Jiang Fan allowed the knife to be embedded in Qi Huaifang's flesh, so that he could constantly stimulate the pain of the other party, and let him always remember the consequences of lying.

Then, he tapped his finger lightly:

"So, what can you tell me? About your female superior?"

Qi Huaifang's heart trembled!

Jiang Fan even knew this!

He shook his head:

"It's not her, it's the person who developed me and entered the sky!"


Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

Qi Huaifang was taken aback:

"Why are you laughing?"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"If I remember correctly, you were Tianwen who joined twelve years ago, right?"

Qi Huaifang almost didn't jump up!

He looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

The time when I joined Heaven is definitely a secret that Lu Changqing doesn't know!

But how could Jiang Fan know?


Not only Lu Changqing, but he also caught other people from Tianwen!

This, this guy...

At this moment, Qi Huaifang only felt a burst of icy cold, and even forgot the pain in his body.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Don't get excited, let's talk about it, who is the person who developed you?"

Qi Huaifang hesitated for a moment:

"That person is too important, and there are restrictions in my brain. Unless I say it myself, don't want to know other means... I want you to give me a guarantee first."

Jiang Fan's face turned cold:

"If you don't tell me, I can also find out! Qi Huaifang, I can give you alms, but you are not qualified to bargain with me!"

Jiang Fan came out of Qi Huaifang's mind again and said that the news that he joined Tianwen twelve years ago was immediately relieved.

"He, his name is Cheng Kong."

A hint of surprise flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes:

"Cheng Kong? That disciple who is dominated by the Nine Sides?"

"Yes, it's him."

Jiang Fan exhaled a long breath, and then suddenly swiped the knife embedded in Qi Huaifang!


Qi Huaifang suddenly wailed:

"I already told you!"

Jiang Fan growled:

"What the **** you told me was a dead man!"

At the beginning of the Jinghu Courtyard, Cheng Kong came to kill Zhou's father and son, but Jiang Fan was killed. Later, Jiang Fan provided various clues about Cheng Kong's corpse to Yin Binghua, and only then did he learn that he was a disciple of the domineering nine parties!

It's just that Nangong Jinghai has already checked this line!

Jiang Fan's eyes were gloomy:

"After I killed him in the Jinghu Courtyard, I have passed the news about him to all the wealthy families, don't you know it?"

Qi Huaifang looked shocked:

"You, do you know that person is Cheng Kong?"


Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand!


Qi Huaifang was sweating profusely:

"He is dead, but he and Chuanhunshi, my current superior, obviously know each other."

"It's nonsense again!"

"No, I mean, their relationship is not just the same as Tianwen members, they may even have a deeper relationship. When I was activated half a year ago, they came together. I heard it with my own ears. Chuan Hun Shi called him Senior Brother!"


Jiang Fan's eyes moved!

Cheng Kong is the disciple of the dominance of the Nine Sides, is that woman too?

Or maybe, after Cheng Kong's death, he worshiped Master again?

In any case, Jiu Fang dominates this line, it must be checked!

"Mr. Jiang, what I said is true!"

Seeing Jiang Fan holding the knife, Qi Huaifang hurriedly called again.

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, finally lowering his hand slowly:

"Very well, I can spare your life, but you have to do one more thing!"

"You say!"

"Go to the Bise Hall and send another message!"


Jiang Fan personally bandaged Qi Huaifang's wound.

During the conversation between the two parties, Qi Huaifang gave some clues.

For example, there is more than one Soul Chuanshi in Tianwen, including Cheng Kong, who is also one of the Soul Chuanshi.

In addition, the level between Tianwen is extremely strict, and the one he can come into contact with, even the strongest one he knows, is the level of Soul Chuanshi.

Moreover, he is not allowed to communicate with each other. The reason why he knew the identity of Lu Changqing was completely accidental.

Seeing that the wound was bandaged, Qi Huaifang suddenly asked a little nervously:

"Mr. Jiang, me, when shall I go?"

"No hurry, wait a moment."

"Wait, what are you waiting for?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"You just said that it was the soul transfer official who told you to pass the news through the Bi Se Guild Hall. Why did you never think about it?"

Qi Huaifang was startled, and suddenly asked:

"Are you suspicious, she is hiding there?"


"It should be impossible."

Qi Huaifang shook his head:

"To be honest, for safety's sake, I have also inquired about Bi Se's background. There is no problem, and I have never even evaded taxes!"

Jiang Fan looked at Qi Huaifang in surprise.

Qi Huaifang was taken aback:

"Why, what's the matter?"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"You are so innocent. Didn't you realize that what you just said was the biggest problem?"

Qi Huaifang obviously didn't react.

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Bise Club...I remember that before Jiang’s family had an accident, I had been there several times. The quality of the accompany drinks in it was good, and the service was of course not bad. Of course, there were a lot of thugs..."

The more Jiang Fan said, the more confused Qi Huaifang:

"Mr. Jiang, what are you saying?"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Mr. Qi, do you think this kind of industry that is wandering in the gray area can be cleaned up like this?"

Qi Huaifang's face changed completely!

Jiang Fan is right, how could this kind of industry be so clean?

Not to mention normal large companies, even anchors are evading taxes these years, let alone an industry like Bisei!

He looked at Jiang Fan in shock:

"Bi Se, is the stronghold of the Chuanhunshi?"

"Basically, the way you deliver the message determines that she will inevitably stay in the Bishui Guild Hall for a long time, otherwise what should you do if you can't contact her in an emergency? But the people inside shouldn't know her true identity. The problem is, first, I have to figure out everyone in Bi Se! Second, I have to make sure she is inside!"

Qi Huaifang understood thoroughly:

"Assemblies usually only open at night. Before I went to deliver news, I basically chose to go at night, so you want to go again at night?"

Jiang Fan breathed a sigh of relief:

"You finally get it."


The door of the warehouse was opened.

Soon after, Uncle Xuan walked in with a booklet.

"Master, according to your instructions, this is the information of all the Bise staff."


Jiang Fan nodded, scanned it quickly, then took out the phone and took all the photos of the women, and then passed them all to Yin Binghua.

After a while, Yin Binghua called:

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing?"

"In the photo, is there anyone you know?"

"Are you shameless?"

Yin Binghua suddenly roared:

"The caption of your picture clearly says ‘List of clubhouse acquaintances’. Do you think I’ll know a woman in a nightclub?"

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