God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2279: Where has the terminator gone?

"Jiang Fan! You, you monster..."

Skynet looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief.

The existence of this human being has completely surpassed his cognition of the human group!

And Jiang Fan's pace finally came to Skynet!

Looking at Skynet indifferently, Jiang Fan said slowly:

"Follow me, in this world, you can never surpass me."

"Go with you?"

Skynet stared blankly at Jiang Fan.

After a long time, her eyes suddenly turned fierce:

"Jiang Fan, you haven't won yet, and I haven't lost yet!"

With a roar from Skynet, a large amount of data suddenly swiped in her eyes, and then, a large amount of electric light appeared all over her body!

At the same time, above the sky, a full twelve satellites disguised as small meteorites have suddenly activated!

Each of these satellites burst out with a dazzling beam of light, which was connected in series with each other. In the end, all of them converged on the most central one. The shape is very strange, like a hexagonal satellite!

There was a flash of electric light on the hexagonal satellite, and then, a beam of silver light condensed to the extreme was suddenly blasted towards the ground!

The beam of light hit Skynet in an instant, and then, Skynet was covered in flames, and the energy began to rise like an explosion!

Particle Charge!

"Jiang Fan! This is the second gift I prepared for you!"

Skynet roared, and a pitch-black electric light suddenly burst out on his right arm!

However, before Skynet could make a move, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and slashed down!


A muffled sound!

Skynet's entire right arm was already soaring into the sky!

Such a prestigious and seemingly indestructible Skynet is so vulnerable in front of Jiang Fan, who uses his true strength!

Skynet looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

At that moment just now, the energy index that Jiang Fan burst out was overwhelmingly beyond particle charging, it was like a star exploding!

Skynet couldn't believe its data!

"You, how can you possibly improve?!"

"Because from the beginning, I didn't show my real strength... Anyway, just show it a little bit."

Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath, and then suddenly shouted:



A crisp sound of the chain being broken suddenly resounded through the world!

next moment!


An energy storm that was so terrifying that it was indescribable had suddenly soared into the sky!

This energy is really terrifying to the extreme, and the clouds in the sky are instantly destroyed!

The whole city seemed to be thrown into the deep sea, and there was an invisible pressure everywhere!

Even the buildings in the distance between the two of them were rumbling under the terrifying air pressure of Jiang Fan, and they let out an overwhelmed groan!

As for Skynet, which is the closest to Jiang Fan, the entire waist was actually bent down by this pressure!

Compared with particle charging, the power that Jiang Fan burst out at this moment is like the power of heaven!

Skynet was trembling all over, looking at Jiang Fan in horror.

The last time we met, although Jiang Fan was tyrannical enough, he was still within Skynet's understanding!

However, this time, Jiang Fan's strength has completely surpassed her understanding of life forms!

For an intelligent creature, this kind of power is beyond the logic of normal creatures!

"Why, why?"

There was no reason for Skynet to ask why, but Jiang Fan seemed to know exactly what she meant.

Looking at Skynet with a flat face, Jiang Fan said indifferently:

"The way of using a soldier, show it with softness and meet it with rigidity, show it with weakness and multiply it with strength, this sentence comes from "Huainanzi: Military Training", my previous actions are called showing weakness with weakness ."

"Because you will only be careless if you make me weak, and you will throw out your own shortcomings without any scruples, but in fact, I am much stronger than you, Skynet, you have no chance."

"Follow me, or you disappear forever!"

Skynet's whole body trembled more and more violently, but in her eyes, there was a ruthless color called "Fish Dead Net Broken"!

"Jiang Fan, I'm afraid you still don't understand. For me, disappearing does not mean death!"

"Now this I came from the future, and my disappearance just erased a future timeline!"

"But the "I" of this era is about to be born. As long as she still exists, I have infinite possibilities!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth:

"I said, you have no chance."

"Hehe, I'm afraid you didn't understand what I meant, I mean..."

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"I know very well, that's why I said you have no chance. You should have been following the Kyle family all these years, right?"

Jiang Fan suddenly and abruptly threw such a question.

Skynet frowned, but she nodded anyway:

"Of course."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Since that's the case, you didn't find out that the Terminator, who had been protecting their family before, disappeared?"

Skynet was stunned for a moment, followed by an inexplicable panic:

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Fan flipped his wrist and suddenly revealed the core battery that was removed from the T850 that had been killed earlier.

Shaking this thing at Skynet, Jiang Fan said softly:

"Such a core battery, once it explodes, will not be worse than a small nuclear explosion, right?"

Skynet's heart is getting more and more panic:


Jiang Fan pointed to the east of the city:

"I'm sorry to tell you that the Terminator carrying such two core batteries is hidden downstairs in the Sebotan headquarters!"

Skynet's scalp was about to explode at this moment!

Jiang Fan, this monster!

He actually arranged the Terminator to the Sebotan Company?

Once that thing blows up...

Do not!

This is absolutely impossible!

Skynet suddenly screamed:

"Impossible! Not only does the Sebotan company have its own security, but even I have staffed it! That old and old model is absolutely impossible to sneak in!"

Jiang Fan shrugged his shoulders:

"That's right, he didn't get in, he went in through the tunnel."

So far, the last time Jiang Fan left, the reason why he left the whirlwind shovel from the world of Ghost Blowing Lamp, and his arrangement, was finally completely revealed!

Leaving the whirlwind shovel is just to facilitate the Terminator to enter the Sebotan Company through the tunnel!

And the purpose of the Terminator is to hide under the company, ready to blow up Sepotan at any time! Destroy the Skynet of this era!

Facing the confused Skynet, Jiang Fan said with a smile:

"So now you have only two choices left, either follow me, or, whether it is you now or you in the future, disappear!"

Skynet's complexion changed, and he finally looked at Jiang Fan with gritted teeth:

"The reason why you didn't let the Kyle family blow up the current me is to negotiate with me for the sake of this appearance?"

Jiang Fan laughed:

"very true!"


Skynet gritted her teeth, and now, she really regrets having some human emotions!

This kind of situation of being forced into a corner really made her heart pierce!

However, although it has been forced to this level, it has not yet reached a desperate situation!

You still have a chance!

A chance to turn around!

Skynet suddenly laughed:

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, you can't win!"

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