"Um...that's not the point, don't you know it?"


Yin Binghua spoke out of anger:

"Is there anything? It's okay, I'm hanging up!"

"Wait, let me ask you one more thing, how many apprentices does Jiufang Dominate?"

"There seem to be five. Why are you asking about this? My master will check if the nine parties dominate over there."

"Who is Cheng Kong? Is there a junior sister?"

Yin Binghua frowned:

"Cheng Kong should be third, behind him...Yes! He has a junior girl named Bai Ling."

"Have you seen it?"

"I saw it a few years ago, what did you ask me for?"

"The last thing, check for me, is she by the side of Jiufang alone!"

"Damn! Are you treating your old lady as your nanny?"

Yin Binghua said angrily.

Jiang Fan's tone is calm:

"No, you are my best friend, and I will do more for you too."

Yin Binghua was obviously startled and hesitated:

"You, don't talk nonsense, then help you one more time, one last time! I have something to do, hang up first..."


Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"Brought you a little gift, remember to come and get it when you have time."

"Huh! I'm not rare!"

Yin Binghua said firmly, but she couldn't hide a trace of joy:

"Anything else?"

"Temporarily gone."

"That's it, check it out and I will contact you."



The phone hangs up.

Uncle Xuan looked at Jiang Fan in surprise.

"Master, yes, your ability to pick up girls is getting better and better!"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's just a friend."

"Hmm, I understand."

At nine o'clock in the evening, outside the Bise Hall.

Jiang Fan looked at Qi Huaifang who was about to get off the car:

"Don't be nervous, everything will be fine as usual. Sadako will be by your side, and I will respond at any time. As long as it is less than 24th level, no one can hurt you."

Qi Huaifang nodded. In order to increase his confidence, Jiang Fan personally moved his hand in front of him. Qi Huaifang was shocked.

"Mr. Jiang, I still don't quite understand."


"Yes, since you're sure you can catch him, why did you ask her to meet at ten?"

"Everything has an accident, what if she doesn't show up in person?"

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang is really thoughtful."

Qi Huaifang laughed dryly and looked at Jiang Fan hesitantly:

"Mr. Jiang, finish this time..."

"Don't worry, I will revise the memories of Qi family members at that time. You are still you, and no one will know that it was you who leaked the secret."


Qi Huaifang took a deep breath, and finally strode out of the car.

Sadako's figure faded, like a thin white mist, silently following Qi Huaifang.

Seeing that both of them entered the hall, Jiang Fan finally closed his eyes, and his perception was completely diffused, directly covering the entire hall.

In an instant, everything in the entire clubhouse, in Jiang Fan's perception, was like a sight of fire!

According to estimates, the strongest soul transfer official will not exceed the twenty-first level, this level is extremely strong anywhere.

But in front of Jiang Fan, he couldn't even realize his perception!

Jiang Fan separated a strand of spiritual thread and attached it to Qi Huaifang, and immediately "see" everything around him.

In Qi Huaifang's expression, there was still a hint of nervousness, but it didn't matter, contacting Tianwen itself was a nervous thing.

Qi Huaifang came all the way to Box No. 7, and then put a note under the bed, then pretended to receive a call, and left immediately.

And Jiang Fan's spiritual power was directly separated from him and attached to the sticky note.

As soon as Qi Huaifang left, a woman with a clean appearance walked in.

Jiang Fan did not respond.

It's impossible for this Chuanhunshi to be so careless.

Sure enough, Procter & Gamble wandered around to see if there was nothing to clean, and immediately walked out.

Until Qi Huaifang walked out of the Bishui Guild Hall, no one entered.

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry.

Qi Huaifang got into the car and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan nervously:

"Mr. Jiang, am I ok?"

"No problem, you did a good job, and I will let Sadako go back with you to fulfill the promise in a while."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Qi Huaifang was overjoyed.

At this moment!

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly moved!

In spying on his spiritual power, the door of Box No. 7 was opened, and then seven or eight young women walked in, surrounded by two potbellied men.

A group of people first opened a few bottles of wine in the outer room, and then, one of the women went into the inner room with the excuse of going into the bedroom to tidy up her clothes.

As soon as she came in, she went straight to the bed, and immediately picked up the memo.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Got you!"

In Qi Huaifang's shocked eyes, Jiang Fan in the car turned into a breeze and dissipated!

At the same time, Jiang Fan appeared in the inner room of private room No. 7, behind the woman!

However, the moment he saw the woman, Jiang Fan's expression changed!


This woman can never be a Chuanhunshi!

Her strength is too low!

It's only level five!

Fortunately, I still have preparations!

The woman seemed to feel the wind behind her, and suddenly looked back.

At this moment, Jiang Fan's body suddenly turned into a mist!

Water control, atomization!

The woman frowned, turned around again, and looked at the note.

Then she directly took out a mobile phone from her handbag and dialed a number:

"Zun Shi, An Zi is here to report. There is important news about Jiang Fan. I will invite you to meet at Qi's house at ten o'clock."

There was an indifferent female voice on the other side:


The phone hangs up.

Just as the woman was about to put away her mobile phone, Jiang Fan appeared like a ghost and reappeared behind her, suddenly behind her head!

The woman fell down immediately.

In the room, another mist slowly appeared, turning into Sadako's appearance.

Without waiting for Jiang Fan's instructions, she had already performed phantom hypnosis on this woman.

Soon, Sadako looked at Jiang Fan:

"She doesn't know who the Chuanhunshi is. The task here is to receive the sticky notes, and then notify the Chuanhunshi. This bit of her skill is also for the soul-passing official. No matter how much she has, she won't know, even the heavens ask. I have never heard of the name."

Jiang Fan looked gloomy:

"This soul transfer official is really cautious! Fortunately, I have done two-handed preparations!"

Jiang Fan wrote down the number, and then spoke:

"Erase her memory, let's go!"

The two teleported to the car, and immediately headed towards Qi's house.

Along the way, Jiang Fan's face became more and more gloomy, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Just being a soul transfer official, it is already so difficult to find out, it is not difficult to imagine how tightly this organization should be.

Even if he caught this soul transfer official, Jiang Fan couldn't guarantee that he could ask anything.

But the more such an opponent, the more excited he is!

The higher the difficulty, the more heartily after the destruction!

In Jiang Fan's silent sneer, the Qi family soon arrived.

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