Although the range of this magnetically modified ion cannon is not comparable to that of the heavy ion cannon, its power has increased tenfold!

The crowd here didn't even have time to let out their exclamations, and they exploded, leaving no bones behind!

In the smoke of gunpowder, only Skynet's wild laughter was left!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! This is a weapon I specially designed for you. How does it feel?"

Skynet's long hair was flying, and his face was full of pride.

"Very good, but it's almost meaningless to want to kill me."

In the smoke of gunpowder, Jiang Fan's gnashing of teeth sounded slowly.

Along with a gust of wind, Jiang Fan, who was covered in scars, has reappeared in front of Skynet!

At this moment, Jiang Fan was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, his clothes were ragged, his body was covered with scars, and his arms were even more scorched. He had obviously suffered serious injuries.

But his eyes are getting more and more angry!

Looking at the empty space above the ground, the anger in Jiang Fan's eyes almost burned!

"Skynet! I know you can shift your mind, but I swear, this time, no matter where you shift to, I will kill you!"

"Just for who you are now?"

Skynet's voice was full of ridicule:

"Jiang Fan, you didn't die after getting hit with my magnetic-modified ion cannon. It's not a surprise to me, but do you think I only prepared this gift for you?"

Jiang Fan's eyes jumped!

Skynet continued to speak:

"Your current energy index has dropped by ten percent. At this level, I don't even need to use more weapons, so why should I change my mind?"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"You were so arrogant last time, but in the end you were forced to compromise by me?"


Skynet snorted coldly:

"Last time my body was not finished, of course I wouldn't be stupid enough to confront you, but this time it's different! I can tell you plainly that my mind doesn't need to be shifted, just relying on this body, I can It's definitely not something you can contend with!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly:

"Then do I understand that you have lost the ability to shift your mind?"

"So what? Can you still compete with me?"


Jiang Fan exhaled a long breath and showed a relaxed smile:

"I can rest assured that!"

Skynet's eyes changed, and suddenly he felt that something was wrong!

She almost made a decisive decision, and the magnetic-modified ion cannon flashed with purple light, and it has once again blasted towards Jiang Fan!


The deep purple beam of the magnetic modified ion cannon arrived in front of Jiang Fan almost instantly!

However, this time, Jiang Fan had a mocking smile. He suddenly raised his big hand, and it turned out to be a beam of light that hit the magnetic cannon!

next moment!


The violent explosion was deafening, but an extremely terrifying scene suddenly caught the eyes of Skynet!

There seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of Jiang Fan, and the flames of the explosion were split in half from his big hands, and did not touch him at all!


Skynet suddenly exclaimed!

But an even more terrifying scene appeared!

With an indescribable speed, the scars on Jiang Fan's body were completely restored in an instant!

At the same time, during Skynet's detection, Jiang Fan's energy index was skyrocketing at a terrifying speed!

Vaguely, Skynet suddenly understood something—

"Your previous injuries are all fake!"

Skynet suddenly screamed!

Jiang Fan stepped on the void and walked towards Skynet step by step.

"Of course it's fake. How could this kind of attack that barely reached level 20 hurt me? Do you know why I hid in the smoke just now and came out after so long?"

"Why, why?"

"Of course it's self-harm! Fool!"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"My body is too strong, even if I give up my resistance to the magnetic cannon, my cells are still on alert, so I have to use some means to make myself a little embarrassed... Acting, after all, I am an actor , always be a little more professional.”

"you you…"

Skynet was shocked:

"Why are you doing this?"

This question has just been asked, and her huge computing power has already been answered!

Skynet stared at Jiang Fan, gritted his teeth and said:

"You're trying to talk, you want to prove that I really can't transfer my mind!"


Jiang Fan chuckled lightly:

"Although I have more than 70% certainty, but I have always been cautious, 100%, I can rest assured!"

Skynet looked at a loss:

"70% sure? You, you already knew that there is a high probability that I won't be able to transfer?"

"Otherwise? What do you think the last time we met, what was the purpose of leaving some of my flesh and blood?"

Skynet was stunned:

"That's why you were seriously injured..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly reacted:

"Yeah, you clearly know that I need your flesh and blood for research. According to your calculations, how could you leave the flesh and blood residues so carelessly!"


Jiang Fan smiled:

"I left those flesh and blood. On the one hand, I was afraid that you would jump off the wall and would not start the time machine. On the other hand, I deliberately let you create a perfect body."

Skynet has completely understood:

"And this body is actually a cage that confines my thinking?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Although you are an intelligent life with amazing computing power, it is very simple to understand your thoughts. It can only be seen from the fact that the Terminator is actually a human figure."

"Although the humanoid has freed his hands, it is actually not the most suitable combat state. With your computing power, it should be clear that even the spider form is more suitable for fighting than the humanoid."

"But you chose the human form, why?"

"Because you yearn for your creator!"

"Although you have exterminated them, it is precisely because you fear them, worship them more, and even want to replace them!"

"So, to create a divine body that surpasses human beings and feel the feeling of the Creator, that is your pursuit."

"And from your step-by-step development, various Terminators derived from my cell casting, you can see that you are constantly experimenting with the data of your body."

"And leaving my strongest cells at that time to you is for you to successfully create this body!"

"When you create this body, you will be delighted with its power, obsessed with its power, and think the world is invincible!"

"But you forgot that the body is the armor that protects the mind, but it is also the cage that imprisons the mind!"

Skynet was stunned!

What followed was an unprecedented icy cold!

This feeling is extremely unfamiliar, but her knowledge center, but immediately called up the name of this feeling—


A human being, his thinking is so terrifying, he has successfully calculated himself, an unprecedented intelligent body that condenses all human knowledge!

"Jiang Fan! You, you monster..."

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