God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2286: big brother! I'm out of money!

Merlin was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed:

"Mr. Jiang is really smart. Strictly speaking, Avalon is hidden in another dimension, so we have to prepare a lot... Let's get on the boat."

As several people boarded the cruise, the huge ship finally started slowly and headed north.

This cruise ship is not smaller than the cruise ship bound for the No. 3 ruins, and even bigger.

After getting on the boat, Arthur and Merlin said hello and left, obviously to discuss something. Lancelot was upset by Jiang Fan, but he couldn't beat Jiang Fan, so he could only drink to himself.

On the other hand, Percival followed Jiang Fan with a smile on his face, telling Jiang Fan some recent interesting things from time to time.

Jiang Fan, on the other hand, was talking nonsense with her.

However, it was only through chatting with Jiang Fan that it turned out that there were not only subordinates of the Arthur family, but also two mercenaries on this cruise ship.

As for the usefulness of these mercenaries, Jiang Fan can think of it with his toes, and he must be used as cannon fodder by Arthur!

The two walked and walked into the bar on the cruise.

Unexpectedly, there were a lot of people here.

As for the two mercenaries that Percival mentioned before, many of them gathered here in twos and threes, and among them, there was an acquaintance!

Alyssa from the North Star Mercenary Corps!

After the auction in the City of Seven Hills ended, because of the bone-cutting jade, Polaris and Orion all stared at Adela and the others from the Paladin Alliance.

Originally, this group of people wanted to grab the bone jade, but Jiang Fan finally picked the peaches!

Seeing Jiang Fan walk in, Alisha who was drinking with a group of subordinates, who was putting her feet on the table carelessly, couldn't believe her eyes!

She wiped her eyes hard, and after confirming that it was Jiang Fan, her tears were about to fall!

Jiang Fan!

It was really Jiang Fan!

This **** who eats people but doesn't spit out bones is actually here? !

At this moment, the scar on Alisha's face was crying!

It's no wonder Alisha's reaction. After Jiang Fan grabbed the bone jade, he still didn't give up. In the name of the Guangming Council, he extorted 600 million from each of them!

A full six hundred million!

Polaris can't earn so much in one year!

After returning to the headquarters with the boss, the black pit viper, they were almost drowned by the head of the regiment with saliva!

I have never been scolded like that in my life!

This has almost become his own psychological shadow!

But I didn't expect that today, now, I actually saw Jiang Fan again!

The point is, this guy came over to him with a smile on his face!

What is this **** doing?

Do you want to continue blackmailing?

big brother!

I'm out of money!

Alisha was trembling with fear, her body was stiff, and she looked at Jiang Fan who was getting closer and closer!

She was so terrified that she didn't respond, but all her subordinates' eyes lit up.

They happened to have nothing to do on the boat, and now that Jiang Fan came over, they were ready to have fun.

"Hey! Boy!"

One of the strong men stood up slowly, blocking Jiang Fan, then raised his thumb and pointed at Eliza:

"If you want to be our boss, I advise you to get away as soon as possible!"

Jiang Fan and Percival were all stunned as soon as the strong man spoke!

Alyssa's body is uneven, her legs are slender and straight, her waist is slender but full of strength, and even the peaks above are not majestic, but they are quite large. This is definitely a beauty that any man yearns for.

However, further up, Alyssa's face is really not flattering.

It's not that Alisha is ugly. In fact, she is not ugly, but full of heroic spirit. It's just that the scar that runs across her cheek, combined with her rough temperament, makes it easy for people to ignore the fact that she is a woman.

To put it simply, this woman is simply more manly than the group of men present!

Jiang Fan swears that even if he and Alyssa are friends, he will never have any unreasonable thoughts about her!

But others apparently don't think so.

The mercenaries here are a group of rude people who lick blood with their knives. They are used to fighting and bloodshed. The kind of Bai Fumei who will only hold back and scare the urine of mice will never be on their menu. Pure women are the eternal white moonlight in the minds of these rough men!

So as soon as the strong man spoke, it was obvious that the mercenaries were divided into two camps, and they all looked at Jiang Fan with a bad look!

Fortunately, at this moment, Alicia finally reacted.

She jumped up suddenly, slapped the strong man away with a slap, and looked at Jiang Fan with a trembling smile:

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang, what a coincidence, hehe, hehe..."

Everyone was stunned!

The mercenaries are a little rough, but their IQ is absolutely fine, and even these masters present are definitely the best!

Seeing that Alyssa was so respectful to Jiang Fan, a group of people frowned.

"Mr. Jiang?"

"Such a surname, is it from China?"

"The Chinese who can make Alisha so respectful, and the surname is Jiang..."

"It's not that guy, is it?"

"He looks so handsome, like..."

"Is he Jiang Fan?!"

With an exclamation, all the mercenaries were startled!

Immediately afterwards, everyone stood up in a panic, took a few steps back, and looked at Jiang Fan with a wary expression!

No wonder they reacted so much. Although Jiang Fan had never been involved in the killer world and the mercenary world, he paid a billion bonuses from the Wang family, but no one dared to attack him in the end; when the grand judge of Shengguang judged, it was unclear. The death of him in his hands; to the "nightmare" that killed the Night Demon; and recently in the City of Seven Hills, he blackmailed Polaris and Orion, and it has long been notorious!

Especially recently, in the world of mercenaries and the world of killers, the most swearing words are—

"I wish you an early meeting with Jiang Fan!"

The translation of this sentence is basically the same as "you die and your money is spent by others"!

Jiang Fan never dreamed that his name would turn into a curse, but he didn't know it yet.

Seeing the panic on the crowd, Jiang Fan felt helpless.

I just wanted to come over and chat with someone, why did I do this?

It doesn't make sense!

Jiang Fan was in despair, so he simply sat down at the bar and waved to Alyssa:

"Come and have a few drinks with me and chat."


Alicia looked nervous.

"My treat!"

Jiang Fan knocked on the bar table:

"All the drinks today are on my account!"

A group of mercenaries looked at each other, including Eliza, no one moved.

This guy Jiang Fan has such a stinky reputation, who dares to take advantage of him after eating the guts of a bear and a leopard!

Now drink a glass of wine from him, if he can't keep it together for a while, his golden teeth will have to be pulled out by him!

Seeing that no one moved, Jiang Fan was stunned!

Can't spend your own money?

He slapped the table abruptly:

"Don't give Laozi face!"

A group of people shivered in fright, and immediately smiled:

"Give it! The bartender, give me a glass of Birdie Vodka!"

"Give me two stacks of Qingdao!"

"Brothers, it's Mr. Jiang after all, please! Yes! Let's drink up!"

"Yes, one counts as one, no one! Accurate! Run!"


A group of mercenaries gritted their teeth and watched each other.

You deserve to be unlucky today, if you are blackmailed later, don't even think about running away!

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