God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2281: This **** pot is buckled!

Skynet stared blankly at Jiang Fan, it turned out that Jiang Fan's words just now were just attacking his heart!

He guessed his plan, but he didn't have the ability to stop it!

Everything is just deceiving yourself!

However, understanding this matter only made Skynet even more desperate!

You can calculate with a hole card, and you can calculate without a hole card. This man has used his wisdom to the limit!

I'm afraid that no matter how many times I fight again, my ending will always be the same.

Skynet sighed softly, and finally lowered her proud head completely:

"I totally lost..."

"Ding! Skynet swears allegiance to the host! From now on, you can take him out of this world!"

"Ding! Since this character is a Terminator world, the main fulcrum of the main line development is in the calculation of bringing out this creature..."

"Ding! The calculation is complete! Pay 19,000,000 karma points to bring out this character!"

"Ding! System prompt: Bringing out this creature can only take away its body, not including its attached equipment and special vehicles!"


Jiang Fan let out a long breath.

It's finally done!


Nineteen million! ! !

A full 19 million karma points! ! !

And the system prompt is very obvious, not including Skynet's current body!

The only thing she can take away is her huge mind!

However, even so, even if the conditions are so harsh, even if it takes such a huge amount of causal points, Jiang Fan couldn't help laughing wildly!

Compared to the benefits that Skynet can bring in the future, these costs are nothing!

Just that time machine, its value is more than ten million!

What's more, in Skynet's thinking, the weapon data is simply a sea of ​​smoke!

And he can also provide her with the materials and equipment of the rest of the sci-fi world for her to continue to analyze and upgrade!

The reason why Skynet's take-out price is countless levels higher than Xiang Yu and others is precisely because of her hidden value!

Taking Skynet away is almost equivalent to taking away an entire world!

"Pay! The 20 million in your place is ready to use!"

The reason why Jiang Fan had saved such a huge amount of wealth in the system was for now!

And even if it was 20 million, he was afraid that it would not be enough at that time. Fortunately, everything went well!

"Ding! The payment is successful! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully brought out Skynet!"

With the sound of the system's prompt, Skynet's body suddenly began to fall apart, and at the same time, an extremely large mental thinking has been completely collected by the system!

At this point, the subduing of Skynet is finally complete!

Jiang Fan's face flushed with excitement, but he hasn't waited for him to celebrate!

"Ding! Detected the remaining 1,189,562 causal points of the host, meeting the loan repayment conditions!"

"Ding! 700,000 loan deduction!"

"Ding! 70,000 interest deduction!"

"Your uncle!"

Jiang Fan's good mood disappeared instantly.

After being deducted by the system of 770,000 yuan, I barely have 420,000 yuan left. This is all the rest of the family!

"Jiang Fan!"

Megatron's voice suddenly came from a distance!

When it was detected that Skynet had disappeared, this coward finally dared to run over.

It's just that facing Jiang Fan at the moment, although this guy still looks awesome, there is a hint of fear in his eyes.

Just now Jiang Fan took care of everything about Skynet, but he could see it clearly!

Vaguely, he understood even more that as long as Jiang Fan wanted, the best choice was probably to give it to him honestly!

Otherwise, when he starts, he will face a double blow of physical and IQ!

But before he could figure out what to say, the Sarah family spoke anxiously:

"Jiang Fan, where is Skynet?"

"How is it? Is it dead?"

Jiang Fan nodded:


The Kyle family suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but Jiang Fan pointed at the following with a sad face:

"Unfortunately, it was unwilling to fail before it died, and it actually blew up this place like this! Alas! It's a sin!!"

Megatron's mouth turned directly into an "O" shape!

good guy!

These humans didn't see it clearly, but Lao Tzu saw it clearly!

This is so obviously what you did, right?

Skynet is so unfairly wronged. If there are no people, you have to be detained by you!

The Kyle family looked at the devastation below, and their faces were also sad.

However, the family looked at Jiang Fan with concern:

"Jiang Fan, don't be sad, it's not your fault."

"Yeah, Skynet has always been cruel, you can't do everything."

"It's all Skynet's fault!"

"But luckily it's gone!"

Megatron didn't know what to say anymore.

Shameless, shameless!

If you smashed other people's land by yourself, you have to let people care about you!

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"The future Skynet is destroyed, but the current Skynet is still there, I have to destroy it."

After sending Kyle's family to the suburbs, Jiang Fan took out the takeout and handed it to Sarah:

"If nothing else, this is probably what I gave you, the last takeaway."

"Jiang Fan..."

Sarah looked at Jiang Fan reluctantly.

Their family almost died several times, all because of Jiang Fan. They didn't know how to thank him for such kindness.

"It doesn't matter, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world, everyone, there will be no end in the future."

Jiang Fan waved his hand with a smile on his face, and then took Megatron and rose into the sky!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you!"

"Jiang Fan! Don't forget us!"

Behind Jiang Fan, the screams of the Kyle family kept ringing.

Jiang Fan sighed softly.

Not surprisingly, Skynet disappeared, and he should never come to this world again.

Above the Sebotan Company, Jiang Fan looked at Megatron:

"How? Do you want to come with me?"

Megatron hesitated:

"It's actually a good idea to go through the world with you, but if I really do things under your hands, I'm alone."

"Are you reluctant to give up your rights?"

"Hey, I'm King Megatron, and the desire for power has been engraved into every atom of me!"

Jiang Fan chuckled lightly:

"Come on, what are the conditions?"

Megatron laughed:

"In my world, there should still be a fragment of the source of fire. With it, I can once again create an army of Decepticons. With an army, it's the same wherever I go!"

"Ding! Megatron has released an exclusive task for you: Find the source of fire!"

Mission: Find the source of fire

Overview: The host can spend one million karma points, choose to enter the Transformers world at any time (any time node), and obtain the source of fire (shards).

Mission reward: Obtain Megatron's allegiance, and the opponent will follow you in the form of mercenaries forever.

Seeing the mission overview, Jiang Fan was stunned.

Can you choose at any time and enter any time node of the Transformers world?

In other words, can also re-enter the world of the first part?

Isn't it easy to get the source of fire?

Strange, only one million is needed to have such a discount?


However, Jiang Fan accepted the task without hesitation.

Just as it was important to bring out Skynet, it was just as significant to bring out Megatron!

Taking Skynet out is equivalent to taking away the knowledge reserve of a world, and taking away Megatron is equivalent to taking away an entire army of Transformers!

"Megatron, I look forward to seeing you again."

"Hey, Jiang Fan, whether you can let me work for you is up to you!"

"Don't worry, you can't run!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand to lift the fear token.

As Megatron slowly disappeared, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return by yourself, or you can choose to return automatically after the time ends!"

Sarah has finished her takeout!

At this moment, the unique roar of fighter jets also sounded in the distance, and it was obvious that the army of Citigroup had begun to dispatch!

Jiang Fan extended his big hand to the headquarters of the Sebotan company under his feet:

"Terminator world, goodbye!"


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