. Water, the scene tomorrow morning, would you like it, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered the scene in her room last time!

For a while, I was embarrassed and wanted to find a place to sew in!

"Well, yes or no, come to my room?"

Jiang Fan, asked tentatively!


Su Lingyu promised in a low voice and followed Jiang Fan directly into the room!

Since that scene, she has always felt a bit feverish in her brain!

When acting, you can't help it at all!

However, Zhang Wentao and a group of actors all applauded one after another, saying that their performance is almost in the eye of Miki!

She is fainted by herself!

Following Jiang Fan into the room, Su Lingyu, suddenly for no reason, his heart beat violently!

The lone man and the widow are in his room again. If he does something, how should I...cooperate?

No no no!


What's wrong with me?

"Miss Su? Miss Su?"

Seeing Su Lingyu's look uncertain, Jiang Fan asked a few words in a friendly manner!

"Huh? No! No!"

After Su Lingyu said this, he realized it!

She almost collapsed!

Can't wait to smash to death!

I can't take care of things like drama, I just want to leave!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan grabbed her by the sleeve!

Su Lingyu was shocked!

Could it be that the takeaway star, sure enough, has no good intentions?

"Is there anyone else in your room?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

Su Lingyu was taken aback!

"No, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

The Su Lingyu room separated by a wall clearly had an unusual atmosphere!

Similar to infuriating, but never the same!

Seeing Jiang Fan's face, Su Lingyu suddenly understood!

Is there someone else in your room? But how did Jiang Fan know? Could it be that the infuriating Qi that Du Yuming once said?

"are you sure?"

"Yeah! The breath is a bit weird, not like a master of martial arts! Don't move here, I'll take a look!"

Jiang Fan said, gently opened the door, and walked to the door of Su Lingyu's room silently!

Then, kicked open the door!

In the room, unexpectedly, stood a thin man!

At first sight of Jiang Fan, the man was taken aback, and suddenly raised his hand at Jiang Fan!

Although Jiang Fan could not see anything, he obviously felt a strong wind coming!

He jumped forward suddenly!


A deep cut suddenly appeared on the door frame!

"Infuriate out?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Seeing Jiang Fan avoiding the attack, the man immediately looked surprised!

Backhand, two more swings!

Jiang Fan picked up a chair with one foot and stood in front of him!


The chair fell apart in an instant!

And Jiang Fan has appeared behind the man!

Suddenly, a punch blasted out!


The whole spine of the man "clicked"!

Then, with a face full of disbelief, he slowly fell to the ground!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

"A master who is really angry, how can it be, such a dish?"

"Couldn't it be true anger!"

Jiang Fan suddenly thought of a possibility!

Only at this moment!


A scream suddenly sounded!

It's Su Lingyu!

Jiang Fan didn't have time to think about it, Jiuyang's true energy spread all over his body for an instant, and then he ran into the wall!


Jiang Fan knocked out a big hole in the wall between the two rooms!

And Jiang Fan has returned to his room again!

At this moment, Su Lingyu has been covered by a strong Western man! It looks like he is about to be taken away!

"Wild boar! Let go of that beauty!"

Jiang Fan pointed at the big man!

The face of the big man suddenly sank!

"Damn monkey! What do you say about me?"

"Are you stupid? You want to hear what you call you a second time!"

"court death!"

The big man was furious, threw Su Lingyu onto the sofa, and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

The backhand is a punch!


Contrary to Jiang Fan's expectation, he was knocked into flight by this big man!

what happened? A weak chicken, one so strong?

"Hey! Sick man of East Asia, I thought you had a lot of abilities!"

The big man looked smug!

"Mask! Check the opponent's combat power!"

"Didi! Test the opponent's comprehensive combat power as Level 3!"

Level three? It seems that I was right!

"Boy, I'll teach you a lesson, let's get rid of your hand. From now on, don't be nosy!"

The big man smiled grimly, and smashed Jiang Fan with a fierce punch!

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