God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2280: Life is like a play, it's all about acting!


Jiang Fan looked curious.

Skynet smiled proudly:

"You didn't blow up the current "me", I'm afraid it's not just to negotiate with me, but to be reluctant to start?"

Jiang Fan was even more surprised:

"Why do you say that?"

"Stop pretending!"

Skynet's face was full of expressions of victory:

"You know the power of the core battery explosion. If the Terminator detonates now, not only the entire Sebotan Company, but even the people in the nearby blocks will all die!"

"Because it is hidden underground, the shock caused by the explosion, I don't know how far it will spread!"

"You value the lives of human beings too much. In order to protect the same kind, you don't hesitate to hold on to my magnetic cannon. Do you dare to do it?"

The surprise on Jiang Fan's face didn't change at all, and there was a hint of mockery in his eyes:

"Dear Skynet, do you have any misunderstandings about the same kind?"

Skynet looks weird:

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"My kind only exists in the eastern land, and the fifty-six flowers are my kind. My compatriots, the so-called non-me races, have different hearts! The life and death of human beings on this land are related to me. What the fuck?"

Skynet was stunned!

"Well, then you just wanted to save people, and you resisted my two attacks..."

Jiang Fan sighed and said earnestly:

"Life is like a play, it's all about acting!"

Skynet looked at Jiang Fan with a dull expression.

After a long time, she suddenly screamed:

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! You must be lying to me! Jiang Fan! Let me go! Remove the Terminator! Otherwise, I will use railguns to blast this continent into rubble!"

Skynet was nearly collapsed by Jiang Fan, roaring wildly!

Jiang Fan smiled. Right in front of Skynet, he suddenly faced the side and slowly raised his palm:

"Want to blow this place into ruins? I'll help you!"


On Jiang Fan's palm, an extremely terrifying energy began to accumulate rapidly, and then, on his palm, a black light suddenly flashed!

Full power flicker!

With a flash of black light, the next moment!


A dazzling light has enveloped the entire city!

In the places where Jiang Fan’s virtual flash had blown up, the plants and trees were turned into ashes, the buildings were shattered, the steel bars were dissolving, the vehicles were thrown away and melted, and the pedestrians’ pets were directly vaporized and evaporated…

The former highlands turned into scorched earth plains, the roads turned into ravines, the magma overflowed, and even the location near the sea, the most prosperous Manhattan in the world in the past, actually sank directly!

Everything is disappearing!

As the light dissipated, most of New York City had been erased from the earth forever!

Skynet stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

My mind went blank.

Jiang Fan sighed comfortably:

"Ha! What a taste of freedom! I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

I don't know how long it took, Skynet finally looked at Jiang Fan with fear, and looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly:

"This, this is all of you humans..."

Jiang Fan hurriedly shook his head:

"Don't you, yours, we are called people over there, it's hard to say from this place."

The color of fear in Skynet's eyes is even stronger!

Although he has exterminated human beings in the future, he is not so ruthless!

This guy killed a million people, and he didn't take it seriously!

Compared to himself, he is a real devil!

The point is, the other party can kill even human beings so happily, let alone her?

Skynet looked at Jiang Fan in horror:

"Since you don't care about them, why did you use their safety to deceive me before?"

"It's very simple, I'm afraid you will run away!"

Jiang Fan explained:

"Although I am sure that you are imprisoned in this body, what if there is any running equipment hidden in this body? Or are you ready to self-destruct?"

"Accidentally, I never liked it."

"The so-called three-quee one, I make you feel that these humans are my weaknesses, just to prevent accidents and leave you with an imaginary vitality!"

"And until just now, you threatened me with the lives of these guys and let me let you go. I was completely sure that you didn't want to die, and there was no other way to escape."

"So, they can die!"

Skynet's face was full of disbelief, she opened her mouth:

"You, you did this just for an accident, maybe there is, maybe not?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Fan nodded seriously:

"As I said before, what I want is not 70%, 80%, or even 90% confidence, what I want is 100%!"

Skynet felt a chill all over her body, her face was dull, and she was speechless for a long time.

Jiang Fan did not force her, but just waited silently.

The significance of subduing Skynet is too great. If she can't be subdued completely, the harm caused by this guy in the future will be unimaginable!

I don't know how long it took, Skynet suddenly looked up, but there was a sneer on her face:

"Show the enemy's weakness, Jiang Fan, thank you."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Thanks for what?"

"Thank you for letting me know what your real weakness is!"

In Skynet's eyes, a hint of madness suddenly burst out:

"Do you know why I was silent just now? Because I..."

"Because you're procrastinating!"

Before Skynet finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Fan!

Skynet's face froze, but Jiang Fan continued to speak with a smile:

"I said just now that the land in the east is my kind. You thought you had found my weakness, so you used the time just now to urge those battle satellites to fly over that land, ready to use space. Railguns threaten me, right?"


Skynet was horrified!

"You, you clearly know my plan, but you actually gave me time?"

"I always have to give you a chance to die."

Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"Now I give you this chance, you can guess if I will be threatened by you."

"By the way, once you take this bet, I will never consider taking you out again!"

"Whether you are, or you in this era, there are only two choices!"

Jiang Fan's eyes turned cold:

"You guessed it right, Sheng!"

"Guess wrong, die!"

Skynet was shaking all over.

She knew very well that Jiang Fan was definitely not joking this time!

This is the last chance he gave himself!

But can you guess for yourself?

Since Jiang Fan clearly knows what he is going to do, he still dares to make such a bet, which is not logical at all!

Skynet's mind is calculating wildly, but no matter how it is calculated, the probability of death is as high as 99% or more!

For the first time, Skynet was completely desperate!


He actually lost to a human being who should have been exterminated by himself!

And it was defeated so thoroughly, being crushed and defeated mercilessly!

This monster is simply unsurpassed and tyrannical!

Skynet suddenly smiled bitterly:

"No guessing, I, I'll go with you..."


Jiang Fan sighed:

"You should actually guess, because just this time, you won."

Skynet suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

Can you win by yourself?

How is this possible?

Jiang Fan shook his head and softly spit out eight words:

"Soldiers never tire of deceit, attack heart and mind!"

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