"Chi Youmi Cave?!"

Jade Dharma King was shocked:

"How could the benefactor know that place?"

Chiyou's Secret Grotto was built by Chiyou. It is very mysterious and seems to hide some great secrets. If it wasn't for the Heaven and Earth Alliance who mainly used the Jade Dharma King, the Jade Dharma King would not know that such a place still exists in the world!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"It doesn't matter how you know, I have to go in!"

The Jade King's expression moved slightly:

"Does my lord need me to do something?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Yes, although I know the place, I don't know where it is."

The Jade Dharma King laughed:

"It's easy, I'll take you there right away."

"Don't be so troublesome!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Dharma King Jade felt a flower in front of him, and then, in his eyes, Jiang Fan's eyes spun like a vortex!

This is astonishingly because Jiang Fan has activated his mental power ability and started reading his memory!

In less than half a minute, everything that the Jade Dharma King knew about the Chi Youmi Grottoes has been mastered by Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's memory reading was only for a moment, and when he heard the conversation between the two, Niulang suddenly looked excited:

"Master, let me go with you!"


Wen Tian on the side was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Cowherd and Jiang Fan, his expression was like that of a child whose beloved toy was taken away:

"Master, you actually secretly accept apprentices behind my back!"

Cowherd looked at Wentian:

"Which green onion are you? It's none of your business for Shizun to accept me as a disciple?"

"Hey, I'm going, how did you talk to senior brother?"

"I said what happened to you? It's not good for you to be disrespectful to your master!"

"Reverse you, return the Shennong ruler to me and see how I clean up you!"

"It's crazy for you, it's kind of empty-handed one-on-one!"

"One-on-one, one-on-one!"


The two seem destined to become rivals, and they will pinch when they meet.

Jiang Fan's face became more and more gloomy, and finally he couldn't help shouting angrily:

"Be honest with me, you two brats!"

Niulang and Wentian glared at each other and remained silent.

Jiang Fan looked at the Cowherd:

"Don't go there. Also, try to stay away from Chi Youmi Cave as far as possible. That place will stop you."

Cowherd's step into the devil's way is because of Chi Youmi Cave.

There, he discovered Chiyou's evil swordsmanship, "Swallowing the Heavens and Destroying the Earth's Seven Limits", and because he devoured a large amount of flesh and blood of foreign beasts, he finally became neither a ghost nor a ghost. The deeper you go, the more you will end up being possessed by a different demon, and you will never be able to recover.

Since Jiang Fan accepted him as a disciple, of course he wanted to change his fate in this life.

Cowherd didn't know why, but nodded anyway.

Jiang Fan looked at Jade Dharma King again:

"You can't go either!"

Ask Tian to chime in:

"what about me?"

"You have a chance in the future, okay, I have to leave, and come to me in the future when I encounter trouble."

Jiang Fan said, and has suddenly launched an ultra-long-distance teleport.


Jiang Fan appeared again, and he had come to a very strange place.

The dark clouds here are low, and it seems that you can touch it with your hands. The ground is full of dead bones, and there are puddles full of red blood. On the ground, countless blood-colored stone pillars rise from the ground, like a forest. Standing on the ground.

It is only after a closer look that you can find that where the stone pillar is red, it is clearly covered with poisonous snakes covered with red scales!

The surrounding air was also foul smelling and extremely depressing.

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appear, many poisonous snakes entrenched on the stone pillars suddenly started to move.

However, Jiang Fan only leaked a little breath, and a group of poisonous snakes suddenly seemed to be frightened rabbits, jumping into the blood pit in the ground, daring to rise again.

Jiang Fan identified the direction and immediately rushed towards a crack in the mountain wall ahead.

Although the crack in the mountain wall was not too wide, it was still a few meters long. Jiang Fan flew for several miles, and finally at the end of the crack, he saw a huge statue of the head of a demon god.

The statue was more than ten meters high, with a terrifying face, flaring fangs, and full of sinister evil.

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth, and he plunged his head into the big mouth of the statue.

Behind the huge mouth of the statue is a long corridor, and as Jiang Fan rushed to the end, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a magnificent mountain cave had suddenly appeared!

The cave is huge and vast, like a city, filled with various statues of gods and demons, and the walls and ground are engraved with countless strange runes, and countless luminous strange stones are embedded in these rune walls. Come on, let it shine here as bright as day!

Here is the real Chi Youmi Cave!

Jiang Fan had the memory of Jade Dharma King, and he immediately followed a secret passage and came to another huge cave.

There are corpses everywhere in this cave, but the strange thing is that there are countless ganoderma lucidum plants growing on the ground.

These spiritual plants constantly exude a fragrant scent, which makes people want to swallow them.

And at the end of the cave, there is a huge stone gate.

There is a groove at the top of the stone gate, and the shape and size of the groove is exactly the same as the tiger soul in Jiang Fan's hand!

Near this stone gate, there are seven huge statues of gods and demons, all of which are entrances to different roads.

Jiang Fan just felt it for a while and walked towards the third statue.

But right now!


An ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Fan's footsteps froze, and he suddenly looked back!

I saw two men and women with kind faces, looking at themselves with a smile.

However, for some reason, the faces of these two people were always blurred.

But even so, Jiang Fan understood the identities of the two almost instantly, and then his eyes turned red:

"Dad! Mom!"

Jiang's father and mother's intonation are soft:

"Good boy, come to your parents, come over, we will be reunited as a family..."

Jiang Fan burst into tears, but did not move:

"Dad, Mom..."

"Good boy, come here quickly, Mom and Dad miss you very much."

"Xiaofan, come on, come over and you can go home..."

Jiang's father and mother's tone became softer.

Jiang Fan just looked at the two with admiration, and after a long time he sighed softly:

"Dad, Mom, wait for me, I will definitely go back, I will definitely."

When the words fell, Jiang Fan turned around resolutely and strode into the giant mouth of the devil.

But just as he turned around, Jiang's father and mother's face suddenly twisted, turning into two extremely ferocious ghosts!

In this cave, the resentment of the dead lingered, turning into ghosts, constantly bewildering everyone who came in by chance.

In the original book, the Cowherd was bewitched by this kind of ghost, and actually cut off the Jade Dharma King directly in the waist!

Only this time, Li Gui was facing Jiang Fan.

Not to mention that Jiang Fan's cultivation has reached the realm of heaven and man, even if he has lost all his skills now, just relying on his cold mind, this kind of ghost can never be confused!

The reason why he didn't break through Li Gui's disguise just now was just because he didn't want to.

However, the two ghosts didn't know whether to live or die. Seeing that Jiang Fan was not confused, they rushed towards Jiang Fan's back with a ferocious expression.

It's a pity that before they touched Jiang Fan, the two Specters suddenly let out a miserable howl, and they were shattered into flying ashes by Jiang Fan's body-protecting energy!

Jiang Fan paused, sighed softly, and finally disappeared into the mouth of the gods and demons.

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