God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2303: Death is here again!

The reason why Jiang Fan kept Hendershot is not a soft-hearted, but the system prompt said clearly—

Only fight back against the FBI to be rewarded!

And as long as it is called by Hendershot, all of them can be regarded as the armed forces of the FBI!

Jiang Fan was completely exploiting the loophole this time. Otherwise, based on past experience, those weapons and equipment might also be able to reveal causal points, but it is absolutely impossible for those Citizen soldiers to contribute causal points.

Jiang Fan was naturally unbearable in this situation. After all, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat!

One person at ten o'clock, kill 10,000 people, that's 100,000!

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, this is the unbreakable truth!

Hendershot did not live up to Jiang Fan's expectations. During his spitting phone call, Citigroup executives quickly learned of Jiang Fan's "secret"!

"Can't the attack exceed one thousand meters?"

"Ha! It turns out that the attack range of this monster is limited!"


"Hendershot! Well done! We'll definitely give you a promotion and a raise!"

The opposite side of the phone has been replaced by a big man.

Hang up the phone, the big man immediately began to give orders!

"Pull all the battle fleets to the nearby sea!"

"Give me a saturation blow to the airport!"

"What? What do you say about Hendershot?"

"Haha, isn't this the moment when he sacrificed himself for the great Citiland?"

"Gentlemen, this is his honor!"

"We must not deprive Mr. Hendershot of his devotion to his country!"

"Okay, shut up for me! Immediately dispatch all the fleets!"

When the sky turned pale, in the distant sea, the mighty Citi fleet finally assembled.

The sea is centered on a huge aircraft carrier that looks like a small sea at sea, surrounded by cruisers, destroyers, frigates, battleships, and all other battleships by name.

These warships are like ants, densely covering the entire sea area nearby!

On the warship, all the muzzles have been aimed at the airport.

Above the aircraft carrier, more than ten stealth fighter jets are also ready to go!

Under the sea, there are actually two nuclear-powered submarines!

The nuclear bomb on the submarine has been activated and is ready to be launched at any time!

Now, with just one order, the devastating blow to Jiang Fan will begin.

At this moment, Jiang Fan was lying in the empty waiting hall, watching TV and eating sausages.

What was playing on the TV was the news of the fleet's assembly.

No one could have imagined that Citigroup's very secret operations were followed by those pervasive reporters and broadcasted to thousands of households!

Hendershot looked at the TV with a dazed expression. All the preparations of the fleet were exposed to Jiang Fan. For a moment, he suddenly felt that the entire Citi Country was simply a base for idiots!

"Are you all there?"

Jiang Fan suddenly pointed at the TV screen and asked.

"Well... it should be, the nearby fleets should have been assembled here."

Hendershot answered honestly.

Jiang Fan stuffed the last sausage into his mouth and clapped his hands lightly:

"Then let's begin."

Hendershot was startled:

"Come on, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Watch TV, you'll know in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fan disappeared in front of Hendershot without a sound!


Jiang Fan appeared again, and he was already over the fleet!

Compared with the pictures on TV, seeing this huge fleet in person is undoubtedly more shocking.

However, for Jiang Fan, even if the fleet is ten times larger, it is only good-looking.

Looking quietly at the fleet below, Jiang Fan has slowly raised his arm.

But at this moment, a gust of breeze rose out of thin air, and then, in Jiang Fan's perception, the sky, which was densely covered with morning glow, seemed to be overshadowed by a layer of shadow.

Death is coming!

Jiang Fan frowned.

At the same time, among the nuclear submarines below.

The previous scene of Jiang Fan's destruction of the previous team had been sent back through the camera. Seeing such a scene, coupled with Hendershot's frantic call for help, everyone knew that they were facing a monster!

Although they did not believe that Jiang Fan could survive the next fleet missile attack, they still activated the nuclear bomb as instructed.

Now that the key has been inserted into the keyhole, it only takes two soldiers responsible for the launch, turn the key at the same time, press the launch button, the nuclear bomb will be activated, and the airport will be completely razed to the ground!

It was the first time for the two soldiers to undertake such a task. In order to keep their spirits up, a large cup of coffee was placed on the workbench.

"Don't be nervous, boys, no matter how powerful that monster is, if a round of missiles passes by, he will become scum!"

The commander of the fleet opened his mouth with a smile.

"Okay, sir!"

The two forced a smile.

But at this moment, a green dot suddenly appeared on the submarine radar.

"Huh? What is that? Observer!"

The commander frowned.

The observer quickly said:

"Sir, it's a whale! The other party should just be curious about the appearance of our submarine."

The commander waved his hand:

"Get rid of it!"


A launch bay in the submarine suddenly opened, and then a small sonar bomb was dropped directly.

The swimming whale is about ten meters long. For other fish, this is already a giant, but for a group like the blue whale, he is just a little guy.

The teenager apparently discovered the small "fruit" of the sonar bomb, and he swam over curiously, wanting to take a closer look.

Just the next moment!



The harsh noise made the little guy tremble all over, and suddenly let out a scream!

The crowd on the submarine laughed as they watched.

And at this moment, a breeze suddenly appeared for no reason.

The breeze was blowing, picking up a few wisps of dust on the ground.

Dust drifted and was sucked in by the two soldiers firing missiles.


The two sneezed loudly at the same time, and their wrists shook!


With their shaking hands, they turned the key directly!

The two of them turned pale in an instant!

And the commander was stunned!


The commander suddenly let out a low growl!

But before he could finish speaking, the entire submarine shook suddenly!

It was the sonar bomb just now, which angered the blue whale, and the little guy hit the submarine like crazy!

At the same time as the submarine was shaking, the cup of coffee shook suddenly in front of the workbench, and then suddenly fell, hitting the launch button heavily!

At this moment, whether the commander or a group of soldiers, all opened their mouths wide and looked at the workbench in horror.

However, they haven't waited for the first thought to pop out of their minds!


Suddenly, there was a harsh sound on the workbench.

Immediately afterwards, the submarine swayed slightly, the ejection chamber suddenly opened, and a nuclear bomb with a length of more than three meters, already carrying a thick white smoke, rose into the sky!

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