"Hoohoo~~ hoohoo~~"

After Yang Chou roared, and after killing the four unlucky **** just now, he finally calmed down a little.

But before he could figure out what to do next, a thirteenth-level aura suddenly approached!

Yang Chou's face brightened with joy!

I was frightened and frightened just now, and it took too much running away. Now I just grab a small character to supplement it!

Yang Qiu waited for the rabbit, and soon, a middle-aged man had come to the entrance of the alley!

Yang Chou gave a grim smile and was about to start, but unexpectedly, the other party suddenly took a deep breath:

"Yang Chou is here!!"

While shouting, the other party turned around and ran!

Yang Chou was stunned!

Does the other party know him?

How could he know himself?

This thought has not waited to turn around!


An extremely terrifying, as if the sky is falling, has come from a distance!

Yang Chou's scalp is about to explode!

Heavenly realm!

The one who came was actually a strong man in the realm of heaven and man!

At this moment, he suddenly understood!

It must be that **** Jiang Fan who discovered his flaws and has mobilized the power of the whole city to find him!

And these people must have been instructed in advance. Once they see that they must not touch, they only need to issue a warning, and naturally the monsters from the Jiang family will kill them!

Oh shit!

The veins on Yang Chou's forehead jumped violently!

I have only just reached the nineteenth level, not to mention the gap between the big realm, even in the small realm, there is also a full four-level difference!

It is impossible to be the opponent's opponent at all!

"Jiang Fan!!"

Yang Chou was furious in his heart, but he knew that nothing could be done.

"Jiang Fan, wait, sooner or later, I will come back. At that time, you, and the entire Jiang family, I will kill the chickens and dogs!!"

With this roar, Yang Chou turned around and jumped into the sewer again!

He has already made up his mind, looking for opportunities to leave the capital, or even leave China!

Wait until the strength reaches the limit, then take revenge!

Yang Chou's idea cannot be said to be wrong, but if it was Jiang Fan, he would never run away at this moment!

Just like in the first battle of Goryeo, Jiang Fan was alone, but with his own calculations, he killed countless masters from all over the world!

Some people face a desperate situation and want to preserve their strength and make a comeback in the future.

For example, Yang Chou.

And some people are facing desperation, but they want to seize every opportunity and counterattack!

For example, Jiang Fan!

To put it bluntly, compared to Jiang Fan, what Yang Chou lacks is the most important temperament in revenge, and that is the courage to go all out!

Without the courage to go all out, even if the two exchanged their identities, and the system they got was Yang Chou, it would be equally difficult to achieve great things, and they were destined to never be Jiang Fan's opponent in this life!

Just as Yang Chou jumped into the sewers again, in mid-air, a meat ball crashed to the ground!

It is Longyan!

Seeing Yang Chou jumping into the sewer, Long Yan immediately chased after him!

However, with his size, even if he has the courage to enter the sewer, he does not have that ability at all—

The entrance to the sewer is not as thick as his thighs!

"Oh shit!"

Long Yanqi's rage jumped like thunder, and he suddenly hit the ground with a heavy punch!


A blast like an angry thunder suddenly spread across several blocks!

What's very strange is that even the ground under his fist was intact with this shocking punch!

This is not because Long Yanxu has its own appearance, but this punch has been transformed from extreme yang to extreme yin, and transformed into yin strength covering several blocks!

Coupled with Long Yan's subtle power, this punch seems harmless, but in fact, all the living bodies below will be completely destroyed into flesh!

Thanks to Jiang Fan's reminder, Long Yan's reaction was so fast.

With a punch, Long Yan began to feel the breath below silently.

But didn't feel anything.

Long Yan frowned slightly, and suddenly looked into the distance.

From Yang Chou jumping into the sewer, and then to punching himself, it would take no more than 0.1 second at most.

And at this time, people are in the sewers, and even if they change to any level 20 Heaven and Human Realm, they will never run out of the range of a few blocks!

In other words, this Yang Chou is absolutely dead!

But to be safe, Long Yan still ordered the thirteenth-level Chen family spy:

"Let Number Two come here."

A group of masters from the Jiang family, except for the Douglas brothers and sisters who stayed in the Jinghu courtyard, Long Yan and the others looked at the east, west, north and south directions respectively, so he came so quickly.

Soon, No. 2 arrived here.


"It should be, I punched the ground just now, and 80% of them have already been shaken to death by me, but there is no way to check, use your water ability to find it."


No. 2 slowly closed his eyes and began to feel the flow of water below.

It's just that this feeling is really not wonderful. When controlling the water, it is actually equivalent to pinning part of his spirit on it. The current feeling of No. 2 is no different from diving into the sewer himself.

That disgusting feeling almost made him vomit.

But soon, his expression changed:

"felt it!"


"Dead! The body exploded, the heart was blown through by broken glass, and only the head was still intact, otherwise he would not be able to recognize him!"

"Hey, finally peace of mind!"

Long Yan smiled.

No. 2 also put away his abilities and gasped for two breaths.

But the smell here is unpleasant after all, since Yang Chou is already dead, there is no need to stay here.

The two quickly left, but in the sewer, Yang Chou's body was drifting with blood.

It's just that the broken glass stuck to his heart seems to be a bottle of some kind of injection, and some strands of the fresh blood are like living things, slowly digging into his corpse...


At this moment, above the boundless sea, Yunlou was sitting on a magical treasure that looked like a huge plate, and he was waiting for Jiang Fan anxiously.

Just now Jiang Fan only said to let him wait here, he didn't know when he had to wait, what if he was found at dawn?

Fortunately, it is now!


Jiang Fan's figure suddenly appeared.

Yun Lou suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his face brightened:

"Mr. Jiang, are you back?"


Jiang Fan nodded and lifted Yunlou.

Seeing that Jiang Fan's face was not good, Yun Lou didn't dare to talk too much, just took a compass and led the way carefully.

Soon, Yunlou's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Mr. Jiang, it's around here!"

Jiang Fan was refreshed when he heard the words:

"It's hundreds of kilometers away from the inland, and you ran far enough."

At the beginning, Yunlou said that he found the ruins in order to find the clam bead refining tool. Jiang Fan thought it was near the coast, but he did not expect to run so far.

Yunlou sighed:

"Hey, now it's not as good as before, the little devils are endlessly draining waste water into the sea, causing many strange things to go to the center of the ocean, but it's too dangerous there, so my cultivation level can only be in the South China Sea. Look here."

As he spoke, Yunlou kept looking at the compass to correct the direction, and finally pointed to the sea under his feet with a look of excitement:

"Mr. Jiang, it's here! I was here last time, and I found the Flowing Cloud Banner!"

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