"What am I..."

Arthur finally reacted, and suddenly roared, he was about to shoot!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly released an aura that could reach level 20!

Arthur's pupils shrank!

Percival and Lancelot suddenly widened their eyes!


Jiang Fan actually reached the realm of heaven and man!

Although it seems to be unstable, it is definitely a real world! !

This monster!

How could he progress so terribly! !

Arthur opened his mouth, and the roar that was halfway through the business and collapsed, turned into a submissive whisper:

"No, I didn't see anything."


Jiang Fan sneered:

"What's wrong? I think I can't restrain you when Xiao Cui isn't here, right? Damn it! I still want to hit Lao Tzu's idea, what's so special about the old birthday star who hangs himself and wants to die!"

Jiang Fan raised his hand and tried to pull it down again, but at this moment!

"Mr. Jiang!"

An old, low voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a vast tsunami-like magic power suddenly descended, and it was about to separate Jiang Fan and Arthur.

Although this magic power is powerful, it is only level 20. With Jiang Fan's ability, it can be blown away by a sneeze!

However, the moment the magic power came, Jiang Fan trembled, deliberately staggering back two steps, as if he could not resist the magic power.

The road ahead is unclear, and hiding is the first choice.

But Arthur and the others all looked happy, and suddenly turned to look behind him:

"Master Merlin!"

A tent in the camp opened, and a thin old man with white beard and hair was slowly walking out of the tent and walking towards the crowd.

The old man was wearing an unusually gorgeous magic robe, holding an ivory-colored staff, and wearing a gemstone ring on his left middle finger, ring finger, and little finger.

In addition, at the top of his staff, there were actually three green leaves.

This old man is the Arthur family's biggest support other than the Sword in the Stone, Master Merlin!

Like the Knights of the Twelve Round Table, the title of Merlin is passed down from generation to generation. The difference is that each generation of Merlin will pass on his knowledge to the next generation through esoteric magic, so Merlin may not be the most powerful, but definitely is the most knowledgeable!

Because of his knowledge, every generation of Merlin is Arthur's teacher, and his status in the Arthur family is even more honorable than that of Arthur himself!

And because of the existence of various secret techniques, Merlin's strength has always been far superior to his peers!

Arthur brought Merlin with him this time. One can imagine how important Avalon is to the Arthur family!

But the reason why Arthur brought Merlin this time was of course because of Avalon, on the other hand, it was also to guard against Jiang Fan and his daughter!

However, I didn't expect Jiang Xiaocui to come, but Jiang Fan's strength has reached a new high!

"Mr. Jiang."

Merlin walked in front of a few people and smiled kindly at Jiang Fan.

"Master Merlin."

Jiang Fan nodded politely, and at the same time, there was a hint of imperceptible precaution in his eyes.

And this line of defense, "just" was seen by Merlin!

Merlin's sluggish smile at first suddenly became much smoother.

He just broke through to the realm of heaven and man not long ago, and this Jiang Fan should look similar to him.

That's fine, knowing that there is a master like himself, he should also restrain a lot.

As for after that, it depends on whether Arthur can get the complete sword in the stone!

"Mr. Jiang, since you've already arrived, can you also take out the map?"

Merlin asked in harmony.

Originally, Arthur thought that Jiang Fan would have to bargain, but Jiang Fan nodded, flipped his wrist, and showed the Avalon map!

Merlin took the map, looked at it carefully, and then suddenly said:

"Go back."

Arthur and the others stepped back a few steps.

Merlin took a deep breath and began to mutter a long incantation.

With the sound of the incantation, the map slowly floated up, and then, on the map, a raging flame suddenly burst into flames!

"Master Merlin!"

Arthur's face changed suddenly, he was about to grab the map!

"My king! Calm down!"

Lancelot held Arthur down.

Arthur's hands trembled, and then he reacted.

Although the map was full of flames, the map was not damaged. It was obvious that Merlin was breaking the restrictions on the map.

It's just that this map is too important for the Arthur family, and he cares about it.

With the burning of the flames, the foggy picture on the map gradually began to become clear.

Gradually, a peculiar route slowly emerged.

Seeing that the map prohibited contact, Arthur and the others suddenly looked at Jiang Fan cautiously.

This guy Jiang Fan is shameless and not offline. If he is ready to **** it now, it will be a big loss!

However, unexpectedly, Jiang Fan didn't even look here, instead he looked at the sea in a daze.

Lancelot frowned:

"What is this kid looking at?"

Percival shook his head:

"Who knows, it's best if he doesn't grab it. I hope he doesn't make any trouble before he gets to Avalon."

Arthur's face was gloomy, and following Jiang Fan's gaze, he also looked at the sea:

"With Master Meilin here, Jiang Fan is not a problem. The problem now is, I'm afraid of those guys..."

The expressions of Percival and Lancelot also sank suddenly:

"I originally thought that if Jiang Xiaocui came, he could share a part for us, but now that Jiang Fan's strength has improved, he should be able to."

Arthur shook his head:

"I'd rather not have Jiang Fan's help. This guy is too calculating. Once I know my purpose, I'm afraid I'll ask for a lot of money... And staring at him is more troublesome than staring at those guys."

Several people used the secret method of sound transmission unique to the Arthur family, and they were not afraid of being heard by Jiang Fan.

At the same time as the few people communicated quickly, the flame on Avalon's map finally burned to the extreme. Finally, with a bang, the flame disappeared completely, and a map with a faint glow finally fell into Merlin's hands. !

Merlin looked at the map, finally smiled satisfied, and pointed to a place on the map:

"My king, Avalon is right there!"

Arthur clenched his fists tightly in excitement:

"Good! Good! Thanks, Master Merlin!"

He suddenly looked behind him:

"Prepare, board, sail!"

Following Arthur's order, the subordinates of the Arthur family in the camp immediately lifted a box and walked quickly towards the cruise ship.

With a group of subordinates boarding the ship, Arthur looked at Jiang Fan:

"Jiang Fan, get on the boat!"

Jiang Fan seemed to have just regained his senses. He looked at the cruise ship and was quite puzzled:

"With your strength and mine, will it be a waste of time to take a boat?"

Before Arthur could speak, Merlin came over:

"Mr. Jiang, if you want to reach Avalon, you must abide by the rules on the map and strictly follow the route indicated by it, otherwise we will never be able to reach it."

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"You mean... Avalon is not alive?"

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