God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2253: Tiger Soul has no fate with you!

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, the flame **** suddenly twitched the corners of his eyes!

The crowd also changed greatly!

This undoubtedly shows that Jiang Fan really has a problem!

Cowherd's eyes are straight!

good guy!

I just said that Dharma King Jade had a dark heart, and when he turned his head, Master slapped him in the face!

The Jade Dharma King even covered his old face and almost fainted.

What the hell, I thought I was 80% really dark in my heart!

I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!

Yanshen looked left and right, and suddenly gritted his teeth:

"Jiang Fan! You instigated us to kill each other, it's absolutely heinous! As a member of the martial arts, I propose that we all unite and subdue the devil Jiang Fan first!"

Tie Xin and the others stared at the Fire God in amazement!

Is that what you should say?

You, a wicked figure, actually called on everyone to unite?

It's just as shameless as Huang Daxian, the swordsman!

However, what Yan Shen said was right. If you want to compete for Tiger Soul, you must first clear Jiang Fan!

For a time, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with gloomy faces.

A sneer appeared in Yanshen's eyes.

For him, Jiang Fan is the biggest threat. As long as the crowd works together to drive Jiang Fan away, who can take away the tiger's soul?

hey hey hey!

It's a pity that his smile is still on his face, Jiang Fan has raised a finger and aimed at the Fire God!

Flame God's pupils shrank!

next moment!


With a burst of true energy spewing out of Jiang Fan's fingers, the Fire God has suddenly exploded into pieces of meat all over the sky!

Under heaven and man, they are all ants!

Even with a tiger soul in hand, it is still an ant!

Seeing that the Flame God was so easily obliterated, everyone was shocked!

And Jiang Fan has already volleyed up, and said coldly:

"Whether the Flame God or the fierce King of Hell, they are all evil demons who have always regarded human life as a mustard, and how many innocent people have died in their hands!"

"I wanted to keep these demons behind to test your character, but I didn't expect that you would be willing to go with the demons for the sake of the tiger's soul!"

"You rubbish, are you also worthy of being called decent people?"

Jiang Fan's voice was not loud, but it fell into everyone's ears, but it was like Hong Zhong Dalu, deafening and screaming!

Everyone couldn't help but blushed.

Jiang Fan looked disappointed:

"There will be a devil born in the world, and the tiger soul is a divine sword. I originally wanted to choose a bright master for it, hoping to save the people. Now it seems that I think too much."

"You idiots, what qualifications do you have to pick up tiger souls!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and sighed:

"Forget it, it seems that the tiger soul has no fate with you after all. I will leave with the tiger soul, so that you will not continue to have demonic obstacles in your heart!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Fan hooked his finger, and the tiger soul on the ground suddenly rose into the air, and fell into his hand!

Tiger Soul seemed to feel the strength of Jiang Fan, and the fierce force in the knife suddenly erupted!

In Jiang Fan's ears, for a moment, a violent and unusual tiger roar sounded!

And along with the sound of the tiger's roar, the tiger's soul appeared a huge force out of thin air, almost breaking free from Jiang Fan's control!

Jiang Fan's face remained calm, but his heart was full of surprise and joy.

What a peerless fierce knife, it almost jumped out of his palm!

Such a sword against the Lord, once tamed, must be infinitely powerful!

Jiang Fan didn't even think about it, the yin and yang mysterious energy had already slammed into the blade like an overwhelming force!

The sound of tiger roaring in his ears suddenly stopped, and the blade became quiet again.

Seeing that the tiger's soul was so tame in Jiang Fan's hands, the crowd's expressions changed again!

Some people have even beat their chests!

"Damn it! What a great opportunity!"

"Damn it! It turns out that Mr. Jiang was testing us before!"

"It's all my fault that we were dazzled by the magic sword and actually forgot our identity!"

"We are righteous people, and we should take saving the common people as our responsibility. If I could have thought of it earlier, the tiger soul might be mine!"

"Why do I think this Jiang Fankou is wrong?"

"You know shit! Didn't you see the tiger soul being honest in his hands?"

Some people in the crowd questioned, but they were immediately scolded.

This is not necessarily because many people agree with Jiang Fan's approach. It's just that Jiang Fan first stood on the moral high ground. At this time, he refuted Jiang Fan. If he was detained by the enemy's big hat of sympathy for the devil, no one could stand it!

Moreover, Jiang Fan's strength is too strong, what if he doesn't do it?

It's better to say two good words and give yourself a long face!

Seeing that the crowd was so sensible, Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction.

And right now!


The hall trembled suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, the ground beneath everyone's feet cracked!

In some places, there was actually a little blood red gas with a strong smell of sulfur!

This is because the Five Elements Absolute Formation was broken and the Tiger Soul was born, which stirred the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and caused a dramatic change in the mountain!

Looking at this, I am afraid that the volcano will erupt soon!

The crowd panicked!

Even if he is a grandmaster, how can he resist the power of heaven and earth?

And as the vibrations underfoot became more and more intense, the temperature in the hall became higher and higher!

"No, the volcano must be erupting!"

"The location of this hall is close to the top of the mountain. If the volcano erupts, the most powerful place is here!"

"I just came to see the fun, I don't want to die!"

"Damn, I didn't get the tiger soul, but I still have to put my life in it!"

The crowd panicked.

The Jade King and the Cowherd took the opportunity to pull up Wentian and approached Jiang Fan.

"Mr. Jiang, what should I do?"

"Master, let's run away!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"Don't panic!"

He looked at the crowd:

"Although you are not the masters of tiger souls, but you are also related to me, I will take you out of this place!"


The crowd looked in disbelief.

However, Jiang Fan has already raised his hand!


A storm suddenly rose from the ground, and it really took everyone to the sky!

Jiang Fan rode against the wind, led the crowd across the top of the mountain, and came directly to the foot of the mountain!

It was only at this moment that the crowd reacted, and all of them looked at Jiang Fan with excitement.

Especially Tie Xin, who came directly to Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for saving your life!"

"You are welcome."

Seeing that Tie Xin's eyes were wrong, Jiang Fan immediately said a word and hurriedly left with the Jade Dharma King and the three.

Tie Xin is Wentian's future wife, so he should stay away.

Taking the three of them all the way to a quiet wood, Jiang Fan just started to do business—

Take out takeout!

As soon as I opened the takeaway box, the unique and irritating smell of mustard belly immediately appeared!

Wentian, who was in a drowsy state, sniffed suddenly when he smelled the smell, and before he even opened his eyes, he grabbed the takeaway box!

Immediately afterwards, he saw that he poured half a box directly into his mouth!


"This taste! Exciting!"

Wen Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and tears spurted out several meters away in an instant!

This taste is so special!

Just take a bite and feel like the water in your brain has been expelled!

Wentian ate up the takeout in a few bites, and then saw the surroundings and was stunned for a moment:

"Where is this?"

"Don't ask so much, time is running out, I'll teach you another set of martial arts, Yin-Yang Xuantian Gong!"

This time, in order to save time, Jiang Fan simply used his mental power to transmit the first chapter of the Yin-Yang Xuantian Art directly to Wentian's mind.

The Jade Dharma King on the side looked surprised:

"Why does the benefactor say that the time is tight? Do you have anything else to do?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Fan nodded, while rubbing the tiger's soul, a kind of ambitious light suddenly bloomed in his eyes:

"I'm going to Chi Youmi Cave!"

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