As soon as Jiang Fan walked out of the Xiu Mutang, he saw a group of gangsters with dark circles staring at him fiercely!

The leader is Ding Yong!

Looking at Jiang Fan, Ding Yong was instantly furious!

This bastard! I took a group of brothers to guard him for the night last night!

As a result, this kid did not appear again!

They can only make up for it!

Just now, Wu Sicheng called them, and he knew that Jiang Fan had actually come to Luo Da!

And Wu Sicheng, at this moment, was hiding in the bushes not far away, looking at it with excitement!

Jiang Fan! You made me make a fool of me again and again! Especially in front of Xue Ningyu! Today, I want you to die!

He has given Ding Yong an order, today, Jiang Fan's limbs must be interrupted!

Thinking of Jiang Fan crawling on the ground like a bug, he was excited and trembling!

"Jiang Fan!"

Ding Yong shouted!

"You shameless villain, today is your death date!"

"Are you sick?"

Jiang Fan scratched his head!

"Counting this time, the two of us only met. I don't know what you are doing. Don't be so bitter, can you?"

"Asshole! If it weren't for you, I'm Ding Yong..."

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang!

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

It turned out to be Wu Sicheng who couldn't wait to call!

With a move of Jiang Fan's ears, he heard the conversation between the two clearly!

Wu Sicheng?

It seems that the lesson taught him is still not enough!

Ding Yong put down his men and waved his hand!

"Go! Abolish him directly!"

However, at this moment, a group of people in Xiumutang also happened to rush out!

"Stop! You bastards!"

Ge Chuanzhi shouted!

And a group of students, Jiang Fan was ambushed, too, raging!

"Damn bastard!"

"Actually, dare to embarrass Master Jiang!"

"It's just looking for death!"

"Classmates! I'm fighting with this group!"

"Yes! They must not tarnish our sacred academy!"


A group of students, shouting, rushed to a group of gangsters!

Ding Yong, dumbfounded!

Wu Sicheng also looked dumbfounded!

I can't believe my eyes!

Too many students! Hundreds of numbers!

The twenty-odd subordinates that Ding Yong brought with him were not enough for this group of students to stuff their teeth!

Within half a minute, he was directly overwhelmed by the crowd!

A group of gangsters, beaten crying father and mother!

Ding Yong, even half of his beaten teeth came out! A look of blood! Big footprints all over the body!

He now regrets that his intestines are green!

"Damn Jiang Fan!"

Wu Sicheng gritted his teeth!

Why, every time you deal with Jiang Fan, someone helps him?

"Young Master Wu! Help me! Help!"

Ding Yong, howl loudly!

Wu Sicheng hesitated a bit!

In the future, there will still be places where Ding Yong will be useful, but he can't, really let people beat him to death!

Thinking of this, Wu Sicheng stood up from the grass and shouted!


At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled strangely at Wu Sicheng!

Just waiting for you to jump out!

"System! Launch the transformation device! Goal, Wu Sicheng!"

Seeing Jiang Fan looking at him, Wu Sicheng was taken aback!

However, the next moment, he suddenly jumped out of the grass involuntarily!

At the same time, a scream!

"The power of the moon prism! Transform!"


A dazzling light flashed!

Wu Sicheng has been completely renewed and appeared in front of everyone!

Including Ding Yong, everyone was stunned!

At this moment, Wu Sicheng, with two dumpling heads and one face, is beautiful!

Especially a girl sailor suit and high heels, it makes him full of charm!

It is exactly the same as Sailor Moon among Sailor Moon!


"Kaka Kaka, Kawaii!"

"This, this is simply the otaku's dream lover!"

"So beautiful!"

"Si Guoyi! Beauty!"

A group of students, their eyes are full of stars!

Wu Sicheng looked ignorant! Look around blankly!

"You guys, who are you talking about?"


A group of people was stunned!

"How does this voice seem to be, Wu Sicheng?"

"Nonsense! I am Wu Sicheng! You guys, don't let these people go? As a student, isn't it shameful to use school violence?"

Wu Sicheng's face was awe-inspiring!

Unfortunately, his expression at the moment, in the eyes of others, is full of anger!

A group of people can't help but let go of a group of gangsters!

Wu Sicheng immediately looked at Jiang Fan triumphantly!

Humph! Jiang Fan! What if you can motivate a group of students to give you a head start? My Wu Sicheng said, wouldn't it be settled?

Jiang Fan, this is the gap between you and me!



"This is so beautiful! But why do I have a desire to vomit?"

"It's okay not to speak. When you speak, it will ruin the three views!"

"I didn't expect that the dignified Young Master Wu was actually a big lady in women's clothing!"

"Awesome! No wonder it suddenly appeared! This is here, attracting our attention!"

A group of students looked at Wu Sicheng with obsession and disgust!

Xue Ningyu showed a hint of expression that couldn't bear to look directly!

Could it be that Wu Sicheng pursued himself, in fact, to cover up his own special hobbies?

Wu Sicheng finally found out that something was wrong!

He took out his phone and took a photo of himself! Suddenly, stunned!

"Well, what's going on?"

"Me, how did I become like this?"

Wu Sicheng, panicked!

However, I don't know why, in my heart, it is actually a bit cool!

I am really good! Unexpectedly, women's clothing is so beautiful!

"Young Master Wu, women's clothing is a personal hobby, but if you dress like this and come out to stand up for justice, wouldn't you be? You really think of yourself as a Sailor Moon?"

Jiang Fan finally smiled!

Only then did Wu Sicheng react!

Suddenly let out a scream! Turn around and run!

"Hey! Young Master Wu! Don't run!"

"Yeah! Wait! I am also a fan of women's clothing, let's talk about it!"

"Women's clothing circle, now, there is a shortage of a big boss like you!"

"Don't run, I have bent for you!"

A group of students, chasing Wusi achievements!

Wu Sicheng looked back, almost not scared to pee!

The look in the eyes of those students was like they could not wait to eat him!

"Asshole! Jiang Fan! You wait for me! You are lucky this time! But don't be smug!"

"Next time, I won't believe you still have this kind of luck! Damn, what the **** is going on with this women's clothing?"

Wu Sicheng, while thinking, ran to the school gate quickly!

And at this moment, outside the school, in a Mercedes-Benz E320, a wretched-looking man, with piercing eyes, was staring at the passing students!

His name is Meng Youde. On the surface, he is a successful little businessman, but in fact, he is an out-and-out **** monster!

He often parked the car here, and when he met a suitable target, he used the excuse of leading people to trick the other person into the car, and then stunned the other person with fog!

Then, perform shameless behavior!

Afterwards, he would use money to plug the other party's mouth. If he encounters someone who is unwilling to cooperate, he will use video as a threat!

Those girls, for the sake of reputation, can only succumb!

And Meng Youde is more and more courageous!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!

I saw that at the school gate, a beautiful girl in a sailor suit was running out, panting, and behind her, there was a group of boys, chasing desperately!

good chance!

Meng Youde, just drive the car over!

Lower the car window and yell in kindness!

"Girl! Get in the car!"

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