Jiang Fan nodded, moved his body slightly, and then activated the power of water control, forming a waterless area around him, and plunged into the sea with Yunlou at one end!

It was already late, and it was even darker under the sea, but with Jiang Fan's current cultivation, as long as there was a little light, it was no different from the daytime.

And even if there is no half-light, he still has Riddick's luminous eyes, and he can still see clearly.

Jiang Fan dived for more than 200 meters and finally landed on the seabed.

This is a plain area in the ocean. In the soft sand, there are many seaweeds and vegetation that glow with a little purple, and countless fish and shrimps shuttle through it, which is quiet and peaceful.

Seeing the two of Jiang Fan fall, some curious little fish suddenly came over and kept gently touching the air mask made by Jiang Fan.

Yunlou took out a night pearl with his backhand, and a soft light suddenly appeared around him.

Looking at the compass again, he suddenly pointed to the west:

"Mr. Jiang, we have to go a little further over there."

Jiang Fan took Yunlou forward for dozens of meters, and suddenly saw a sea cliff.

The bottom of the cliff was pitch-dark, and the undercurrent was surging. A few small fishes who followed Jiang Fan to this place just entered the waters, and were immediately stirred into pieces by the undercurrent.

"Mr. Jiang, I was looking for mussel beads here, but this undercurrent directly threw Liu Yunqi out. Along with Liu Yunqi, there were also some pieces of artifacts. If my expectations are not bad, there must be a The ancient ruins, even if they are not ancient ruins, must be an ancient cave mansion."

Jiang Fan was noncommittal to Yunlou's words, but this undercurrent was indeed a bit strange, and it could actually smash the fish into pieces. It was not like it could be formed naturally.

"Come on, go down and have a look."

Jiang Fan said, he has already stepped out!


Just as he stepped into the undercurrent, Jiang Fan suddenly felt that the pressure on the air hood was ten times greater!

Countless turbulence started to tear the air hood frantically!

It's a pity that although these turbulent currents are powerful, they can't help Jiang Fan at all.

Jiang Fan took Yunlou all the way down, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Not only is there a turbulent current that is enough to shred steel, but the water temperature is also fluctuating. In a certain level of seawater, there is even a layer of highly toxic water suspended in it!

Jiang Fan made a special investigation. The width of the highly toxic waters was more than 100 meters up and down, and the range reached an exaggerated diameter of 10 miles. Not only was the toxicity strong, but it also had a psychedelic effect. , I am afraid they will be trapped alive!

This situation is obviously caused by human beings. It seems that there are some good things hidden in the ruins below!

Soon, Jiang Fan and Yunlou had already dived for a full kilometer again, but it wasn't the end!

Although Yun Lou looked surprised, he was not nervous—

With such a large size, I'm afraid of hair!

"Mr. Jiang, thanks to you, otherwise this undercurrent, we Qingyunmen would not be able to get through."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"The undercurrent and the water pressure have already ruled out the possibility of entry below the Grandmaster. That layer covers a ten-mile range of highly toxic areas, and it is impossible for a Grandmaster to pass through. The things below, not to mention your Qingyunmen, the entire cultivation world, except for The ten major sects, I am afraid that no one can eat it!"

Yun Lou's expression changed, only then did he know that the danger in this sea area was more terrifying than he imagined!

Jiang Fan continued to dive, but by this time, there was no light at all, and people could not even recognize the direction.

Yun Lou finally became nervous. Although he knew that nothing would happen with Jiang Fan's support, the pressure in this dark and silent environment was unimaginable for ordinary people.

He took out the night pearl again with his backhand.

The soft light burst out, and Yunlou's heart was relieved immediately.

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan frowned:

"There's something down there!"

Yun Lou looked happy:

"Found the ruins?"

"Do not."

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"That thing is moving, it may be alive."

At this moment, the hair on Yunlou's body stood up.

Jiang Fan's words might as well not be said, it's so scary!

From the dive until now, Yunlou is 100% sure that there is absolutely no living thing around!

The harsh environment here, let alone normal aquariums, even bacteria can't stand it, but now, there is a living thing under the two?

What can live in such a harsh environment?

Yunlou was apprehensive, and then the light of the night pearl looked down desperately.

However, what greeted him, except within a dozen meters around him, was still a desperate darkness.

But even though it was pitch-dark, Yunlou could sense that in the darkness, something really seemed to be moving!

He leaned forward subconsciously, and his whole body almost fell on the air mask.

There is nothing below, but there is a large rock wall next to it.


It seemed to be empty just now, why did rocks suddenly appear?

Yun Lou looked surprised, desperately looking at the rock wall.

But right now!


Right in front of him, the rock wall suddenly opened, revealing a black vertical pupil more than two meters high!

Yun Lou's heart almost stopped beating at this moment, his face was full of horror!

It's not a rock wall, it's the eyelids of some kind of creature!

Even the pupils are more than two meters high, how big should this creature be?

And at the moment when the other party opened his eyelids, this turbulent sea area was almost completely boiling!


A deafening sound wave followed the water flow and was directly transmitted into the air hood!

At this moment, Yunlou only felt that all his internal organs were burned, and he was almost shocked to death by the sound!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan snorted coldly, and tapped the air cover lightly!


The surging sound waves were all bounced out in an instant!

With the sound of the sound waves, the entire sea area was turned upside down, and the huge amount of sea water was turbulently surging, turning this place into a deep-sea vortex!

But right in the center of the vortex, a lavender light suddenly lit up!

Immediately afterwards, the light seemed to be contagious, lighting up one by one, and extending for more than a hundred meters!

When the light completely illuminated the nearby sea area, it finally illuminated the owner of the pupil.

"This, this, this is..."

Yunlou's mouth is wide open, his face looks like a dementia!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

What appeared in front of the two of them turned out to be a unique one, with a length of more than 200 meters and an unimaginable size, Jiaolong! ! !

This Flood Dragon is covered with a layer of lavender scales, just a head, it is bigger than a villa!

And above the head, the long beard danced, the fangs were ferocious, and there were two sharp horns on the top of the head!

There are a row of hundreds of spikes on the back of the Jiaolong, and the light is emitted from its spines.

The reason why it is called Jiao is because it has no claws under its body, and the long horns on its head have not changed into dragon horns!

But even so, it's amazing enough!

Who would have imagined that there would be a Flood Dragon lurking under this strange sea area?

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