God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2302: Aircraft carrier! I want an aircraft carrier!


A crisp sound!

next moment!


Be it the FBI, the group of Citizen soldiers, even SUVs, military trucks, and even helicopters in the sky, all people and objects burst out with a dazzling white flame!

This flame has no temperature, but it peels skin and erodes bones, burns gold and boils iron, and is surrounded by flames. Everyone is actually spitting flames from the seven orifices!

And whether it's guns and ammunition, or vehicles and planes, all evaporated in the flames!

It was one of Jiang Fan's fields that caused such a terrifying scene—

Holy Light Realm!

Within the field, it is the home field!

As long as Jiang Fan wants to, he can trigger holy light anywhere in the field at any time!

Hendershot was stunned!

Eyeballs almost pop out of their sockets!

If Jiang Fan blew up a building before, it can be explained that he hid explosives in it in advance, and the plane can also be explained that it was hijacked by his accomplices, but the current scene is beyond the scope of science!

Can't explain it at all!

This guy Jiang Fan, he, he is a monster!

There are real, living monsters!

Hendershot looked at Jiang Fan in horror.

And he was equally shocked by the countless crowds in the terminal building.

The screams of the FBI did not last long, and everyone, including the equipment, turned into fly ash.

As for Jiang Fan, seeing the causal point in his hand, he immediately smiled.

Sure enough, helicopters are still worth the money.

"Mr. Hendershot, continue to call for support!"

Jiang Fan looked at Hendershot with a smile.

The latter trembled all over, and immediately stood at attention, and then took out the phone:

"Damn! Didn't I tell you to want tanks and armored vehicles?"

"You bastards! It's because of your arrogance that you have damaged dozens of conscientious FBI!"

"What? Nonsense! Of course he's dead! The ashes have been thrown out!"

"Contact the army! I want cruisers! Aircraft carriers! Nuclear bombs!!"

"You didn't tell me to report! There's no time!"

"If the heavy equipment doesn't show up within five minutes, I'll expose all the wiretapping plans now!"

"By the way! I also have a video of the president and the international supermodel. If I don't send the aircraft carrier, I will let everyone see it. The old man has a heroic appearance with a endurance of half a minute!"

"Fake squid! Quick!"

Hendershot hung up the phone and immediately looked at Jiang Fan flatteringly:

"Dear Mr. Jiang, can you see it?"

"Good job."

"Ha! It's Hendershot's honor to serve you!"

Under the strong "call for help" of the lackey Hendershot, in less than five minutes, the unique roar of fighter jets sounded in the sky!

Citigroup's police force finally arrived late and began to evacuate the crowd at the airport.

But at this moment, a man with a small fork painted with white paint on his forehead suddenly screamed.

"You bastards! Do you know who you're dealing with?"

"That's the apostle God sent to save us!"

"The light he emits is so holy, it illuminates your filth!"

"Go and apologize to the apostles immediately! Immediately!"

If Jiang Fan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this guy was the preacher who delivered the gospel to Alex at the beginning of the movie.

However, the Citizen police were obviously impatient, and one of them smashed the fanatic with a backhand shot!

With the evacuation of the crowd, a heavy roar finally appeared in the distance.

At the same time, the ground near the airport began to tremble faintly.

Then, on the horizon in the distance, a dark wave finally slowly emerged.

As soon as he saw this wave, Jiang Fan suddenly showed his teeth when he smiled.

Although it was late at night, with his eyesight, he could clearly see that the wave was entirely composed of various heavy vehicles.

And among them, there are tanks and armored vehicles that he is thinking about!

There are not many tanks, only seven or eight, and more than 20 armored vehicles. In addition, there are two communication vehicles and an astonishing number of military heavy trucks!

It seems that the previous lessons have been learned. These vehicles stopped five hundred meters away from Jiang Fan, and then countless soldiers jumped off the heavy truck and began to build various fortifications.

In the sky, more and more fighter jets also began to form an attack formation, circling Jiang Fan constantly.

Even in the distant sea, a small destroyer actually appeared.

It seems that Jiang Fan's previous killing of the group of FBI has been grasped by senior Citizens.

"Mr. Jiang, are these enough?"

Hendershot looked at Jiang Fan in cold sweat.

To be honest, with such a team, he suddenly lost his mind to Jiang Fan.

After all, no matter how strong or perverted a person is, he is still a person after all.

However, Jiang Fan nodded:

"Not bad, although not too much, but not in a hurry."

The God of Death still doesn't know how long he has to prepare, and he is also idle during this period of time. Trying to score points is the king's way!

This time, without waiting for the other side to shout, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and pinched the sky out of thin air:



The five fighter jets in the sky that had just approached Jiang Fan, all the metal on the fuselage seemed to be attracted by a magnet for a moment, and suddenly squeezed desperately towards the very center!

And the broken fuel tank was ignited in the sparks of metal friction, and the entire plane was blown into a sky full of fireworks!

And the explosion of five fighter jets was just an appetizer.

The next moment, distant tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy trucks exploded one after another.

Even the snipers who survived the previous round were not spared. The firearms in their hands were uncontrollably disintegrated and shattered, and the exploding metal directly smashed them all into sieves!

Only the destroyer in the distance is safe and sound, but the captain of the destroyer has been frightened, let alone launching missiles to attack Jiang Fan, he just wants to run away now!

Hendershot has completely succumbed to Jiang Fan's obscenity. This time, without Jiang Fan's instructions, he took out his mobile phone and spoke in a heavy tone:

"it's me."

"I don't want to say more."

"Aircraft carrier! I want an aircraft carrier!"

"It's not one or two, it's all!"

"Gentlemen, we have reached the moment of life and death!"

"May God Bless Citi Nation!"

Hanging up the phone, Hendershot looked at Jiang Fan cautiously:

"Mr. Jiang, there is only one aircraft carrier nearby. It will take several days for the rest to come over."

"There are few aircraft carriers, but there should be a lot of battleships, destroyers, and cruisers, right?"

"Well, this, it seems... there are quite a few."


Jiang Fan laughed:

"You tell them that my attack power can only be maintained at a range of 1,000 meters. If I exceed this range, I will not be able to hit anyone. You can suggest that they mobilize all the combat ships to converge and then bomb me with a long-range!"

One by one, when will it be hit?

It's cool to be round!

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