God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2255: All gods and demons are causal points!

After the giant mouth of the gods and demons, there is still a long corridor.

However, unlike the previous corridor, the further Jiang Fan went, the lower the temperature.

As Jiang Fan stepped out of the corridor, an unusually wide ice palace suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

The ice hall is dozens of meters high, all of which are forged by the immortal ice. The walls and ground are the same as the previous grottoes, and they are also engraved with countless strange runes.

And right in the middle of the ice hall, there are five huge icicles, and in each icicle, there is a ferocious and sturdy man!

These five men held long knives, slashing or slashing.

"Hey hey hey! I finally found it!"

Jiang Fan smiled and fell directly into the center of the five icicles!

Here, is the purpose of his coming to Chi Youmi Cave!

Chi You's two treasures, one of which is the Tiger Soul Sword!

And the second one is his sword technique that dominates the world——

Swallow the Heaven and Destroy the Earth Seven Limits!

And among the five icicles in this ice palace, the seals are his five sword slaves!

Each of these knife slaves has Chi You's one-style knife technique, although the last two knives are missing, but it is enough!

"The seven major limits are mine!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, his spiritual power was directly connected to the five icicles!

next moment!


Five terrifying and unusual sword intents shot up into the sky!

This sword intent is fierce and violent, as if it has the power of heaven and earth, even Jiang Fan, it is only seen in his life!

The most exaggerated thing is that these five sword intents have all broken through the shackles and reached the realm of heaven and man!

With the burst of sword intent, five voices sounded in Jiang Fan's mind at the same time!

"who is it!"

"Dare to disturb my long sleep!"

"Breaking into the secret cave, **** it!"

"Allegiance to the Great God, pass on your stunts!"

"Why is the tiger soul in your hands!"

The five voices are either indifferent or ferocious, full of a savage atmosphere!

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that just hearing these voices will not help but kneel as a slave!

However, Jiang Fan had a contemptuous expression on his face, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Allegiance? These gods and Buddhas in the sky are all causal points of Lao Tzu, just a piece of goods. Do you want Lao Tzu to be loyal?"


"Should kill!"

The five voices were furious!

However, Jiang Fan smiled grimly:

"You five useless pieces of wood are trapped here, so you can only scream uselessly! Give the sword tricks in your brain to Lao Tzu!"

The mental shock burst out suddenly!

"Bang bang bang bang!!"


The five sword slaves suddenly screamed miserably!

And Jiang Fan's mental power has been driving straight, and violence has smashed into the minds of several people, and began to search for the seven limited swordsmanship!

Just a few minutes later, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Chiyou's Seven Great Limits have a total of seven styles, and these people master the five styles of breaking the sea, landslide, hail, storm, and raging fire!

Although each person has only one move, but with just one move of the sword, he has actually cultivated to the realm of heaven and man!

The power of the sword moves of these seven limits is evident!

Jiang Fan was about to go deeper and dig out all the swordsmanship in the heads of several people, but at this moment!

"Ding! The system prompts! The host uses illegal means to steal sword moves. Even if he comprehends it, he will be forcibly erased by the system after he returns!"


Jiang Fan was stunned for a while, then burst into anger:

"My second uncle Taiyang! Why am I illegal? I have worked so hard to come here, I deserve it!"

"Ding! There are five minutes left until the host returns!"

"What are you-"

"Ding! There are four minutes and fifty-seven seconds left until the host returns!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, let's talk, how much?"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth, he knew too well what kind of urine the system was, and it was obviously about to hit the autumn wind when it appeared at this time.

"Ding! The host is so sincere, then you can take a 20% discount. The price is 3 million yuan. Five moves and seven limited swordsmanship are packaged and taken away!"

Jiang Fan was confused:

"Why don't you go grab it?!!"

"Ding! The system is robbing!"

"What am I-"

Jiang Fan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood!

Shameless, shameless!

"You want so many causal points to have a yarn for it?"

"Ding! Then don't worry, do you want it?"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and clenched his fist fiercely:

"Yes!! But there are conditions, I only have 2.3 million now, and the remaining 700,000 is owed to you, and now I have given it!"

"Ding! The host has deposited 20 million, deduct it from here!"

"No! I have great use for that money, don't even think about it!"

"Ding! Yes! But..."

Before the system could finish speaking, Jiang Fan quickly spoke:

"Also, I don't care what you do, Tiger Soul must be taken out by me!"

"Ding! According to the law of conservation of matter, it's not easy for you to handle this..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Or just shoot and break up!"

"Ding! Deal!"

With the sound of the system, a white light suddenly shone down!

The next moment, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 86523 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Wentian's jealousy - basic martial arts (gold level)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the worship of the cowherd - Shennongchi (once)!"

"Ding! The host killed the God of Fire, the envoy of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and successfully extracted the tiger soul sword!"

"Ding! The host has gone through hardships to explore the Chiyou Mi Cave, and the special reward - swallowing the sky and destroying the earth!"

Good guy, Wentian is actually jealous!

Jiang Fan was thinking about taking a look at the reward, but the system prompt sounded again!

"Ding! The host borrowed 700,000 yuan, and the interest was 70,000 yuan!"


Jiang Fan was stunned:

"Are you going crazy? Usury is not as ruthless as you!"

"Ding! The system reminded you before, but you interrupted if you didn't listen. This has nothing to do with the system."

The blue veins on Jiang Fan's forehead jumped violently:

"Okay! You have a seed! I admit it!"

Jiang Fan was furious and looked directly at the first reward, but at a glance, he was overjoyed!

[Basic Martial Arts] (Gold Level): With this ability, the host can comprehend various martial arts moves and mental techniques faster!


1. Increase the speed of your own martial arts by 200%!

2. The master can master the exercises at the gold level and below in an instant!

Note: This is the martial arts wizard!

Jiang Fan had a basic martial arts before, but it became useless as he went to the later stage, but this time Wentian gave it a different one. The gold-level martial arts would be obvious at a glance!

If it was before, it was nothing, but now that I have Yin-Yang Xuantian Art, the more exercises I master, the more perfect this martial art will be, and the more powerful it will be!

Jiang Fan immediately chose to study, and then looked at Cowherd's reward.

[Shen Nong Ruler] (one time): One of the top ten heavenly soldiers, it can heal people and kill people!

Option 1: No matter what kind of serious injury the opponent suffers, he can recover at one time.

Option 2: Make Shennongchi release poison.

Tip: Highly poisonous, colorless and odorless, regardless of the opponent's level, it will definitely take effect, but the higher the level, the lower the fatality rate.

Remarks: Combined with poison, the effect is better!

good guy!

This kid, Niulang, is not willing to be left behind, and even gave a good thing!

Although it is one-off, the more one-off props, the stronger the power!

Jiang Fan became more and more satisfied, and finally looked at the Tiger Soul Sword in his backpack!

Now, we can finally see the properties of this murderous knife!

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