God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2180: You don't understand women

The Qi family was once the first in the capital. Although it was later divided into Qi and Chu two families, most of the ancestral industry still fell into the hands of Qi family.

Just this ancestral house is almost three points bigger than the average villa area.

Qi Huaifang's residence is located to the east of the ancestral house, which is a separate courtyard.

Before coming, Jiang Fan greeted Qi Huaichen, so the whole Qi family remained the same.

Qi Huaifang went directly into the study in accordance with the habits of the past.

Time passed by every minute, and it soon reached ten o'clock in the evening.


The door of the study was knocked suddenly.

Qi Huaifang trembled his hands and took a deep breath before he walked to the door quickly and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a man whose whole body was wrapped in a jet black cloak. Looking at the curve of his figure, he was obviously a woman.

Qi Huaifang half-bended:

"Zun Shi!"


The woman nodded indifferently and walked into the study:

"What is it for me?"

Standing at the door, Qi Huaifang not only did not follow her in, but backed two steps, and went straight to the door.

The woman was startled:

"what are you doing?"

Qi Huaifang laughed twice:

"Zun Shi, it's not me looking for you, it's him."

He raised his hand and pointed at the woman's back.

The woman suddenly looked back, and then her pupils shrank!

Behind her, she didn't know when, there was an extra person!

"Jiang Fan?!"

The woman's voice at this moment was full of shock.

But then, she was ecstatic:

"Jiang Fan?"

Although the high-level Tianwen had given up on killing Jiang Fan again, they didn't say that they would kill Jiang Fan again!

In any case, being able to kill Jiang Fan is a great achievement!

And now, this kid actually took the initiative to send it to the door!

Without any nonsense, the woman suddenly made a move, and hit Jiang Fan's heart with a punch!


This punch hit Jiang Fan firmly!

The woman's eyes were full of ecstasy, and she seemed to have seen Jiang Fan's dismemberment!

But the next moment!


Jiang Fan didn't move, but the woman's arm was directly shaken by the counter-shock force from Jiang Fan's body!


The woman snorted and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief.

Jiang Fan was appreciative:

"The shot is simple and neat, no nonsense, very good, I like it."

The woman opened her mouth, turned around and rushed towards the door!

However, as soon as she moved, a woman with long hair and shawl had appeared opposite her like a ghost, with two dead white eyes staring at her firmly!


At this moment, the woman only felt fear to the extreme, and her body subconsciously retreated to its previous position.

By now, she finally understood.

Qi Huaifang has betrayed Tianwen, from beginning to end, this is Jiang Fan's trap!

The woman stared at Jiang Fan bitterly:

"You shouldn't be so strong!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Chuanhunshi, take the cloak away, you ran away."

The woman took a deep breath and finally took off her cloak.

Her face is very beautiful, but she has a strong smell of internet celebrity, and she has obviously undergone cosmetic surgery.

Jiang Fan was slightly disappointed:

"Next, am I asking you to answer, or are you telling me honestly?"

There was a sneer at the corner of the woman's mouth:

"Mr. Jiang's method, I have heard of it a long time ago, but if you want to ask something out of my mouth, you will probably have to do useless work."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Before you, everyone who was interrogated by me said that... well, let's start?"

Only a few minutes later, Jiang Fan walked out of the study.

Outside the door, Qi Huaifang looked at Jiang Fan with fear.

However, beyond his expectation, Jiang Fan's hands were clean, with no trace of blood.

"Mr. Jiang, she, did she recruit?"

"Well, I'm ready to recruit, but I won't ask for you. I will let Zhenzi treat you afterwards. Do you know how to do it in the future?"

"Of course!"

Qi Huaifang nodded repeatedly, and then he hesitated:

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to burn the study room?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised:

"Burned? Why burn?"

Qi Huaifang looked embarrassed:

"Hehe, you, after your interrogation, I'm afraid it's..."


Jiang Fan was stunned, but then smiled again:

"Don't worry, the inside is very clean, there is no blood at all."


Qi Huaifang looked shocked:

"Then, what did you do? She doesn't seem to be able to recruit so easily!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"You still don't understand women!"

Jinghu Courtyard.

Jiang Fan sat on the sofa, quietly looking at the woman opposite.

The woman also sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, but they were full of resentment and fear.

She couldn't imagine that in this world, there is actually a man like Jiang Fan who is like a devil!

Before, he thought Jiang Fan would use torture, but he didn't expect that Jiang Fan just took her to a mirror.

The demon held his shoulders, and just said a few words, it completely shattered his own defenses.

"Cheng Kong's plastic surgery is to treat yourself to mediocrity, and even if you have a plastic surgery, you still make yourself so beautiful. The appearance is very important to you, isn't it?"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

"I will only abolish your martial arts, break your limbs, pull out your tongue, then destroy your entire face, and let you lie on the busiest streets of the capital day and night."

"Hehe, everyone will be very willing to give you alms, but no one would have thought that such an ugly face was so beautiful before."

"Don't worry about how long this kind of life will last. I will let people look at you and keep you alive. By the way, you should know that I will borrow my life. I will let you live forever."

"By the way, I still want to keep such a mirror in front of you so that you can also appreciate what you were like at that time."

"It's a perfect ending, right?"


"What are the memories?"

Jiang Fan's gentle voice directly pulled her back from the memory.

The woman stared at Jiang Fan fiercely, and after a long time she spoke word by word:

"You devil!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Thank you for the compliment! Then let's talk about it, you can tell me more quickly, we can also have a supper."

The woman took a deep breath:

"I am Tianwen's soul transfer official. As far as I know, there are more than a dozen people like me in Tianwen."

"My main responsibility is to gather news from the capital. In addition to Qi Huaifang, there are Lu Changqing, Song Mingzhi, Qin Lang... Some of these people have been activated very early, and some have never been activated."

"In addition, I don't know who my immediate superior is. When he meets me, he always wears a Yasha mask."

"As for Tianzun, I haven't even seen it before."

"I know only so much."

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