No matter how thick-skinned Jiang Fan was, he was really embarrassed this time.

Up to now, Yunlou has really taken advantage of nothing.

But now is not the time to be hypocritical, Yunlou is so generous, and he will never be stingy.

Jiang Fan put away the two medicinal pills and looked at the cabinet:

"There are still a lot of things on the cabinet, open it and take a look."

The two opened all the bottles and jars above and looked at them.

"Fuck! Nine-turn Great Golden Elixir?! As long as you swallow one piece of this thing, no matter what your aptitude is, it will definitely achieve the Golden Elixir realm!"

"Ziyang Resurrection Pill? This is a top-quality elixir that has long since disappeared! After swallowing it, the body can be rebuilt!"

"Also, also, Liangyi Peiyuan Dan! Cutting the hair and washing the marrow, it is the best quality to improve the qualifications!"

"Huh? Although I don't know this medicine, but I just smell it, it's very smart, it's definitely a treasure!"

The more you look at Yunlou, the more excited you are, all the medicines in it are top-quality medicinal herbs!

"Mr. Jiang! This time we are really developed!"

Compared with Yunlou, Jiang Fan is calm. Pills can rarely be exchanged for causal points, and as long as they cannot be exchanged for causal points, it means nothing to him!

In the realm of self-cultivation, although medicinal pills that can quickly increase strength are good, they are not treasures. On the contrary, those that can improve qualifications are the real valuables!

After all, no matter how many medicines you take, your limited qualifications are a waste. As long as your qualifications go up, even if you don't have medicinal herbs, you will get twice the result with half the effort!

The two sat on the ground to share the spoils. Jiang Fan gave all the top-grade medicinal pills to improve their qualifications to Yunlou, but left behind those medicinal pills that could quickly improve their strength, but were not very good.

Yun Lou originally wanted to refuse, but this time Jiang Fan was firm.

Yun Lou thought about it for a while, and asked Jiang Fan to help him keep it. The old Taoist had never seen so many treasures in his life, and he didn't dare to carry anything on his body for fear of being missed.

Jiang Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to put it all away.

But when putting away these things, Jiang Fan's fingers swiped across the cabinets, and the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The system detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 100,000 karma points!"

Jiang Fan couldn't help but be stunned!

Good guy, the matter of buying the casket and returning the pearls, I have knocked myself down today!

This cabinet is like this, and so is the cloth bag that was wrapped before!

But 100,000 is not much, and it is not much. This thing looks amazing. It is really the best for pretending. It is a pity to sell it to the dog system.

Including the other things in the belly of the mountain, such as those huge spiritual grasses, if they were all uprooted, it would be a bit of a waste.

I still have a five-hundred-mile land deed. If I can put this hill on top, wouldn't this be a force to mention?

"System! Can this mountain be taken in?"

"Ding! This whole mountain?! Host, you are so greedy!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just say if you can!"

"Ding! Yes! Look at the money and talk!"

"Tell me, how much?"

"Ding! You have a few big boys in your pocket now, don't you have a count? You still owe money, what are you pretending to be?"

"Fuck you, uncle! I still have 20 million in your pocket!"

"Ding! Yes, you saved it, but if you have the ability, you are a flower!"

Jiang Fan was furious with the system:

"Flowers are flowers!"

"Ding! Then you spend it!"

"I spend!"

"Ding! You flowers!"

"I'll spend your uncle!"

Jiang Fan yelled:

"It's not bad for me to treat you like a dog. You still owe me a favor for the bone jade last time!"

"Ding! The system also gave you back, okay?"

"You still have the face? I was almost killed when I turned around!"

"Ding! That's about the system? I told you not to ask questions!"

"I don't care, if you lose the chain this time, don't even think about the bone jade next time!"

This time Jiang Fan's threat seemed to be effective, and the system was silent for a while before making a sound:

"Ding! System rules, at present, there is no way to collect life objects from the outside world. There are so many big mice in this mountain, which is very troublesome."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Ding! Help me once, that big pocket is an unowned space magic weapon, and it is a world of its own. You ask the old Taoist priest to help you open it. You put this mountain in it and put it in the system backpack."

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

One took out the big bag:

"Cloud Tower, let's see if this thing can be opened?"

Yun Lou didn't know why, so he took the big bag and gave it a try, and was immediately stunned:

"This, this is the best space magic weapon!"

"My God! It's so big in here!"

"It's almost beyond the scope of spiritual tools, and it's definitely not worse than those magic weapons like the Jade Dragon Hairpin!"

Jiang Fan didn't know how to cultivate, so just listening to Yunlou's chatter, he became anxious:

"How big is it? Can you fit this mountain in?"

"Don't talk about this mountain, even if it's—ah? What did you say?"

Yunlou never dreamed that Jiang Fan was so cruel that he wanted to pull up the whole mountain!

Jiang Fan just smiled:

"Just put it in! Go!"

Jiang Fan said as he walked towards the third hall impatiently.

Behind him, Yunlou was still confused.

Mr. Jiang wants to take all this mountain?


Even with this ambition, such a big mountain, is it possible?

Soon, the two had come to the front of the third hall.

However, unlike the other two, there is no prohibition outside the gate of this hall.

However, as soon as Jiang Fan's palm touched the door, his expression changed completely!

It seems that somewhere, there is a voice that is frantically stopping him!

And every one of his cells is sending out an early warning—

do not touch!

Jiang Fan suddenly understood that once he hit this gate, he would definitely die!

Jiang Fan took a step back!


With his current strength, he can definitely kill the twenty-fourth level!

Even in the face of the twenty-fourth level, there is also the strength of a battle!

In other words, since the ban on this gate can kill him in seconds, it must at least be at the peak!

What's in this hall?

How could such a terrifying ban be put in place!

Could it be the end of the day?

Jiang Fan frowned, and subconsciously looked carefully towards the door, but at first glance, he was stunned.

There is actually a keyhole on this door!

The point is, look at that shape...

Jiang Fan subconsciously took out a bronze key and compared it to—

Just the right size!

This gate actually requires a bronze key to open!

Jiang Fan was shocked!

How rare is the bronze key, needless to say!

The key is that in the first hall, there is a bronze key hidden in the painting, and now, to open the door of the third hall, a bronze key is needed!

Jiang Fan's mind suddenly appeared in the painting, the last word "Fate"!

At first, he thought that the word "fate" meant that he had a relationship with the baby in the package, but now it seems that he has a relationship with the master here, Tai Chi Master Wang Yangbo!

It's as if the contents here were deliberately left to him by Wang Yangbo!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and locked the bronze key directly, but before he could unscrew it, a gust of wind suddenly blew up above the dome!

The next moment, a gray shadow has suddenly rushed to the ground!

The gray shadow was extremely fast, but Jiang Fan could clearly see the appearance of the other party at a glance!

The next moment, Jiang Fan showed an extremely confused expression:

"No way?"

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