God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2181: Thanks to the marketing number!

Jiang Fan leaned on the sofa, leaning his chin with one hand, until the woman finished speaking, he sighed:

"Or use my previous plan. It seems better to throw you on the street."

The woman's face changed sharply:

"Jiang Fan! I have already said it!"

"The origin of your name, who are you and Cheng Kong's master, how did you join Tianwen...Miss, you should know that I don't have much patience."

The woman trembled all over, and after a long time, she sighed heavily:

"Yes, but in return, I want you to kill me immediately!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"Is it bad to be alive?"


The woman sneered:

"When I was caught by you, I was doomed to die. The horror of God, what you know, and even what I know, is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Okay, I promise you."

The woman took a deep breath and finally spoke slowly:

"My name is Bai Ling."

"Bai Ling?! A disciple dominating the Nine Sides?"

"Yes, my senior brother and I..."

Before Bai Ling had finished speaking, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly rushed in front of her, and was about to point to her forehead!

However, only a little bit before touching it, Bai Ling suddenly trembled all over!

Immediately afterwards, there was a trace of dark red blood flowing out of her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

In Bai Ling's mind, some kind of prohibition was obviously imposed, once triggered, he would definitely die!

And she didn't seem to know about it herself!

Jiang Fan also felt that the breath in her brain was not right, so he had to rush to take action, but he didn't expect it, but it was still a step too late!

When Jiang Fan's roar was heard outside, a group of Jiang family masters suddenly rushed in.

Uncle Xuan walked to Bai Ling, stretched out and shook his head:

"She was locked with a twenty-fourth-level zhenqi in her mind. In this case, Tianding Shiji couldn't save her."

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes slightly:

"I'm afraid it was Tianding's ten extremely hand!"

Uncle Xuan's face changed:


Jiang Fan took a deep breath:

"Do you want to meet old friends?"


"Nine parties dominate!"

In a dimly lit room.

Although the lights are dim, it can still be seen that this is a room decorated in accordance with the ancient style.

The room was slightly empty. Only a small square was placed under the window. There was a small square table on the small square, and a red candle was burning on the small square table. By the dim light of the candle, you can see the low square. A person sitting cross-legged.

And this person's face was actually wearing a blood-red Yasha mask.

The light of the candlelight reflected on the mask, making the mask more and more ferocious.

A man covered in a cloak half-kneeled in front of him and said nothing.

After a long time, a faintly male voice rang from behind the Yasha mask:

"The soul transfer official of the capital is dead."

The tone of the man covered in the cloak was full of surprise:

"Who can kill him?"

Yasha's voice couldn't hear the emotions:

"It's not that she was killed, she died after touching a ban."

The man's chest was visibly up and down:

"Master, the identity of the soul transfer official has always been secretive. Now the only ones who have the most clues to us are the Jiang Family and Lin Buhui. Could it be that Lin Buhui found her?"

Yasha Road:

"Lin Bugui is not in the capital."

The man was startled:

"That's the Jiang family?! They don't have a Celestial and Human Realm master, and it's impossible to catch the Soul Chuan Shi!"

"There are accidents in everything... Jiang Fan returned to China, right?"

The man nodded:

"Yes, he appeared as a takeaway star this afternoon, and there was a lot of trouble... Is the master suspicious, he is the one who made the shot at Chuanhunshi?"

Yasha did not speak.

The man was silent for a moment, then continued to speak:

"Jiang Fan's strength is indeed a bit weird, but if it were him, how did he know the existence of Soul Chuanshi?"

Yasha suddenly asked:

"Have you checked all his traces since he returned to China?"

The man trembled:

"Master forgive me, Jiang Fan's whereabouts are uncertain, and his strength is not low, the bottom spies can't keep his eye on him at all, if it weren't for...if it wasn't for those marketing accounts, we might not know that he is back."

Yasha could not see emotion in his eyes, but seemed to be lost in thought.

The man raised his head cautiously and glanced at Yasha, before speaking softly:

"Master, the capital is the hub, and the hidden children of various families are also there. Will you send another soul-transmitting official to establish a foothold?"

Yasha shook his head:

"It's no longer necessary. She can trigger the ban, and she must have explained a lot before. I am afraid that those dark children will not be able to keep it."

The man's tone is a bit regretful:

"It's a pity. Over the years, it is through those dark children that we have received a steady stream of financial support, otherwise Tianwen would not be able to grow to the point where it is today."

"It's nothing to be a pity. Once the major event is completed, money will be wasteland. The top priority now is to get the secrets of the Feng and Yu family to the top as soon as possible."

"Yes, by the way, Master, today there is news from the Yu family that Zhao Xiaochuan took a few people to Cangzhou."

The look in the eyes behind the Yasha mask changed:

"What is he going to do in Cangzhou?"

"It is said that a company in Cangzhou is on the verge of bankruptcy, but there are a few good patents, and he is anxious to acquire them."

"Is the news true?"

"It has been verified and it is indeed true. The battle for the successor of the Yu family has always been fierce. Now that Zhao Xiaochuan's opponent Yu Yong has the upper hand, he can't help but be in a hurry."

"How many people did he bring? What is his skill?"

"I brought only one master from Wandian, and the rest are financial staff."

Yasha was silent for a moment, and finally nodded:

"You don't need to worry about him, you have to go there yourself, and you must find out what Jiang Fan will do after he comes back!"


The man hurriedly agreed, and at the same time he was even more embarrassed.

He was afraid that Yasha was angry just now, and he had clearly turned off the topic about Jiang Fan, but he did not expect that Yasha would bring up this matter again, and now he was asked to investigate it himself. This undoubtedly shows that in Yasha's mind, Jiang Fan's Very heavy!

But in that case...

The man mustered his courage:

"Master, why don't you kill Jiang Fan again?"

Yasha suddenly sneered:

"If you want to kill him again, unless the Lord does it himself!"

The man was taken aback, but he didn't understand what Yasha meant.

Yasha has closed his eyes:

"Go and do things!"


Chang'an Avenue.

Taizhou is the same metropolis as Los Angeles, and Chang'an Avenue is the most prosperous place here and the economic center of the entire Taizhou.

Here, the legend throws a brick down at will, and the people photographed are at least worth more than one million.

And just in the center of Chang'an Avenue, there stands a 36-story building.

Compared with the capital's wealthy family, or other large groups with 60 or 70 floors of buildings, this one seems inconspicuous. However, around this building, on the entire Chang'an Street, there is no more than ten floors. building.

In such a comparison, this building appears exceptionally powerful and domineering.

In fact, the name of this building is called the Domineering Building.

With such a name in Secondary Two, when Jiang Fan first saw it, he thought he had traveled through it again.

He blocked the morning sun with his hands, stood under the building, and carefully glanced at the name on the top of the building.

That's right, it's called the Domineering Mansion.

Jiang Fan looked at Uncle Xuan dumbfounded:

"This is your old opponent, the domineering lair of the nine sides?"

Uncle Xuan's face was a little red, and he didn't know if it was in the sun:

"...Well, this is it."

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