
As soon as Megatron landed, the building beneath Jiang Fan's feet trembled!

"Hahaha! Here I am, King Megatron!"

"Jiang Fan! Which **** did you offend? Let Ben take him out for you!"

As soon as Megatron landed, he showed his arrogance!

Seeing such a huge robot appear out of thin air, the Kyle family was completely stunned!

Although this robot looks a little deficient in IQ, it is definitely a real intelligent creature!

Is this thing also a masterpiece of Skynet?

Jiang Fan smiled:

"It's not necessary for you to take action, just protect them for me."


Megatron looked annoyed:

"Did you call me out to make me a nurse? You bastard! I am the leader of the great Decepticons, the invincible Megatron! You are insulting me!"

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes:

"Are you serious?"

"Nonsense! Who are you talking about! I have to show off my glory today and smash him to pieces! Let you know the strength of my King Megatron!"

Jiang Fan followed his kindness and pointed to the west:

"Hey, that's it!"

At this moment, in the west, a figure is breaking through the air at an indescribable high speed!

Megatron sneered and turned on the remote energy monitoring directly:

"Cut! Such a small character, I, King Megatron, can fight—"

"DiDi! Alert! Alert! Full-level alert! The energy intensity of the opponent is 642 times higher than the main body!"

Before Megatron was finished, a siren suddenly sounded near the electronic eye!


Megatron was completely stunned, and even the paint on the metal skin on his body was shaken off by fright!

Jiang Fan added fuel to the fire:

"The invincible King Megatron, then I'll leave it to you next?"

"What am I-"

Megatron picked up the Kyle family, turned around and ran:

"Jiang Fan! This kind of small role is too unpopular! I'll leave it to you to settle it, don't worry, I'll be responsible for giving you off-field guidance!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Good guy, this guy is shameless, he is better than himself!

And in such an instant, the figure was already less than a kilometer away from Jiang Fan!


The visitor suddenly stopped in the air a hundred meters away from Jiang Fan!

However, the other party came at a high speed, and the air flow it brought up was like a hurricane, and it directly blew all the glass of the thirty-story building under Jiang Fan's feet into powder!



"What happened!"

"Is it an earthquake?"

In the building, the crowd screamed.

But whether it was the person who came, or Jiang Fan, they were all looking at each other, and they didn't care about the crowd below.

Appearing across from Jiang Fan was a woman who was wearing a set of metal armor, with a flawless face and perfection.


The armor on Skynet's body was tightly stitched together, smooth as silk, with a little silver light, which perfectly outlined her exquisite figure.

And along with Skynet's gestures, the armor is constantly reconfiguring like a stream of water!

This armor obviously uses liquid metal technology!

"Jiang Fan!"

Skynet's eyes glowed with a thunderous lavender, and there was even a hint of human emotion in it!

The name of that emotion is excitement!

Jiang Fan's eyes were very strange. The last time he met Skynet, he felt that the other person's appearance was a little strange.

But at that time, Skynet appeared in the form of a projection, and he didn't think too much about it, but now, seeing Skynet's body face to face, he finally realized that something was wrong.

The two are so alike!

The faces are like siblings!

But it makes sense when you think about it.

Jiang Fan is the most powerful human being that Skynet has ever seen, and Jiang Fan's cell structure has become perfect. In addition, Skynet's body itself is a copy of Jiang Fan's cell structure. Of course, the two will look alike!

But it feels really weird.

Jiang Fan moved his hands and feet gently:


Skynet clenched his fist lightly:


The voice just fell!


Skynet was already in front of him, and he punched Jiang Fan in the face!


Jiang Fan's entire body was like a small rock, it suddenly flew upside down, and it stopped after withdrawing for hundreds of meters!

However, just as his body stopped the castration, Skynet was already above him, and he suddenly split his legs and slammed Jiang Fan to the ground!


Jiang Fan was like a meteorite, with a thunderous roar, and fell straight to the ground!


A loud bang!

The cement pavement on the ground is literally bursting into the sky like an explosion!

In the splash of the gravel, seven or eight thick cracks spread out for hundreds of meters!

The crowd on the street screamed and screamed, all desperately avoiding the distance!

"Not good!"

"There are meteorites!"

"Is it a missile?"


This street is relatively prosperous and crowded, but now there is a sudden chaos, it is chaos!

Skynet shot twice, but instead of chasing, he looked at his hands excitedly.

"This kind of power... is great! If every Terminator in my mechanical empire in the future can have such power, then I will be able to rule the entire universe!"

"Your goal is this universe?"

In the smoke and dust on the ground, Jiang Fan's calm voice suddenly sounded.

Skynet frowned, but a gust of wind suddenly blew on the ground!

The strong wind blew away the smoke and dust in an instant, revealing Jiang Fan in the middle!

After being hit by Skynet twice, Jiang Fan was injured, even his clothes were clean!

Skynet was not surprised, the shot just now was not even a warm-up, at best it was just moving hands and feet!

She just looked at Jiang Fan coldly:

"You think I'm dreaming?"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan smiled and stretched out his right hand, pinching his little finger with his thumb:

"I just think, your goal is, um... a little small."

Skynet showed a surprised expression:

"Is this goal too small?"

"You really still have too little knowledge, there is more than one universe!"

"More than one? You mean the multiverse?"

Skynet was even more surprised.

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"How far the universe is, it's just an extension of a universe. What I'm talking about is all realms!"

Jiang Fan said, and suddenly pointed to the distance:

"For example, the guy over there, where he came from, is another big universe. In a certain way, you are still distant relatives!"

The sky was empty in the direction Jiang Fan pointed, all because Megatron had already gone to a place where the human eye could not see it at all!

This guy is braver than anyone else when he has the upper hand, and if the momentum is not right, he runs faster than Cao Cao!

However, Skynet's eyes just flashed purple, as if crossing the limit of distance and falling on Megatron!

The next moment, she suddenly opened her mouth wide, with an incredible expression all over her face.

"Silicon-based creatures?!"

"It's probably silicon-based, maybe it's iron-based, or uranium-based. I haven't studied it carefully. If you're interested, I can take you to his world, how about it?"

Jiang Fan's face was full of harmless smiles.

Skynet withdrew his gaze, looked at Jiang Fan coldly for a long time, and suddenly revealed a sneer:

"You want to subdue me?"

"It's not wrong for you to understand that, how is it? Are you interested?"

"I'm more interested in capturing you alive. No matter what secrets you have in your mind, I'll be able to know them clearly!"


Jiang Fan sighed:

"So, the talk broke down?"

Skynet sneered:

"I'm already so powerful, why do I need to negotiate with you? Is it necessary for the dragon to negotiate with the ants?"

"Ha ha…"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed, but deep in his eyes, it was as cold as ice:

"You got one thing wrong."

"What's up?"

"You are the ants!"


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