"Depend on!"

Jiang Fan was taken aback and glared at Yunlou:

"A rat is a rat, you call it a wool!"

"No, look at it!"

Yun Lou pointed at the corner of the wall anxiously.

Jiang Fan looked over there, and there was a stunned expression on his face.

For some unknown reason, there was a gap in the corner of the hall, and along the gap, a trace of mist was drifting out little by little.

And a big rat, one size bigger than a house cat, whose hair has turned white all over, lay lazily in a place outside the ban, as if smoking a cigarette, greedily inhaling the wafting mist!

And behind it, there are several normal-sized mice lining up with their newborn cubs.

The big mouse took a sharp breath of smoke, and then the hair on his body lit up slightly, and when it stopped, the mice hurriedly took the cub to take two bites.

The cubs who had smoked the smoke suddenly changed, and saw that their skin quickly grew a layer of hair, and their ignorant eyes gradually filled with the light of wisdom!

Jiang Fan and Yun Lou stared at each other.

Good guy, it turns out that these mice have such a high IQ because of this!

The big white-haired mouse was not afraid when he saw Jiang Fan and the two of them, he even nodded to say hello, and then began to inhale the mist again.

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, what should I do?"

Jiang Fan was stunned for a long time, and finally smiled greedily:

"Of course the door is open!"

Needless to say, in this second hall, there must be superb treasures!

Just looking at the wisps of smoke wafting out, it can actually make a group of mice give birth to wisdom, and know what is inside, it is definitely a treasure!

Jiang Fan didn't delay, he let out a low roar and started the genetic riot directly, and started rushing in with his head suffocated!

Hearing a burst of "bang bang bang bang bang", Jiang Fan was already like a irritable rhino, breaking through the many restrictions in one breath, and ran directly to the gate!

Yunlou was dumbfounded!

Good guy, this is the real money or death!

Jiang Fan learned the lesson of the last time, held his breath, and carefully prepared to open the door, but unexpectedly, there was no restriction from Mao on the door!

On the contrary, Jiang Fan used too much force, and the moment the gate opened, he almost fell over!

As the door opened, the second hall was not only the same as the first, but the restriction disappeared, an hourglass popped up at the door, and a strong spiritual energy mixed with the fragrance of medicine suddenly rushed out!

This spiritual energy is so rich that it has almost turned into a shred of water vapor. The medicinal fragrance in it seems to carry a strange ability, making Jiang Fan only feel that his mind is lifted and his spirit is clear!

Jiang Fan first waved at Yunlou, and then looked inside the hall.

Compared with the first hall, this place can be described as magnificent!

The entire ground, used as floor tiles, is all genuine jasper!

On the ground, on the left are two rows of some kind of bamboo cabinets, which are filled with bottles and jars of various shapes.

Not to mention those bottles and jars, it's just this bamboo cabinet, the bamboo is crisp in color, and there are a few new green leaves growing in the upper position!

The bamboo that was made into a cabinet, after thousands of years, even had leaves growing on it, even if you think about it with your butt, you will know that just this cabinet is definitely a treasure!

Those things that are placed on it will definitely only be worth more!

And at the end of the cabinet is the corner of the wall with a crack, and there is a pile of things that emit a faint light. The aura of the entire hall emanates from there.

In addition, in the main hall, according to the direction of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams, there are eight elixir furnaces emitting precious light.

These pill furnaces have different shapes, and in one of them, a small flame is still burning below.

This is actually a Dan room!

Before Jiang Fan could walk in, Yunlou, who was following him, suddenly exclaimed:

"The ancestors will come again! This, the taste of this elixir is so strong, the Taiji master was refining elixir!"

The old Taoist saw the pile of things in the corner of the wall, emitting a faint light, and then he suddenly burst out with a louder scream, and a fierce man rushed over!

"My God! It turns out that the big mouse is sucking the aura of this baby!!"

Yun Lou couldn't be more excited, and when he put his hands together, he hugged a bunch of them!

But then, he was suddenly stunned:

"This, this, this is not a treasure, this is... medicine dregs?!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Drug dregs? !

Just the dregs of medicine can actually make the mice here give birth to wisdom, the real finished product, isn't it...

At a glance, he looked at the pill furnace that was still burning!

Just at this moment, the flame in the pill furnace suddenly trembled slightly and went out!

At the same time, the entire pill furnace trembled slightly, and seven colored lights suddenly spewed out of the orifice above the pill furnace!

The light was so dazzling that it rose into the sky!

However, when he just touched the top of the hall, he seemed to be imprisoned by something, unable to rush out. The seven colored lights immediately mixed together, and then a colorful peacock phantom was formed!

The peacock made a high-pitched cry from its neck and burst out with a deafening cry, and finally slowly dispersed into the invisible!

Yunlou's eyes are going to pop out!

"Pill qi transforms into shape, this is an elixir!!"

The old Taoist's footsteps were weak, and he almost rolled and crawled to the side of the pill furnace.

Jiang Fan, however, had no scruples, strode over, and opened the Pill Furnace in one fell swoop!


A dazzling light directly enveloped the entire hall, and then, in the pill furnace, three phantoms suddenly rushed out!

It's a pity that these three phantoms have just rushed out of the pill furnace, and Jiang Fan has already waved his hand and held them tightly!

The three phantoms dashed left and right in Jiang Fan's hands, and finally gradually calmed down.

Jiang Fan opened his palm, and three medicinal pills appeared in front of him.

It's just different from what I imagined, these three medicinal herbs are pitch-black and have no fragrance. They are not round or square, and they can be called crooked melons and jujubes.

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"Why does this elixir look like this?"

At this time, the usefulness of Yunlou was finally revealed.

The old Taoist was even more surprised when he saw this ugly pill:

"Mr. Jiang, immortal medicine has a soul, and I'm afraid of being taken by others, that's why it's like this!"

"In a certain sect a thousand years ago, there was an elixir master who made such an elixir. The other party thought it was a waste of refining, so he gave it to a medicine refining boy."

"I didn't expect that the boy took the medicine pill by mistake, and he turned from a dumb boy to a genius unparalleled in the world!"

Jiang Fan was surprised:

"And this?"

"Of course! The benefits are more than that. The boy's entry into the realm after that is terrifying, and he entered the realm of heaven and man in ten years!"

Yun Lou was full of excitement:

"Do you know the identity of that boy? That boy refining medicine is now the second of the top ten sects, the founder of the Danqing Pavilion!"

As Yun Lou said, he looked at the medicine pill with a greedy expression on his face.

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and threw all three medicinal pills directly to Yunlou:

"In that case, it's all for you!"

Yunlou didn't even want the things he had before, and this medicinal pill was just for him.

Yun Lou was pleasantly surprised, but after thinking about it, he only kept one, and the remaining two were given to Jiang Fan:

"One is enough. Old Daoist can say that it is thanks to you. If you have one more, there will be more right and wrong."

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