God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2299: You are good at puns!

Seeing that everyone was looking at him like a monster, Alex himself was extremely panicked.

He never imagined that the plane would actually explode!

Subconsciously, he suddenly looked towards Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan is suffering from bad luck at the moment, how can he be a psychotherapist for Alex?

He waved his hand:

"Ignore those idiots! Hurry home!"

The survivors were startled, except for Claire, all of them glared at Jiang Fan:

"Who are you talking about!"

Among them, Liu Dun, in particular, suddenly stood up and strode towards Jiang Fan!

Before the plane exploded, Billy was so scared that he urinated directly, and the water flowed right into the middle of the aisle.

Liu Dun just came here, and suddenly fell forward with a sudden stroke under his feet!

And just in the direction where she fell, facing the eyeball, a piece of glass was standing up!


The moment Liu Dun fell, the piece of glass actually penetrated her eyeballs and plunged directly into her head!


Several survivors screamed in fright!

Jiang Fan shook his head, it was so unlucky to be like this, and he dared to scream, isn't this courting death?

But it's strange, according to the original work, Death should kill in a sequence, is it because of his own reasons?

So the order is messed up?

Who will be next?

Jiang Fan was still thinking, at this moment!

"FBI! Jiang Fan! Hands up! You're under arrest!"

A plainclothes man in the distance suddenly pulled out a pistol and aimed it at Jiang Fan!

And around Jiang Fan, seven or eight people who seemed to have come to watch the fun actually took out their pistols and aimed them at Jiang Fan!

It turns out that these people have already noticed Jiang Fan, and it has not officially appeared until this time!

"No wonder the plane exploded, you must have done it!"

"Needless to say, this guy has a murderous nature and is extremely brutal, so it must be him!"

"Damn it! There are so many white people on the plane, how can you do it!"

"You don't have to reason with this monster! Jiang Fan! Lie down on the ground immediately!"


Jiang Fan was really too lazy to pay attention to these people. With a click of his finger, two whirlwinds suddenly rushed towards several FBI!

However, the whirlwind had just let go, and at this moment, Jiang Fan's nose was itchy, and he couldn't help sneezing!


With this sneeze, two cyclones suddenly trembled, and one of them was a piece of broken glass that suddenly blew up the ground!

Jiang Fan's strength is so tyrannical, although the power of this whirlwind is less than one thousandth of his, but the broken glass blown away is no longer under the power of bullets!

Just listen to the sound of "puff puff puff" suddenly sounded!

The next moment, Carter's girlfriend, Teri, was directly beaten into a sieve!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

What the hell!

This **** of death actually used himself to kill!

Seeing Jiang Fan's inexplicable whirlwind, the FBI were not overly curious.

This is because, in their wanted records, Jiang Fan himself has some peculiar skills.

However, Jiang Fan's action touched the tense nerves of these people, especially seeing Tai Li being beaten into a sieve, the FBI hurriedly pulled the trigger!

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

All the bullets hit Jiang Fan in an instant, but Jiang Fan was fine, but one of the bullets hit the ground, and then bounced again, directly piercing Billy's head!

Ricochet kills!

Jiang Fan looked in disbelief.

Why is this **** of death so anxious today?

Don't you stop?

But now, he finally felt that something was wrong!

With the death of several Billy people, the total amount of the black fog of doom did not change, and it was all distributed to the remaining living people!

By now, the black fog on several people's bodies is almost visible to the naked eye!

Especially on Jiang Fan, there seems to be an extra layer of black veil!

"Want to kill these people as soon as possible, so that all their bad luck can be transferred to me? It seems that this **** of death also knows that it is not so easy to kill me!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evoked a sneer.

Now, he is somewhat looking forward to which method Death will use to deal with him.

At this moment, the FBI was still roaring and shooting.

Jiang Fan frowned, the two whirlwinds finally returned to their original trajectories, and suddenly hit several FBIs!

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Several FBI were beaten and flew upside down, and they died of anger before they landed!



"The FBI was killed!"

"Impossible! Impossible! How can our Citizen elites be so rude!"

"Sure enough, it's all lies on TV!"

"These guys also bully those refugees. If they meet the strong ones, they are just a waste!"

"But who is this guy named Jiang Fan? Is he really a bad guy? He doesn't look like him at all!"

"Yeah, he's so handsome..."

In the midst of the chaos, the system prompt also sounded:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing seven FBI members in this world and successfully obtaining 70 karma points!"

I rely on!

These **** are too cheap!

"Ding! Host, you are quite good at puns!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, when one of the FBI in a trench coat landed, he suddenly bumped into the chair next to him.

His windbreaker was surrounded by the chair, and he immediately lifted it up!

It's just that his windbreaker is not a good material at first glance, and the thread end of the inner lining actually scratched the grenade at his waist.

And the windbreaker was lifted like this, and the safety needle of the grenade was pulled out!

Although the strong have a sense of danger, but something like a grenade, even if a whole large truck is piled up, will not pose the slightest threat to Jiang Fan!

So when Jiang Fan was about to leave here, the grenade exploded!


A loud bang!

Fragments of the grenade scattered, directly shooting Carter and Todd into a sieve!

So far, among the survivors, only Claire and Alex are left!

However, Alex has been removed from the Death List and is now safe.

Jiang Fan looked at the desperate Claire and sighed softly:

"My condolences and change, your next one will die anyway."


Claire was dumbfounded.

And Jiang Fan was already in the crowd's exclamation, strode to the window, and jumped straight down!


As soon as Jiang Fan's feet landed, dozens of heavily armed soldiers suddenly appeared around him!

And a man with golden glasses and a proud face already looked at Jiang Fan with a sneer:

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, as expected, I guess you'll run away from here!"

"Introduce myself, I'm the Deputy Technical Director of the FBI's 'Science Laboratory' (really), Hendershot."

"Let's capture it! As long as you cooperate well, let us study your body, I promise, you can live!"

Jiang Fan tilted his head to look at Hendershot, and suddenly grinned:

"You made a mistake, I'm here to find you!"

Hendershot was taken aback.

next moment!


The blood mist rises into the sky!

The dozens of soldiers with the firearms on their bodies were actually all infuriated by Jiang Fan's infuriating energy, and they were shocked into the sky!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing 35 FBI fighters in this world, and successfully obtained 350 karma points!"

Hendershot opened his mouth in horror and couldn't believe his eyes!

And Jiang Fan had already strode to his side, and a big mouth knocked this guy to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan stepped on his face, smiling like a spring breeze:

"Mr. Hendershot, right? Now, I need you, ask your upper peak for help, the people who come... the more the better!"

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