God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 224: Why do you have this stuff

At this moment, Wu Sicheng was almost chased by those crazy guys to vomit blood!

The key is that more and more people are chasing him!


What the **** is going on with this **** women's clothing!

I tore it while running, but this thing just seemed to grow on me!

Basically, I can't tear it off!

Moreover, the makeup on the face, I don't know how much saliva I put on my face, and I can't wipe it off!

Seeing, it is about to be caught up!

At this moment, at the school gate, unexpectedly, a car drove over!

"Girl! Get in the car!"

How could Wu Sicheng manage so much? He immediately opened the door without hesitation, and rushed up!


Meng Youde stepped on the accelerator!

Benz, rush away immediately!

"Damn it! Actually, I was run away by the boss!"

"It's okay, I remember the license plate of that car!"

"Go! Catch up!"

"This time, we must catch the boss!"

A group of students, without hesitation, once again, entered into a frenetic tracking state!

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Wu Sicheng's almost panting lungs are about to explode!

Seeing Wu Sicheng's sweat dripping with sweat, Meng Youde suddenly smiled maliciously!

Oh shit! What a seductive little fairy!

Simply, it is many times more advanced than the vulgar fans that I played before!

This time, I must be cool enough!

"Girl, are you tired? Drink!"

Meng Youde, directly, handed Wu Sicheng a bottle of "additive" mineral water!


Wu Sicheng took it, and immediately drank it!

Meng Youde frowned!

This little girl, why is her voice so thick?

However, he immediately thought! In this world, how can there be perfect people? The voice is thicker, it's cool!

After Wu Sicheng finished drinking the water, he suddenly felt that he was in a daze!

Strange, why, my mind is dizzy?

He looked at the driver, but found him with a lewd smile!

"Hehehe! Little beauty, today, you are blessed!"

Meng Youde directly put his hand on Wu Sicheng's shoulder!

Wu Sicheng only felt his hair terrified for a while!

I have long heard that near Luo University, there is a maniac who often haunts!

Nima! Could it be...

"Brother, I'm a male...male...basketball..."

Wu Sicheng closed his eyes and fainted directly!

His last thought was-shit! Retribution!


Meng Youde desperately licked his lips, the car turned around, and soon he came to a hotel!

"Brother De? Are you here?"

A fat boss, with a smirk, greeted Meng Youde!

He knows everything about Meng Youde!

Originally, there were countless cameras hidden in his hotel!

This boss often sells videos to various illegal websites for profit!

He and Meng Youde happened to hit it off!

"Yeah! Dong Er, it's still that room!"


The fat boss Dong Er agreed and directly handed Meng Youde a key!

"Brother De, this girl is not bad, can you please, hehe!"

"Sure! This little girl drank all the bottle of water, the medicine is very effective, and I will let you come when I'm finished!"

Meng Youde said, directly, take Wu Sicheng to the room upstairs!

"Hehehe, little beauty, here I am!"

In a few minutes!

A group of students following Wu Sicheng finally followed!

"Boss! Did someone in a sailor suit come over just now?"


Dong Er, be sure!

"Nonsense! How could he not be there if we follow so closely?"

"I said I'm not there! What's the matter with you group? Hurry up! If you don't leave, I'll call the police!"

"No! He must be here!"

A voice suddenly sounded!

Surprisingly, Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan was purely here to watch the excitement. On the one hand, he was also afraid that the trouble would be too great!

Although Wu Sicheng always troubled himself because of Xue Ningyu, there was no deep hatred after all!

If this group of students had a brutal attack and would take Wu Sicheng to order, then they would have committed a serious crime!

"What nonsense are you talking about? There is no one here at all! Get out of here!"

Dong Er, a little anxious!

Jiang Fan didn't care about him at all. He strode directly upstairs!

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Dong Er, catch up in a hurry! A group of students also followed!


Jiang Fan, kick open a door!

Everyone was stunned!

Meng Youde is picking Wu Sicheng's skirt with a face!

But Wu Sicheng was helpless, his eyes half-squinted, and a look of despair!

The moment the door kicked open, just in time, the skirt slipped off!

In an instant, everyone was dumbfounded!

"You, why do you have this thing?"

Meng Youde looked dull! I can't believe my eyes!


Everyone retched!


This kind of glass drama is too spicy for Nima!

Dong Er was also stunned!

"Fuck! Actually, it's a man! Fortunately, fortunately I haven't..."

He was shocked and shut up suddenly!

But at this moment, Wu Sicheng heard the movement and reluctantly turned his head, looking at Jiang Fan in tears!

"help me……"

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly became gloomy!

Without saying a word, directly facing Dong Er was a knee-knee!


In an instant, the sound of the egg exploding!

Dong Er fainted with a "hiccup"!

Jiang Fan took a few steps forward and grabbed Meng Youde's neck!

Aside from anything else, I slapped more than 20 times in a row!

Almost Meng Youde's entire face was shattered! Screaming!

Jiang Fan threw him to the ground, and then stepped on it fiercely!


Everyone gasped!

Meng Youde is completely abolished!

"Fuck! Master Jiang, so ruthless!"

"But, good fight!"

"Yes! This guy, maybe it's the **** monster!"

"Even if it's not, this kind of scum will die one less!"

"Master Jiang! You are so handsome!"

"Don't worry, if the police asks, we will never betray you!"

Jiang Fan smiled at a group of onlookers!

Afterwards, Wu Sicheng was covered with a quilt, and he called Wang Xinxin directly!

"The police will come in a while, don't worry, no one can hurt you!"

"Well, thank you..."

Wu Sicheng said in a low voice!

Just now, his mood seemed to sink into a bottomless abyss, the kind of despair that went deep into his bones, he simply didn't dare to remember!

And Jiang Fan, who appeared suddenly, is simply the light that penetrates hell!

It was Jiang Fan, who saved him! Give him hope of rebirth!

At this moment, Wu Sicheng's gratitude to Jiang Fan was fundamentally impossible to answer in words!

Looking back, he is even more guilty!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, I'm sorry!"

Wu Sicheng, even though he was still unconscious, he still reluctantly said!

"It's okay! No matter how dissatisfied you are with me, if this happens, I will save you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

So handsome!

This is the real man!

I Wu Sicheng, fundamentally, do not deserve to be his opponent!

"thanks, thanks!"

Wu Sicheng cried bitterly for an instant!

A group of students, too, looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

It's too principled!

This is the real man, pure man!

Downstairs, the sound of a police siren soon sounded!

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