"Yang Chou?"

Jiang Fan stared at the screen coldly, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

This Yang Chou, he did meet once in Bermuda, but for some reason, he always felt that he had seen this person before, but he couldn't remember it.

This is really no wonder Jiang Fan, for example, how can the tiger remember the appearance of every rabbit?

In the heyday of the Jiang family, Yang Qi was just a little character like an asshole, and he couldn't even rank among Jiang Fan's dog-legs.

Even after the Jiang family was destroyed, Jiang Fan got the system and still didn't take such a small role in his eyes.

To this day, with Jiang Fan's knowledge and status, of course he will not remember an ant that should have died long ago.

To put it bluntly, Jiang Fan did not take Yang Chou's small role in his heart from the beginning to the end!

"Brother Fan, this guy is just a small character, what are you doing with him?"

Long Yan was a little curious.

"Being able to escape from my hands is somewhat capable."

Jiang Fan briefly recounted what happened in Huayang, and then said:

"This person's ability is weird, like dust, he can erase all traces of his existence, and if I remember correctly, he didn't even have tenth level in Bermuda, but now, I am afraid he has reached nineteenth level. ."

"How is this possible?!"

The expressions of Long Yan and the others suddenly changed!

How could the opponent's improvement speed be so amazing?

Almost caught up with Jiang Fan!

Normally, this is absolutely impossible to happen!

Jiang Fan's face was flat:

"Nothing is impossible. The world is so big, and it's normal to have one or two more miracles. I have adventures, but others may not have them. It's like the ability of ten disasters, too—"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, his eyes suddenly moved!

The rest of the people also reacted suddenly, and looked at each other in shock at the same time!

Number two speaks first:

"My lord, from ancient times to the present, it has been recorded that strength can be created from nothing, and only abilities have this effect, and it seems that only some of the ten disaster abilities can achieve such a rapid increase!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his fingers tapped lightly:

"At present, there are only five known ten disaster abilities. They are Decomposition Domain, Absorb All Things, Infinite Amplification, Super Lucky, and Endless Reincarnation."

"Needless to say about the field of decomposition, the other types only know the names, and the specific effects are unknown."

"But just listening to the name, I can vaguely guess that if the other party really has the ability of ten disasters, I am afraid it is not endless reincarnation, or the absorption of all things!"

The two people frowned slightly.

Although the supernatural power is the weakest type of energy system, as the saying goes, the extremes of things will reverse, and the ten disaster superpower is inconceivably tyrannical.

However, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides. Even if it is the Ten Disasters ability, everyone does not take it too seriously.

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"This person was hostile to me in Bermuda at the beginning, but most of those people were like that at the time, and I didn't care, but later in Lumingyuan, even just now, he was still full of killing intent towards me, and it seemed that he was obviously in harmony with me. I have a grudge."

Number two asked:

"Is he trying to avenge Archibald?"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"No matter what he is doing, since he is in the capital, it is obviously going to be detrimental to us."

"Sir, does this person have anything to do with Tianwen?"


Jiang Fan said categorically:

"If there are really any forces behind him, just by possessing the Ten Calamities Ability, those forces will definitely be cultivated well, and he will never let him take risks!"

Long Yan interjected and asked:

"Brother Fan, since you know who it is, do you want to catch it alive, or just kill it?"

Jiang Fan said coldly:

"No need to stay alive! Find him and kill!"


Long Yan gave a gloomy smile, turned around and left.

After so long, I finally have something to do!

Jiang Fan gave an order, and the entire capital suddenly boiled.

Not only were there special people watching the surveillance everywhere, but the experts of the wealthy family even dispatched their nests to start a carpet-like search for the whereabouts of Yang Chou.

Not to mention the status of the Jiang family today, it's just that the Zhou family fought a lot, and all the families have benefited from Jiang Fan. Now that Jiang Fan has something to do, of course he has to pay back this favor!

And after the instructions, Jiang Fan has already gone to Qingzhou again.

With Long Yan and others around, facing a small nineteenth level, he doesn't need himself at all.

If you have to be hands-on, then beckoning these subordinates is meaningless!


On the edge of the capital, in a dark alley, a manhole cover suddenly popped up.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand suddenly stretched out of the sewer and caught the edge of the well.

A big hand pressed hard, and finally brought out a man who was covered in feces and had an unpleasant smell.

"Hu~~ huh~~ huh~~"

As soon as the man got out of the sewer, he fell on the ground and gasped violently.

The feces slipped down his hair drop by drop, but he didn't seem to notice, just breathing oxygen greedily.

I just took a few breaths, and as the hypoxia was relieved, the stench of the **** water suddenly filled the nasal cavity!


The man couldn't control it any longer and threw up desperately.

The man vomited really hard, tears and snot flowing down even more, but this washed away a lot of filth on his face, revealing his original face.

Yang Chou!

Afraid of being discovered by Jiang Fan, he actually swam most of his spirits through the sewers of Temple Fair Street and came here!


It wasn't until he vomited everything up that Yang Chou fell to the ground weakly again.

"Jiang, Jiang Fan!!"

Yang Chou clenched his fists tightly, in addition to the monstrous hatred in his eyes, there was also a touch of unspeakable fear.

too terrifying!

How could Jiang Fan be so strong?

He is clearly already so powerful, but just by his glance, there is an illusion that a natural disaster is coming!

I am the owner of the Ten Calamities Ability, and all things absorb this abnormal ability, so the improvement will be so amazing, but Jiang Fan, he, why is he!

What is he!

This monster, this beast!

Yang gritted his teeth with hatred, and was even more embarrassed!

And right now.

"My God, what's this smell? It stinks!"

"Fuck! Where did the **** come from?"

"Come on, luckily there is this unlucky **** to explore the way, otherwise we would have to fall into this sewer too?"

"Hey! Are you all right?"

With the sound of the voice, a few young people who looked like they had just finished drinking came over cautiously with their noses pinched.

Yang Chou suddenly turned his head and stared at a few people!

Under the gloomy street lamp, Yang Chou stared at him like this, and several people suddenly trembled, and even most of the wine was awake.

But before they could react, Yang Chou raised his hand suddenly!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The four young people exploded into smoke and dust at the same time, and the essence of flesh and blood rushed into Yang Chou's body instantly!

"Damn it! You dare to laugh at Lao Tzu, let's all die!"

Yang Chou trembled all over, his face was hideous, and the killing intent in his eyes was monstrous!

"Jiang Fan! I won't let you go! You dare to humiliate me like this, I, Yang Chou, will definitely cut you to the bone! I'll cut you into pieces!!"

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