God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2344: More ecstasy than this!


The woman's laughter was eerie and looming, making everyone feel a chill down their spines.

Arthur frowned and suddenly looked at a desert fox mercenary:

"You, go and see!"

The mercenary's expression changed.

The vegetation in this place looks similar to the earth, but it is completely different. It is obviously a different evolutionary system, and the laughter is so strange. If it is not good, there is some danger. To let him explore the road is obviously to let him die!

If it was in the past, it would be fine. What they did was a business of licking blood with a knife, but seeing the hearts of those sacrificed, and then working for such people, it is a shame!

The mercenary glanced at the three-eyed fox, and the three-eyed fox shook his head without a trace, and glanced at Jiang Fan lightly.

The mercenary was stunned, and he didn't move for a while, but turned his head to look elsewhere, as if he was looking at the scenery.

Seeing that these people were not obeying orders, Arthur's face suddenly changed, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent!

However, before he could do anything, Jiang Fan suddenly said:

"I'll go!"

As he walked towards the broken wall, he whispered to himself in a mocking tone:

"Tsk tsk, the descendants of the dignified King Arthur don't even have the courage to take the initiative to look at them, they are really cowardly! Hehe, if King Arthur and his old man see this, I don't know if they will be angry and scattered? The younger generation is incompetent. , I am ashamed of my ancestors..."

Although this is a self-talk, but it is so that everyone can hear it clearly!

Arthur's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly roared:

"Jiang Fan! You are presumptuous!"


Jiang Fan paused and turned to look at Arthur innocently:

"Master Arthur, what's wrong?"

Arthur stared at Jiang Fan, suddenly raised his foot, and reached the broken wall in one step, and suddenly looked down.

Galahad's expression changed, and he hurriedly followed.

But unexpectedly, after the wall was broken, there was nothing.

And right now.


Laughter suddenly sounded from behind a large tree nearby.

Arthur moved again and suddenly appeared beside the big tree, but as before, there was still nothing.

And this time, laughter suddenly sounded from above Arthur's head.

Arthur raised his head suddenly, but there was still nothing.

Arthur's eyes twitched, and a layer of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

What the **** is that?

Even if it is an evil spirit, you should always feel something, why does this thing have no breath?

Galahad's face was also hard to look at.

It is normal for Arthur to not find it, but he himself has not found the source of the sound. What is going on?

The expressions of the rest of the people also changed, and they were involuntarily alert.

Isn't this Avalon?

How can there be such a strange thing in the Holy Land where King Arthur was buried?

On the contrary, Jiang Fan sighed helplessly, and suddenly strode to Arthur's side, and then, he slapped the tree trunk beside Arthur with a slap!

Seeing Jiang Fan's move, everyone was stunned.

But then!


A scream suddenly sounded from Jiang Fan's palm!

But as Jiang Fan retracted his hand, everyone just felt absurd.

On Jiang Fan's palm, a beetle about the size of a grasshopper, with almost the same color and bark, was struggling desperately!

This thing is obviously different from the beetles on the earth. Not only is the body slender, but the position of the mouth is the same as that of a mosquito. It is a long mouthpart, and the lower body is full of tiny legs.

And along with the struggle, the air holes in its abdomen continue to make "squeak" or "hee hee" sounds.

That eerie and eerie laughter came from this thing at all!

Everyone is preconceived, thinking that they have encountered something strange, which is why they ignore the existence of normal creatures!

Arthur looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded:

"You, how did you find out?"

"Oh, I've heard the screams of female ghosts many times. It's more ecstatic than this, so I know it's fake as soon as I hear it."

With a flick of Jiang Fan's finger, the beetle suddenly exploded into a piece of flying ash, and the surrounding insects seemed to feel the danger, but there was no sound at all.

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with admiration.

Finding the cause of the sound in such a short time is not as simple as Jiang Fan said. It not only requires extraordinary observation, but also requires an unusually calm heart.

On the other hand, Arthur's face was extremely ugly.

Even though he now has an overwhelming advantage over Jiang Fan in terms of strength, he still looks like a child in front of him!

The difference between the two is not only in strength, but also in mind.

However, Jiang Fan frowned and looked at the arch.

It's been five minutes since he entered here, but Merlin hasn't come in yet, what the **** is this old guy doing?

Fortunately, the wait didn't last too long. After about two minutes, Merlin finally stepped into the land for the last time.

Just seeing the scene around him clearly, he was stunned for a moment.

And Arthur has strode towards Merlin:

"Teacher, this place doesn't seem to be the same as the Avalon in the records."

Merlin frowned and looked around, hesitantly said:

"In those days, King Arthur brought the strong family members into Avalon, and he didn't leave much news, and he never came back, so we only knew little about the news inside Avalon, and most of them could only rely on guesswork. , then some discrepancies are normal.”

He suddenly smiled:

"My king, there is a saying in Huaxia, saying that when you come, you will be safe, don't waste time on these details, or find the sword in the stone as soon as possible, that is the key!"

Arthur raised his eyebrows and nodded immediately:

"What the teacher said is."

He took a deep breath and slowly pulled out the broken sword in stone from his waist.

As soon as the broken sword was unsheathed, it emitted a soft light without Arthur's urging.

And when Arthur pointed the long sword in the southeast direction, the light was obviously brighter.

Arthur was refreshed, and his face was full of excitement:

"The sword in the stone is indeed here! It's over there!"

The rest of the Arthur family are also excited!

"Very good!"

"Once the sword in the stone is completed, who else in the world can stop our family!"

"My king is indeed the son of destiny, destined to lead our Arthur family to recreate glory!"

"Congratulations to my king! Achievement of hegemony, right now!"

A group of people laughed.

But no one noticed, the one who laughed the happiest was Jiang Fan!

Arthur suddenly stretched out his hand:

"Direction southeast, go!"


Arthur took the lead, and a group of people immediately headed for the southeast of the rainforest.

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