Originally, according to Merlin's intention, Jiang Fan, this bastard, took the lead.

However, Jiang Fan's broken mouth once again said something like "timid as a mouse". Arthur was arrogant and arrogant. He couldn't stand this kind of stimulation, and he rushed forward regardless.

Merlin hated Jiang Fan to death and didn't care about Arthur, but followed Jiang Fan, who was behind Arthur, to death, for fear that something would happen to this guy.

As everyone continued to move forward, the various types of vegetation in the rain forest gradually became richer. In addition to green leafy plants, there were also purple and blue ones, and the shapes of these plants became more and more strange.

For example, a vine that was just blocking the front of the crowd, after Arthur waved his hand and cut it off, the inside of the thing was filled with light blue liquid, and the vine quickly withered as the liquid flowed.

Not far away, there is a tree that resembles a spider web. There is no leaf on it, and there is a layer of light oil on the bare branches. Then it gradually melted, and the sap was immediately absorbed by the branches.

In addition, the animals here are also very strange. One of the herbivorous animals is about the size of a goat, but on both sides of its abdomen, it is actually covered with a row of fine pores.

Seeing everyone coming, the air hole in its abdomen suddenly spewed out a violent airflow, and then it actually used the power of the airflow to keep jumping on the branches of the tree, and flew away.

And after walking for a few miles, everyone finally discovered the first predator creature.

This thing is similar in size to a Siamese cat, with an unusually huge abdomen, four transparent thin wings on its chest, three pairs of compound eyes on its head, and a huge mouth, with two sharp fangs in it.

It was squatting on the branch of a tree at this moment, and its two mantis-like front legs were holding the prey deadly.

Its prey was a fist-sized, furry, eyeless mammal with unusually large ears, which struggled desperately under the feet of a predator.

However, the Predator's foot knife used force, and it actually made a crisp sound, directly pinching off its spine!

Immediately afterwards, the predator opened its mouth and ate the mammal in less than half a minute.

After eating this animal, the predator stuck out its tongue and licked its mouth, the thin wings behind it shook, and immediately flew away like lightning.

Merlin's frown deepened.


So abnormal.

Even if it is a legend, there are traces to follow.

But this place has nothing to do with the legendary Avalon!

Rather than saying that this is Avalon, it is better to say that it is another world!

However, the induction of the sword in the stone is not wrong, and the other half of the sword in the stone must be here!

And the position of the sword in the half of the stone must be Avalon!

Strange, how could this be?

So contradictory!

Merlin was puzzled, but suddenly and inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Fan's unusually flat eyes.

He was suddenly moved.

Everyone else looked curious or surprised, even Galahad and the others. How could Jiang Fan be so calm?

He was about to ask questions, but at this moment, Kai, who was following Arthur's side, suddenly sniffed, and then immediately said indifferently:

"It doesn't taste right!"

Hearing Kai's words, the rest of the people suddenly showed nervous expressions.

Although this rainforest is a little weird, with a faint smell of decaying soil and trees, the air quality is good, and there is no peculiar smell.

But everything that I saw along the way was full of strangeness.

More importantly, I don't know how, the more time I entered this world, the more uneasy everyone felt.

In fact, by now, everyone has begun to doubt, where the **** is this place.

The three strange moons in the sky were not only seen by Jiang Fan himself.

Kai is the top assassin with a very keen sense of smell. After saying this, he sniffed again and immediately came under a tree.

The tree was about one meter high, and there was a hint of dampness. Kai touched it with his fingers, put it under his nose and smelled it, and then his eyes suddenly changed slightly.

He walked up to Arthur:

"My king, that should be the urine of some kind of predator. It is used to delineate the territory. We should have broken into the territory of a hunter."

When Kai said these words, his eyes were full of solemnity.

In this unfamiliar environment, everything is unknown, and any caution is not excessive. No matter how confident he is in his own strength, he must prevent any danger that may occur!

Arthur nodded and suddenly said aloud:

"Be careful and hurry up."

He is arrogant, but not a fool. Even though Avalon is really guarded by the gods, those beasts don't care about their noble status.

What's more, just like everyone else, the longer he entered this world, the more uneasy he felt, as if there were a pair of eyes, always staring at him.

In today's time, the fastest way to find the other half of the sword in the stone is the business!

When Arthur spoke, the speed of the group of people increased significantly. In just a few minutes, they had already traveled seven or eight miles.

However, at this moment, Galahad's face changed, and he suddenly looked to the right side of the team!

The others followed his gaze, and suddenly found a lavender eye vaguely appearing on a leafy branch.

Lancelot raised his hand and hit him with a grudge!


With a loud noise, the trees were blown to pieces, and a beast the size of a leopard jumped up nimbly and fell to the ground lightly.

This beast has a perfectly streamlined body, covered with scales, and a row of sharp bone spurs on its back. Its head is about the size of an ordinary wolf, but there are three eyes on its forehead, one of which is in front and two of them. Do not divide it on the left and right sides of the head.

Below the eyes is a huge mouth with three layers of sharp teeth.

Although it also has limbs on its lower body, there are actually two more sharp limbs at the scapula position, and a tail with a poisonous sac behind it.

As soon as the beast landed, it immediately let out an angry roar at Lancelot.

It is not big, but the roar is deafening, shaking the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees.

Lancelot chuckled, and suddenly raised his hand, and another grudge blasted over!

Compared to the slow douqi just now, this one is as fast as lightning. Before the beast could react, it was slammed straight!

Immediately afterwards, its entire body was thrown into the air, and a shrill whine burst out.

The fighting spirit of a nineteenth-level extreme powerhouse, even if it is just a casual blow, is definitely not something that such a beast can withstand.


The beast hit the ground hard.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, it shook its head and stood up again.

And where it was hit by Dou Qi, the scales were still intact!

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