Hendershot almost suspected something was wrong with his ears.

He looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief:

"You, what did you say?"

"For help, ask your superior for help, the more people come, the better, um..."

Jiang Fan thought for a while before continuing:

"Heavy weapons should also be brought along, planes, tanks, armored vehicles, near the sea, and let them transfer all destroyers, aircraft carriers, etc., and if there are nuclear bombs, prepare them, be prepared, do you remember? "

Jiang Fan was persevering and enticing, and after saying this, he ordered it again, for fear that Hendershot would forget.

After all, according to past experience, these combat equipment are all causal points!

And it's far more expensive than the FBI bastards!

According to the conversion ratio at the time of Fast and Furious, a helicopter should be at least 500 points!

Hendershot looked at Jiang Fan with a dull face:

"You, are you sick?"

Jiang Fan sighed, took the soles of the shoes away from this guy's face, took a few steps forward, and directly aimed at a recently completed building in the distance:


"Look, what are you looking at?"

"look at this!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, a pitch-black light suddenly lit up between his fingers!

Although it was night at the moment, the black light between Jiang Fan's fingers actually made the night appear brighter!



The black light erupted and disappeared in a flash!

next moment!


The building in the distance with more than 20 floors and an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters seems to have a violent eruption inside. The walls, windows, load-bearing walls of the entire building, and even the internal steel bars, lines, All kinds of decorations... all shattered in an instant, and then suddenly rose into the sky in the violent eruption of energy!

The sand and dust exploded from the building covered a full kilometer in diameter, and it flew to the sky more than a kilometer above the ground before it began to slowly drift away!

Hendershot looked at the disappearing building with a dull expression. After half a minute, he suddenly took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed a number, and then roared suddenly:

"Support! I need support!!"

"Fake! Who the **** do you say I am!"

"That's right! It's me!"

"I need fighter jets! Tanks! Armored vehicles! All heavy weapons, bring me to the airport for Lao Tzu!"

"No! Not only that! I want destroyers! Cruisers! Aircraft carriers!!"

"What? I'm crazy? Fuck you! Without these things, I would resign immediately!"

"You blind idiots! Bring up the satellite imagery!"

"Open your dog's eyes and see clearly! This guy named Jiang Fan is not a person at all!"

"Three minutes! If I can't support three minutes, I will go to the Middle East! Fake squid!"


Hendershot hung up the phone heavily!


He took a few breaths and then looked at Jiang Fan with a pleasing expression:

"Ha! Dear Mr. Jiang, I have followed your instructions and talked to these idiots. The weapon you want will arrive soon!"

"Well done, from now on, you can live ten minutes longer, and if the things I want don't arrive within ten minutes, you can die."

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Hendershot's face.

Hendershot turned pale, and hurriedly picked up the phone again, another frantic roar.

Jiang Fan, on the other hand, held his hands behind his back and remained silent.

The wait didn't last long. Three minutes later, the black fog of doom that covered Jiang Fan's body suddenly increased several times for no reason.

So Jiang Fan knew that Claire was dead.

With Claire's death, Jiang Fan's perception, a vague shadow suddenly slowly descended around him.

The **** of death is finally going to take action on himself.

Next to Jiang Fan, a breeze suddenly blew for no reason.

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. According to the original work, this is the sign of death.

After the previous explosion of the 180 passenger plane, the violent shock wave not only shattered the glass of the waiting hall, but also shook the billboards hanging on the outer wall.

As the breeze appeared, the billboard swayed immediately.

The screws that fixed the sign gradually let out an overwhelmed groan. In the end, it could no longer support the weight of the sign, and suddenly collapsed!


The billboard suddenly fell towards Jiang Fan below!

However, Jiang Fan took an unhurried step forward as if he had eyes on the top of his head.

next moment!


The billboard suddenly hit the ground behind him!

Hendershot was startled, then gritted his teeth.

Oh shit!

This boy is so lucky!

What if he was killed by a billboard?

"Ding! The first round of the side quest [Alive] is completed!"

With the sound of the system's prompt, the black fog of doom around Jiang Fan's body became even more intense.

But Jiang Fan is too lazy to care about these things, so don't worry if there are too many lice, let's love it!

The smashed billboard fell to the ground and was torn apart. Coincidentally, one of the sharp rust-covered screws fell right to Jiang Fan's feet.

According to the reaction of a normal person, there is such a loud noise suddenly behind him, most of them will shiver in fright, move their feet subconsciously, and turn around.

And as long as you move a little, you will step on this screw. If it is a normal person, once you step on it, you will inevitably have tetanus.

The incubation period of normal tetanus ranges from twenty-four hours to two weeks. Once it develops, the fatality rate is almost 100%!

Coupled with the black fog of bad luck on his body, tetanus will definitely come on quickly and directly kill people.

However, it is like a sculpture that does not move.

Hendershot looked at Jiang Fan in surprise, is this guy unresponsive or what?

Almost killed by a billboard, but no response?

However, the **** of death obviously would not wait for the rabbit to stand still, and the loud noise of the billboard hitting the ground directly alerted a nearby wild dog.

The wild dog was startled, barked twice, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Just look at this wild dog's drooling, frantic eyes, maybe even carrying the rabies virus!

Now Jiang Fan is either dodging wild dogs, stepping on a nail, or tetanus.

Either dash forward and dog hard, stay away from nails but get bitten by dogs, rabies!

Either way, it will kill you!

It is more likely to step on a nail and be bitten by a dog. Tetanus and rabies are two-pronged, and you will fart in an instant!

Jiang Fan sighed. Forget it, the God of Death has only this ability at the moment, so hurry up and skip this second round.

With a move, he suddenly stepped on the nail!


The nails were directly blown into iron powder, and immediately after that, Jiang Fan raised his hand!


The wild dog was shocked by infuriating energy and died on the spot!

"Ding! The second round of the side quest [Alive] is completed!"

With the sound of the prompt, the black fog of doom all over Jiang Fan's body has almost formed its essence!

However, Jiang Fan was disappointed:

"This is your method? If only this was the case, you would have killed me for a thousand years..."

Jiang Fan's muttering had just ended, but a strange humming sound suddenly sounded in the dark night sky.

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