Jiang Fan was still squatting on the deck at the moment. Hearing Merlin's question, he said lazily:

"Oh, I'm slow."

Merlin's eyes twitched. Are you slow?

If 10,000 yuan fell on the ground, you would definitely pick up the money faster than Tianding Shiji!

However, he didn't want to tear his face with Jiang Fan at this time, so he nodded:

"Mr. Jiang, it is estimated that the other party will come over next time, and I have to trouble you a lot."

"Don't worry, with me here, even if Tianding Shiji comes, it will be fine!"

Jiang Fan said carelessly, with a proud look on his face.


Still Tianding Ten Extremes?

This **** makes you blow!

Merlin took a deep breath and turned to leave.

Can't get mad at this bastard!

Seeing Merlin leave, Black Pit Viper and Firefox immediately returned to Jiang Fan's side.

"Mr. Jiang, a Druid has appeared. I'm afraid this trip is dangerous!"

The black pit viper looked worried.

"Why, are they strong?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

The black pit viper smiled bitterly:

"You have also seen whether they are strong or not. These guys have too many methods and can transform into various legendary creatures. The stronger the strength, the more kinds of changes can be made."

The three-eyed fox also frowned and said:

"The power system also has the ability to change. Just like Alves of the George family, he can become a powerful half-dragon state. He is definitely the top existence in the nineteenth limit, but those druids, It is said that the strongest among them can become a real dragon, and its power is enough to destroy the city and destroy the country! And..."

Before the three-eyed fox finished speaking, Alicia poked him and gave him a wink.

The three-eyed fox was stunned, and then reacted suddenly.

Depend on!

Isn't that unlucky Alves killed by Jiang Fan?

The black pit viper said:

"Druid's transformation will have different abilities depending on the form, such as the unicorn form just now, its strongest ability is magic immunity, this immunity includes not only magic, but even elemental abilities, just now Because of that, we were caught off guard.”

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be invincible against a magician?"


The black pit viper frowned:

"The Druid has disappeared for too long, and these news are all hearsay, so..."

Jiang Fan was looking at the sea at this time, and suddenly he smiled:

"It doesn't matter what kind of ability they have. Speaking of which, I have to thank them."

"Ah? Thank them? Why?"

Several people looked curious.

Jiang Fan has a good time:

"There is no reason for the Arthur family to not know Druid's ability, but they still want to wrap the opponent around, which means that the so-called magic immunity is useless to them. In other words, the strong man behind Arthur is a close-hand combat expert. The possibility accounts for a full 90%!"

Several people were stunned!

This guy Jiang Fan's brain is really wild, from the Druid's attack, he actually thought of this!

Perverted, indeed perverted!

Jiang Fan stretched and finally stood up:

"There will be no attacks for the time being, so hurry up and rest."

As he spoke, he had already walked to the cabin.

I hadn't slept last night, and now I need to make up for it.

Jiang Fan was sleeping soundly, while Su Tie and Lan Zhan had already arrived at a small island that was not marked on the map.

The island is not too big, only about two kilometers in length and width, but the island is full of life and luxuriant trees.

In the center of the island, there is a small water pool. Mu He sits on the edge of the water pool, kicking the water splashes with both feet. Beside her, there is a pure white leopard prostrate.

"High Priest Muhe."

Su Tie and Lan Zhuang came behind Mu He, bowed slightly, and spoke softly.

The two of them were pale at the moment and their breath was weak.

Although Merlin intended to let them go, he couldn't do it too deliberately. After all, if he escaped from the hands of level 20, it would be too fake if he escaped unscathed.

Mu He didn't look at the two, but bent down slightly, held up a little pool of water with both hands, and then blew lightly!


The pool of water in her hand suddenly turned into two wisps of mist emitting a faint green light. The mist was like a living thing, and instantly enveloped Su Tie and Lan Zhan.

The two let out a soothing groan at the same time, and when the mist dissipated, the wounds on their bodies had completely healed, and their spirits were lifted at the same time!

"Thank you High Priest!"

The two thanked them respectfully.

Mu He nodded:

"Have you seen Merlin?"


Su Tie recounted the experience of the fight in detail, and then said:

"He should have just reached level 20, and the realm is not stable, otherwise our magic immunity will not be able to have an effect on his magic."

Mu He was silent for a while and asked again:

"Are there any other masters on board?"

Blue Press Answers:

"We didn't feel it, but..."

He and Su Tie looked at each other before continuing:

"But vaguely, we saw a man on the deck, that man, um..."

Lan Press thought about how to describe it, and then said:

"It's strange."

Mu He frowned slightly:


"Yes, it's very strange. We just glanced at it. At that time, we suddenly shot. All the mercenaries on the ship were tense and ready to fight. Only he, like a dementia, squatted on the deck with his chin in his hands. There was no reaction at all."

Cycad interjected:

"It's impossible to say that I was scared and stupid. After all, going to Avalon is a big deal, and Arthur would never take useless people on the ship. We didn't think too much at that time, and the more we think about it, the more strange it is now. ."

Mu He chuckled lightly:

"It seems that he is a domain-level expert. Of course, a nineteenth-level limit like you can't interest him."

Su Tie and Lan Zhan's expressions all changed, but then they were afraid for a while!

If that man makes a move, they're afraid they won't be able to come back!

Mu He was relaxed, kicking the pool and saying:

"It seems like the previous guess, Merlin is just a master on the surface, and there are strong people behind the scenes. We want to prevent Arthur from entering Avalon, and Arthur obviously wants to eradicate us."

Su Tie and Lan sneered:

"The Arthur family's thinking is too simple! Our family has been recuperating for so long, how can a small Arthur family be able to resist!"

Mu He shook his head:

"Don't underestimate them, contact Tristan and let him leave Arthur's Castle as soon as possible, this time he gave us so much information, it must have caused Arthur's suspicion, stay there for one more day, just one more day Danger."

"Yes, High Priest!"

The two bowed in agreement.

"High Priest, then when will we attack?"

"Wait a minute, it's a full moon tonight. Only when it's night can the Moon God stone have the strongest effect, and those sea giants, only when it's night are they at their strongest."

Mu He stared at the sunlight shining through the forest, his eyes suddenly filled with sadness:

"I don't know how many warriors will return to Mother Nature's arms this time..."

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