God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2294: Who is the traitor?

Firefox, as its name suggests, has the ability to control flames!

However, unlike ordinary flames, Firefox's flames are not only capable of bursting with amazingly high temperatures, but also have adhesive properties. Once they are contaminated with creatures, they will ignite the opponent's flesh, bone marrow, and even the energy in their bodies!

And the black pit viper above, although it doesn't have supernatural powers, it cultivates some kind of vindictive aura. In its vindictiveness, there is an extremely strong neurotoxin attached, even if it is slightly scratched by her dagger, it will fall into a strong in the hallucinations!

From the time the black pit viper rushed out of the sea to the reversal of offense and defense, the time during this period was almost less than half a second!

Seeing that there is a sea of ​​flames and poisons, but Lan Zhuo and Su Tie are not at all chaotic!

The two of them flashed ripples all over their bodies, and Cycad turned from a swordfish into a huge monster with an eagle's mouth, a lion's body, and two wings on its back in an instant!

This thing is a myth, Griffin!

And Lan Zhuo shook his body and turned into a handsome and unparalleled warhorse with crystal-like spiral horns and snow-white body!

This is actually a creature only in mythology, the unicorn!

It was the first time that Black Pit Viper and Firefox had met such an opponent. For a while, their eyes were full of shock, and their attacks were a bit slower!

At this moment, the griffin incarnated by cycad actually seized this opportunity and suddenly flapped its wings!


With a loud noise, a violent storm suddenly blew the black pit viper several hundred meters away!

And the unicorn incarnated by Blue Press, the long crystal horn on its head exploded with light!

next moment!


The flames on Firefox's blazing zone covering a few hundred meters of sea were instantly extinguished!


Firefox was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes!

And at this moment, the images of Su Tie and Lan Zhuo changed again!

The two suddenly rushed towards each other, and the next moment, their bodies overlapped, turning into a two-headed griffin with long horns!

Immediately afterwards, the griffin suddenly took a deep breath, and then suddenly spit at the huge cruise ship!


Two azure blue streaks filled with branches and covered a 100-meter range of lightning, suddenly spewed out of the mouth of the two-headed griffin, and suddenly slammed into the cruise ship!

"Oh shit!"

Firefox and the black pit viper all roared!

The real strength of Su Tie and Lan Zhuang may not necessarily be stronger than them, but the methods of these two guys are really strange and inexplicable.

When facing the enemy, now the opportunity is lost, and it is too late to stop the opponent!

The most important thing is that the lightning spouted by these two-headed griffins is so terrifying that even the black pit viper and the fire fox would not dare to stop it!

And once these two lightning strikes hit the cruise ship, the cruise ship will definitely be blown to pieces!

Seeing that the lightning had almost touched the cruise ship, just in the midst of this close call, Merlin's old voice suddenly sounded:



In front of the lightning, a light shield with only thin hair, but covering the entire cruise ship, suddenly lit up like starlight!

And the next moment, the overwhelming lightning has suddenly hit the light shield!

At this moment, the intense light almost stabbed people's eyes!

Next up!


Amidst a deafening loud noise, the entire sea was gusting with gusts of wind!

Outside of the cruise ship, the waves hit a height of 100 meters!

However, as the light dissipated, everyone was shocked to see that there were no ripples on the light shield, and the lightning had already disappeared!

Nineteenth level, no matter the limit or whatever, as long as you don't reach level twenty, the gap between the two sides will always be as big as the sky!

At this moment, Merlin's figure had already appeared on the deck.

As soon as he saw Merlin, there was a sharp hatred in the eyes of the two-headed griffin, and he heard him gnashing his teeth slowly:

"Mei! Lin!"

Merlin's eyes were gloomy, silently watching the two-headed griffin, and he finally spit out a word:


The word Druid came into my ears, and both Firefox and Black Pit Viper shrank their pupils!

The two of them looked at the two-headed griffin almost at the same time with unbelievable eyes!


The other party turned out to be called the Son of Nature, Druid!


Only Druids have the means to transform into legendary creatures!

But isn't this race extinct long ago?

As early as the first century AD, ancient Rome bloodbathed the Druids and wiped out the religion worshipped by the Celts!

In later generations, the name of this race will only be heard in songs.

And now, a living Druid has appeared!

The point is, according to legend, the Arthur family and the Druid should have been close friends, and the first-generation Merlin was a real Druid!

How did the two sides meet, and it turned out to be such a **** feud?

Merlin raised his hand slowly, and an overwhelming magical wave slowly spread out.

He stared at the two-headed griffin indifferently:

"You traitors, stay here today!"

The eyes of the two-headed griffin are full of monstrous resentment:

"Traitor? You are worthy of saying this word! You group of unbelievers who betrayed their promises are destined to fall into **** forever in the wrath of the God of Nature!"

Merlin's eyes twitched, murderous intent in his eyes:

"Let me send you first to see your great god!"

Merlin clenched his fingers suddenly!

next moment!


The sea water within a few hundred meters suddenly rose into the air!

While these sea water surging upward, they have turned into countless ice cones. The ice cones are sharp and dense, almost covering the sky, and the tips are all aimed at the double-headed griffins!

For a while, the surroundings of the two-headed griffin had become a cage composed of ice cones!

Immediately afterwards, the ice pick suddenly slammed into the two-headed griffin with a harsh whistle!

But at this moment, the shape of the two-headed griffin changed again, and suddenly turned into a larger unicorn!

Just look at the light flashing on his crystal sharp corners!


Countless ice cones turned into sea water and fell towards the sea!

For a time, the entire sea seemed to be pouring rain!

Merlin's eyes were full of surprise:

"Unicorn magic free?!"

However, the gap between Cycad, Lanzhuo and Merlin is too great, and there are still many ice picks that have been stuck on the unicorn before they have time to liquefy!

For a time, the unicorn was covered in blood!


The unicorn screamed in pain, glared at Merlin, and then suddenly rushed towards the sea!

Just as Merlin was about to shoot, the unicorn's sharp horns lit up again!

In an instant, the magic element of this world was dispelled!

And the unicorn has reincarnated into two scarred swordfish, completely disappeared in the depths of the sea!

Black Pit Viper and Firefox's eyes changed and they were about to chase.

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded from the ears of the two:

"Stop chasing, didn't you realize that Merlin let them go on purpose?"

What Jiang Fan used was actually a means of sound transmission.

The eyes of the black pit viper and Firefox moved, and Merlin deliberately let them go. Obviously, as Jiang Fan said before, he was going to catch each other's big fish!

Seeing Su Tie and the two retreat, Merlin suddenly turned his head and looked at Jiang Fan coldly:

"Mr. Jiang, why didn't you take action just now?"

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